Confining or disobeying?

Confining or disobeying?

This is the crucial choice facing us in Nov 2020 after the announcements of the curfew and then the 2nd confinement, measures that will kill our economy and ruin a large part of the French population.

1/ Turn off your TV, turn on your brain!

It’s really the first thing to do to get out of this virus of fear.

Because the trap is almost perfect. Because of an influenza virus that didn’t increase overall mortality in France and worldwide in 2020 compared with 2019, we were confined to our homes for 55 days in March-April, in front of our TV sets that hammered home the death toll every day. TV doctors, ” doctors count death ” (Dr. Salomon in particular) spent their days counting the dead in intensive care centers, and we saw indecent looped images of people being intubated and ventilated. Enough to scare even the most unconscious and courageous of men. These morbid images were designed to spread the virus of fear, which is far more contagious than the Covid virus.

We’ve even seen TV ads showing a family celebrating the grandmother’s birthday, and 3 days later the grandmother was shown in a reanimation bed: the subliminal message was: you grandchildren can sow death by visiting your grandparents. Shame on you! This is Goeebels-style propaganda, unworthy of a regime that claims to be democratic.

At the Nuremberg Trials, Nazi Göring was asked: ” but how did you get the Germans to follow you in your madness? ” and he replied:  ” it’s not difficult, any regime can do it, you just have to instill fear in the minds of the people and then they’re ready to do anything ” Well, here we are.

You don’t need a vaccine against the virus, you need a vaccine against television and the media of fear: for that, turn off your TV and turn on your brain!

 We’re governed by a bunch of sad sires, the Robespierres of health care, who are in the process of establishing what will later be referred to in history books as ” La Terreur sanitaire “. The Conseil de Défense has replaced the Comité de Salut Public, in the same vein and with the same aim: to establish terror and tyrannical government.  

Stay home to save lives!!! Message played over and over to enforce the 1st confinement

We need to get out and live, and not remain confined to the places where viruses are most easily transmitted. This message is at the root of the delay in collective immunization of the population and is responsible for the economic collapse. The French have understood this, and those who have to work for a living and want to get out and about to stay healthy are refusing to stay at home and disobeying this counter-productive order.  

2/ ” They ruin our lives by trying to save it ”

That’s what patients told me recently this week after the announcement of a second lockdown.

Since 2005, we’ve been in a permanent state of emergency, either due to Islamist terrorism or viral terrorism. I use the word “terrorism” advisedly, because since the outbreak of this famous virus last December, almost a year ago, our leaders and their journalists have done nothing but terrorize us by instilling the virus of fear and constantly extending a state of emergency that seems set to go on ad infinitum, since it has just been extended until February, which means that the lockdown won’t stop after Christmas.

3/ Are we going to be confined to infinity?…or Cons-finite in fine?

Are we going to obey ad infinitum, or are we going to take a leap of faith to disobey and free ourselves from this tyranny?

Do you want to end up ruined and in chains, or do you want to live with dignity and freedom?

This is the terrible dilemma facing us in Nov 2020.

With common sense, we can all see that last spring’s harsh 55-day containment was useless, since it only delayed the spread of the virus until autumn 2020, with higher contagiousness and lower mortality. This harsh confinement has affected many businesses and threatened entire sectors of our economy, starting with tourism, culture and sport. For 55 days, it prevented all religious practices, which is unprecedented in our country’s history, even though freedom of worship is an inherent human right.

Just before this 2nd confinement, a curfew was put in place in the same progressive way to avoid any revolt. But did you see German boots in Paris and Biarritz when this curfew was in place? no. It was under the Vichy regime that curfews were installed for the last time in France, apart from the brief episode of the Algerian war. It’s inadmissible and nobody is waking up, or very little.

I remind you that ” evil progresses through the inaction of good people “. So is no longer the time to remain inactive, confined and passive at home. We must rise up peacefully but firmly.

These anti-social and anti-economic measures are now being repeated in autumn, with the same 15-day confinement technique. ” Don’t worry, it’s only for 15 days ” but from 15 days to 15 days, if we follow the stupid or cynical logic of our rulers, this containment could last forever, since viruses and bacteria outnumber human beings as they are part of our existence.

This second lockdown, I assure you, will last not just 15 days, but at least until Christmas, and will be repeated this winter, since the definition of a flu virus is to spread from October to April. Are you prepared, if you submit to a long confinement, to be repeated later with other restrictive measures such as curfews until the viruses disappear or Humanity disappears?  

4/ France will die cured!

This very bad remedy of confinement organized by our rulers is worse than the evil. As we say in medicine, ” the sick will die cured “. France may be cured of the virus, but it will die economically.

We are at a crucial moment in the history of our country, and in the history of the world.

For the first time in human history, global and restrictive measures against fundamental human freedoms are being taken by governments at the behest of a new sanitary and tyrannical world order. We no longer live in a democracy since we can no longer go out freely without signing a ” Ausweiss ” since we can no longer go out without breathing clean air, without a mask, since we can no longer go out for a meal or a drink whenever we want, travel as we please, get married, attend the funerals of our parents to grandparents etc. etc. etc. etc.

Very gradually and insidiously,  our freedoms are gradually being taken away. And all for our own good, for our own health… you bet.

So we’re no longer in a democracy, but in a health tyranny, a democratic tyranny.

Confining or disobeying – that’s the choice facing us French and all human beings on the planet in these hours reminiscent of the collapse of France in 1940, which will come soon if we continue to obey tyrannical orders.

5 / “Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state becomes outlawed or corrupt.”

said Gandhi

The State has been outlawed since the Lisbon Treaty of 2007, which simply sat on the no vote in the 2005 referendum on the European Union.

The State is corrupt, since it bases its decisions on a scientific council that is totally in the hands of the pharmaceutical industry, a council that is behind all the measures to suppress our fundamental freedoms.

Civil disobedience is therefore a sacred duty for all of us if we want to put an end to this health tyranny, which is only going to get worse.



6/ How to disobey?

All you have to do is live freely.

It’s not very complicated.

First of all, don’t self-confine. A lot of people self-confine as soon as they see the first scare on TV, because they’ve been told not to leave the house, but that’s not true. You can go on living as normal.

If you register with reaction19, a group of lawyers who can rearm you legally, you can contest fines that are illegal, and you can go out without a mask and move around freely.

Defend your small shops, your bars, your restaurants, your bookshops, your sports halls, your theaters, your florists, your clothing stores, your evenings out with friends, your way of life, your family reunions, your political meetings, your worship services, your weddings, the burial of a loved one as a family with friends and not in a small, restricted group of 10 people, refuse to obey tyrannical orders.

The more of us become aware of this, and the more we continue to live our normal lives, the less power they’ll have over us. They’re not going to put the whole of France in prison! nor are they going to fine everyone.

Go to work to defend your job, your work, your company. Because if you don’t, at this rate of perpetual confinement you’re going to lose everything, and then you’ll be dependent on the Universal Basic Income that this new Order wants to introduce. You will then be dependent on the one who feeds you, whereas until now you lived freely from your work. Don’t listen to the propaganda that tells you “metro-boulot-dodo”  “tarvail-dodo-travail” and that forbids you all the joys and rewards of your hard work: going out with friends, good little restaurants, shows, vacations… go surfing, go to the forest, to the mountains. Relax and recharge your batteries.  

Keep getting together to talk about what’s happening right in front of your eyes. Refuse the 5G antennas that will control you.  

Because the French are no fools, and can see that Sweden, which did not confine, had as many deaths in fine as France, which confined a first time and is confining a second time. In France, we’ll have both the deaths from coronavirus and the deaths from economic ruin and bankruptcy, and that will be far more serious.

The second wave will be a second wave of economic bankruptcy and ruin for many French people if we don’t react.

The argument for the second lockdown is that there aren’t enough resuscitation beds. But what have they done since the first catastrophic lockdown?

While there were only 5,500 intensive care beds in March, which justified the confinement (the low number of intensive care beds being due to the neoliberal policies of the European Union, which considers healthcare to be superfluous and too expensive), France finds itself in the autumn with the same number of intensive care beds, even though they had promised 12,000. What lies! Yet this is the main argument that justifies your widespread imprisonment and the closure of our local economic fabric.

7/ The politics of a great country are not made in bed at the foot of the intensive care unit.

De Gaulle once said: ” La politique ne se fait pas à la corbeille “. What he meant was that the politics of a great country are not based on stock market interests or special interests. We can’t decide the future and the lives of the French people on the basis of how many people die in hospital. If we do, our freedoms and our democracy are over.

I’d like to reply to those cold-blooded people who are afraid of everything:

“If you’re afraid of the virus, you shouldn’t have left the womb! “

Life is a risk. Coluche said: ” Life is a fatal disease….sexually transmitted! ” We have to accept the risks of life, and viruses and bacteria are part of that.  

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Also read

In the face of fear, spread joy and hope!

A message of hope in the face of fear of war, viruses and death. A message from a free doctor

Afraid of the virus? You shouldn't have left the womb!

The reaction of a free doctor to the daibolic, discriminatory and liberticidal vaccination pass.