The remedy of containment will be far worse than the coronavirus in terms of bankruptcies, suicides, depression, anxiety-inducing stress and loss of freedoms of all kinds.
This article is regularly updated by Dr. Trotta, who keeps you up to date with the latest scientific news and information, which suggests that, if politicians don’t put the brakes on doctors, we’re not far off curing infected patients and thus rapidly putting an end to this infection.
A simple photo being worth a thousand explanations, as a former cooperating doctor in Yemen where my wife Isabelle and I spent 2 magnificent years in 1990-1991, I can’t remain unmoved by the tragedy these people are experiencing as a result of the crimes against humanity committed by the Saudi planes who are bombing with weapons sold by Hollande and Macron to Saudi Arabia, and who are organizing a blockade of Yemen’s ports, starving this courageous people who are resisting Western technology and crazy oil money. Barefoot and armed with Kalashnikovs, the “Afghans of the Arabian Peninsula” will be for Saudi Arabia and the corrupt Western rulers who support them what Afghanistan was for the USSR: the beginning of the end and their downfall.
This figure puibled by Le Figaro on Nov 21, 2018 is dizzying and nauseating: 85,000 children have died in this dirty war where cowards bomb and starve defenseless civilians.
And for less than 500 dead Frenchmen, Macron is putting you all in jail at home! The dream of every dictator – to control his population through fear and put them in prison at home – Macron has done it with this virus. He and all his accomplices in this crime against humanity in Yemen will have to go to jail, and we’ll have to get out of our homes, regain our fundamental freedom and judge those who have failed in their duties.
The coronavirus has one merit: we’re witnessing the direct death of unbridled globalization and the over-financialization of the economy. But how many craftsmen, shopkeepers and self-employed people are going to suffer as a result of this sudden halt to the economy, when as you’ll see in this article, there are other ways of doing things.
The remedy of generalized confinement to quell the epidemic will be far worse than the disease: how many will die of isolation, of phlebitis because they won’t be able to walk, how many will die alone because they won’t be visited, especially the elderly, prisoners, the disabled…?
How many suicides through bankruptcy? …etc …
Could this covid-19 be an opportunity for those who govern us, by not giving doctors the necessary means to diagnose and treat properly, to make the elderly, who are the main drain on the social security deficit, die? It’s cynical, but we’ve heard so much about the social security hole, we’ve heard so much about how expensive pensioners are, just look at the recent reform against working- and middle-class pensioners, which was rammed through in the face of opposition from the little people who have clearly understood that they are useless to this inhuman economic system, which prefers robots and artificial intelligence to them.
In the face of the panic that the media have been deliberately whipping up over the last 3 weeks, with alarmist information circulating on a loop to condition your brains to fear and obedience, here’s information from a free doctor who continues to use his rational left brain to propose effective natural and economical solutions to prevent and cure this infection.
It should be remembered that this recent 2019 coronavirus (or covid-19) belongs to the group of “crown” viruses that affect both animals and humans, causing respiratory infections (colds and pneumonia) in birds and humans, and intestinal infections (diarrhea) in pigs and cows.
It is estimated that 15% of people can be infected. Mortality from classic influenza fluctuates between 2% and 8%, with the general public indifferent. In France, for example, between 2,000 and 20,000 people have died from the classic flu (in 2015), despite massive vaccination campaigns, which have proved ineffective in reducing mortality.
In France, the official figures given by www.santé are :
– as of March 24, 2020, 22,000 confirmed cases and 1,100 deaths, i.e. out of 60 million French people: 0.0002%, which is ridiculously low compared to the media noise it makes.
Worldwide, 378,000 confirmed cases and 16,000 deaths: do the math on a population of 7 billion. This is a drop in the ocean of global mortality, where many more people die of hunger and conflict as a result of the West’s wars for oil. Let’s not forget that the colonialist wars (find out for yourself) waged by NATO in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya have resulted in several million deaths: who’s telling you about them these days on TV and radio?
The WHO says it’s very serious, that as many of the world’s citizens as possible must be confined and imprisoned, and that chloroquine is unsafe (!!!!). Is this a joke? And the docile States apply these measures of collective coercion; I ask the right question: has the WHO become the famous “world government” that our so-called elites have been calling for for the last thirty years? Where have your freedoms gone since the excessive media coverage of this coronavirus? For 100,000 times fewer deaths than the global death toll. For your safety, we’re going to deprive you of your freedoms. But rest assured, it’s only for your own good.
This coronavirus is freedom being murdered before our very eyes.
The maximum mortality rate of this virus is 1%: in an ultra-confined environment, the liner Diamond Princess, which was blocked in a quarantine zone for 20 days by Japan, and in which the virus had time to infect 696 of the 500 passengers, caused only 7 deaths, i.e. 1% of those infected. So it’s not as serious as all that, and it’s less than the classic flu.
Many doctors also point out that most of the patients who died were already very ill with severe cardio-respiratory ailments, and that some did not die from the coronavirus per se, but that the tests carried out revealed the coronavirus. So it’s a question of co-morbidity rather than cause and effect in a number of cases.
All these figures should put into perspective the demented and alarmist information heard on television and in the government media.
By comparison, mortality figures in France since 01/01/2020, i.e. shortly before the start of this epidemic, are: cancers 30,000 deaths, cardiovascular 28,000, domestic accidents 6,000, classic influenza 2,000.
Infection with this covid-19 in the middle of an epidemic on March 20: 450 deaths, which we deplore, but 30,000 deaths from cancer or 2,000 from influenza. And hunger claims 25,000 lives a day worldwide: who cares? Malaria: 500,000 deaths / year, mostly poor people and no vaccine available, so it doesn’t move the leaders and BigPharma who prefer to scare you for 500 deaths and then impose a very, very profitable vaccine…
And you’ve all been locked up at home for 450 deaths! Is this a joke? We’ve never seen decisions so contrary to the fundamental freedoms of movement, life and work. The virus has a good back.
In short, for your health, we’re depriving you of your freedom. The French Republic, which sets itself up as a model of virtue to the whole world, is seeing its motto “Liberté-Egalté-Fraternité” transformed into “Confiné-Contrôlé-Taxé”. Because if you go out without your pass, you’re liable to a fine of at least 135€, which is set to rise to 1500€ for recalcitrant offenders (is that the price of freedom?).
You’d think you were back under the German occupation, when the French had to show their Ausweiss to get around. Remember all the films about that time with the famous, guttural“Ausweiss bitte! Who would have believed it just 15 days ago?
Macron, the Gauleiter of Big Paris and our sweet France of refractory Gauls (and proud to be, which we’ll have to be more and more to defend our freedoms) has “mutated” LAREM (La Republique En Marche) into LADEM: La Dictature En Marche.
The detractors of freedom will say: “Most countries do this, look at Italy, Spain…..but you’re crazy to go out or protest against these measures, you’re going to spread the virus, be responsible for increasing the epidemic and be the cause of many, many deaths…..and the list goes on).
It’s a veritable inversion of blame and guilt on the part of the innocent: because the truth is becoming cruder by the day.
Former health minister Agnès Buzyn, whom I refer to as Agnès Vaccin, did everything in her power to ensure that 800,000 innocent infants with immature systems received not 3 but 11 vaccines packed with aluminum, a neurotoxicant, a poison for the fresh brains of these little ones, who thus receive 100 times the toxic dose of aluminum (cf. the work of Professor Fourtillan, an expert in the field whom the Macronian system tried to silence by sending a squad of gendarmes to his home….), well, this lady, whom I can’t call a colleague or colleague because she and her accomplices in the pharmaceutical companies and the government are behind a crime against immunity, a crime against humanity (the future health scandal that will explode and cause a political and medical tsunami will be that of aluminum-filled vaccines), well, this former health minister said in Le Monde on March 17, 2020 that she had known since January 30 that this epidemic was coming to France. And what did she do? Nothing, nada. And so, in the midst of an epidemic, healthcare professionals and doctors are lacking everything they need: gloves, masks, hydro-alcoholic gel, diagnostic tests and effective medicines. We must therefore judge and condemn this serious failure to comply with the basic principle that doctors have an obligation to provide the means they are denied due to the crass incompetence of those who govern them, or simply cynicism?
Remember that while we’re harping on about the Coronavirus, we’re forgetting about the recent shameful 49/3, which will undemocratically rob the French of their future pensions, and that the happy liberal globalization we’ve been sold for the past 30 years means that we’re now dependent on the Chinese for the manufacture of all our medicines, which is unacceptable, because with the China factory at a standstill, we’re at risk of drug shortages.
An old proverb says “When the wise man points to the moon with his finger, the misguided man looks at the finger…. “
At the moment, a lot of misguided people only have eyes for the Coronavirus, which is running on a loop on all TV and radio channels. The Coronavirus is the wise man’s finger. The moon is everything you don’t see if you only look at the finger, if you only look at the coronavirus, which is the tree that hides the forest.
What is this forest of decisions that are made when we are obsessed by the collective hypnosis of the Coronavirus, which, like the snake Kaa, hypnotizes Mowgli into doing what it wants.
The forest is all these decisions aimed at depriving us of our freedoms, to move around, to work, to leave our homes, these passes that are imposed on us to fill, perhaps for the shortest possible time, I hope, but which are inadmissible for a democracy, it’s all these decisions that are aimed at depriving us of our freedoms, to move around, to work, to leave our homes, these passes that are imposed on us to fill, perhaps for the shortest possible time, I hope, but which are inadmissible for a democracy. electronic tracking that’s coming, it’s toxic mass vaccination with the ensuing risk of microchipping to monitor people who are becoming more and more recalcitrant to these increasingly powerful oligarchic powers who, seeing the springtime of the people and their end in sight, are bringing out the weapon of mass destruction: the viral coup d’état, generalized mass surveillance and vaccination with toxic aluminum to weaken these people who are still too Gallic and not sheep-like enough.
Since March 24, the media have been suggesting that the 35-hour week and paid vacations could be called into question… opinion is being tested… French men and women, you’re forbidden to go out when the weather’s fine and oxygenating yourself, walking in the sun which gives us Vitamin D is precisely what we need to do to stay healthy, so you’re going to stay cooped up at home and take your vacations during this period… You bet! Be good citizens, and protect the companies that we lackey governments have jeopardized by our medieval decision to confine everyone to their homes. It’s like blaming the victims of freedom’s holocaust!
The measures taken on March 23 and announced by our prime minister Philippe le Pétainiste (these decisions hark back to the worst hours of our history, when the French, under foreign domination, as is the case today, also lost their freedom) are quite simply aberrant, given that chloroquine is an old drug that has been on the market for 70 years and has proven its effectiveness in negating the viral load after six days, with no side-effects (no side-effects for such short durations), the government decided to carry out a large-scale trial to ensure that this drug and others (antivirals undergoing trials, on the starting blocks for market launch with colossal capital gains in sight), were really effective….sic….
It’s as if during the recent Notre-Dame fire the government said, “We have a great fire hose that will put out this fire …but we’d rather test others and see if the one we have actually works, and so we wait a week to 15 days before we can use them to put out the fire”!!!!
I hope the French don’t fall for lies as big as these.
May this simple virus restore the balance between nations and peoples, and between rulers and their people.
March 23, 2020
Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at Paris Hospitals,
Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country
Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta
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– Tel RV: 05 54 54 44 43
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In the face of fear, spread joy and hope!
Afraid of the virus? You shouldn't have left the womb!