Afraid of the virus? You shouldn't have left the womb!
The reaction of a free doctor to the daibolic, discriminatory and liberticidal vaccination pass.
Are our children guinea pigs?
Children are more likely to win the lottery than die from Covid. So why burden them with the unnecessary risk of injecting experimental substances? The opinion of a free doctor who defends children in the face of a scandal that will be worse than the contaminated blood and asbestos scandals combined. Share this video with as many people as possible if you want to protect your children, and those of others, from the madness of adults.
Autoimmune diseases
True causes of autoimmune diseases. More natural and effective treatment of autoimmune diseases
A mother defends her children against compulsory pass vaccination
Exemplary letter showing the courage of mothers when it comes to defending their children against genetic experimentation (the so-called Covid vaccines). The error written and addressed to the 9 members of the Constitutional Council who must examine the constitutionality of the health pass law. You can use it as inspiration to write to them before August 5, but also to write to your deputy, your mayor, your senator, your prefect.
The Pass of Shame
Faced with the Health Pass, the Pass of shame, what should we do? Should we vaccinate? How can we defend our freedoms in the face of this health apartheid?
Your iris, a unique work of art for getting to know you better
At your first consultation in San Sebastian, Dr. Trotta will use a specialized device to show you your irises on a large screen and comment on everything we can learn about you from examining them. Getting to know you better is our motto. Naturally.
Down with the masks!
Dr Trotta's plea for mask-free breathing. Let's put an end to this charade. Preface to the book by Jean-Loup Izambert and Claude Janvier, published in early 2021.
This book could very well have been entitled "Le virus EST le Président" (The virus IS the President), so absurd is the treatment of this virus by Dr Folamour at the Elysée Palace that France will die, far more than this virus, whose mortality rate is a ridiculous 0.04%.
Consulting and dining out - it's possible!
While bars and restaurants have been banned in France since October 2020 (who would have imagined?), they're open here in the Basque country, less than 30km from home in Spain. Truth within the Pyrenees, error beyond. This maxim has never been truer. Analysis of the Absurdistan that France has become under the viral coup d'état of the Macronavirus.
The masquerade of masks
Wearing a mask when you're in good health makes no sense. It's counter-productive. It doesn't slow down the epidemic. You should only wear a mask if you're a caregiver facing an infectious risk in hospital. This article demonstrates the uselessness of masks for the general public - a real charade. They are disposable, polluting (polypropylene), expensive if you have to change them every 2 hours, ineffective, and cause numerous side-effects (II).
Let our children breathe freely!
Forcing children over 6 to wear masks all day at school is physical and psychological abuse. We must defend our children and not obey inhuman orders that will not save any lives but will leave immense psycho-affective after-effects on the weakest among us, the children.