Haemorrhoids can be extremely painful, very difficult to treat and lead to a very painful, but avoidable, operation.
What’s more, they always indicate a malfunction of your intestine and liver, the 2 pillars of your health. Neglecting them means risking much more serious illnesses…
Here are some useful tips.
Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the anus.
They are small blood-filled venous sacs that bleed when stool is expelled. This is often noticed because the toilet paper is stained with blood. At first, you feel a tingling sensation in the anus, then, if you don’t take care of it or don’t take care of it properly, you feel increasingly severe pain, until you reach the famous hemorrhoidal crisis, when the pain is often excruciating. This crisis often corresponds to a blood clot that has stagnated too long in the dilated venous sac.
What causes haemorrhoids, Doctor?
They are caused by blood stagnation in the venous network of the liver and intestine.
Hemorrhoids result from congestion of the digestive system and liver, caused by nutritional errors.
What are the causes of hemorrhoids, doctor?
Well, it’s everything that intoxicates and overloads the liver.
The liver is overloaded by: sweets, sugar, sodas, cakes, and alcohol.
It is drained and stimulated by bitter foods such as artichokes, black radish and dandelion.
The liver is the intestine’s filter: for the intestine’s engine to breathe and function properly, its filter must be clear. Regular liver drainage cures are therefore essential to clear the liver.
Hemorrhoids occur as a result of excessive sugar or alcohol consumption, or failure to rest the liver (eating 3-5 times a day without interruption, neither fasting nor dieting). Hemorrhoids are a very specific alarm bell alerting us to a dysfunction in our digestive system. They are there to alert us and make us change our nutritional mistakes in order to avoid much more serious clogging diseases (rheumatism, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer…). Hemorrhoids should not be neglected.
How can you better care for your hemorrhoids, Doctor, and avoid recurrences and, above all, surgery?
It’s so simple.
1/Treatment of acute hemorrhoidal attacks
DRENADOCTA: 2 x 50ml capfuls in 3/4 liter of water, to be drunk during the day.
PRODOCTA: 1-0-0 : Doctor probiotics to balance intestinal flora
OMEDOCTA: 2-0-0: Doctor’s Omega3 to reduce inflammation of hemorrhoids.
These three capsules, taken together at breakfast, will balance your intestine and your transit, which will be smoother, as it is essential to avoid constipation, which increases pressure on hemorrhoids and causes them to bleed, or diarrhea, which irritates hemorrhoids.
2/Background treatment of hemorrhoids
1/ The first step is to cut down on all sweets: stop using white or brown sugar altogether, cut down on jam, don’t drink soda or drink it only once a week, replace the sugar in your coffee with a piece of 70% dark chocolate. Drink alcohol in moderation, with regular breaks of two or three days.
2/ Take a course of DRENADOCTA 10 days a month every three months, or at least in autumn and spring, which are the two seasons when the liver is most overworked.
3/ Learn my evening micro fast which is the ultimate technique for resting the liver and keeping a slim figure. Simply replace dinner with 50 ml of DRENADOCTA in half a liter of water and drink this slowly instead of dinner, two or three evenings a week. This will give your liver a double rest: by avoiding calories and carbohydrates at dinner, your liver won’t have to work to assimilate them, and DRENADOCTA ‘s dandelion and black radish will stimulate your liver, which will then decongest and relieve the pressure on your hemorrhoids.
4/ Treatment and rebalancing of the intestine for 3 months
OMEDOCTA: 2-0-0.
To do so, order the 3-month gut packfor the 3-month treatment you need for long-term intestinal equilibrium.
Dr Pascal Trotta
Former intern at Paris Hospitals
Institute of Natural Medicine
Crohn's disease
Gingivitis, an effective and environmentally-friendly treatment