Let’s stay united and free of GMO vaccines.

Remain united, do not divide and be hopeful

Message of May 18, 2021 from a free doctor.

1/ Should you run to get “vaccinated”?

2/ Should we be afraid of variants, particularly the Indian variant arriving in Europe?

3/ How can we stay united despite our differences?

1/ Should you run to get “vaccinated”?

This message may seem paradoxical at a time unprecedented in the history of mankind, when a small virus has wiped out all the social codes of conviviality, gathering, culture, manifestations and normal social contacts between human beings.

It’s not so much the virus, which if we think about it, has a very low mortality rate, since 99.96% of people survive this Covid. But it’s above all the totally disproportionate political measures that are causing strong divisions between human beings.

Because human beings like me, a free doctor, totally committed to freedom, were from the outset challenged by these insane measures as the imprisonment of a whole population not sick, e which is why on March 18, 2020, three days after the confinement, with one heart and one mind I said in a video: “French for your health we deprive you of freedom”. It was quite prescient to say that, but a year and a half later we can confirm that these political measures are at the root of the deprivation of most of our freedoms: to breathe without a mask, to circulate without a certificate, to move around, to open one’s restaurant, to open one’s so-called non-essential business etc. etc..

In a population there are about 5 to 10% of intuitive beings, and I’m one of them. I’m not bragging, but intuitives have highly-developed antennae and can sense warning signs.

These intuitives are often sentinels, sounding the alarm.

But whistle-blowers must never be silenced, for it is they who warn of danger. As you can see, the danger is not the virus, because it’s not as deadly as all that, especially when we know the healthy, natural medical methods for preventing and treating it effectively. The danger is the deprivation of freedom and the entry into a digital health tyranny that distances us from each other and makes us lose our fundamental freedoms and the taste for living together.

It was a warning I issued in March 2020 that we were about to lose our freedoms to a virus.

Of course, if President Macron had said on March 15 that he was going to apply all these liberticidal measures at once, there would have been a widespread revolt, but it’s always the policy of small steps: you’re deprived of your freedoms, you’re confined to your home for just 15 days and then we’ll see…. and finally from 15 days to 15 days this confinement lasted two and a half months, then masks became compulsory from July onwards, and we don’t know when we’ll be able to breathe without masks in the street again, etc. etc. etc.

That video got over 300,000 views in a week and alerted a lot of people. But obviously YouTube doesn’t like the word freedom, because all the videos I’ve made afterwards, including this one, which include the word freedom, have been deleted, censored. :

“Français, pour votre santé, nous vous prions de liberté” March 18, 2020. Censored
“Que faire pour rester libre?” Oct 6, 2022
“Confinir ou désobéir” Nov 9, 2020

Deleted: this means censored by YouTube, which unilaterally decides who can and who can’t speak, and what message has the right to be conveyed. So by censoring 3 videos that call for us to remain peacefully free, Google’s YOUTube reveals its true nature: a multinational that works in concert with all those measures that aim to deprive us of our fundamental freedoms.

All these peaceful and free videos that try to make us think and show that we can live and continue to live freely despite all these liberticidal measures have been deleted-censored by Google’s video platform.

On Facebook, we’re increasingly seeing propaganda messages urging people to get vaccinated: it’s becoming unbearable.

On television, Johnny Hallyday’s music and the good image of rugby players are used to encourage people to get vaccinated. But if we think about it a little, why vaccinate for a disease with a mortality rate of less than 0.04%? This disease mainly affects people who have exceeded their life expectancy and often have co-morbidities.

Why put ourselves at unnecessary risk of getting sick from these pseudo-vaccines when we’re far less likely to catch this virus and die from it?

But this is not a vaccine as such, but an experimental gene therapy based essentially on messenger RNA. A first in the history of mankind, but what’s worse is that human beings are the guinea pigs, replacing laboratory animals. This is large-scale experimentation for which the laboratories have shirked their responsibility, and if there are side effects that are sometimes fatal, you can’t count on them for compensation.

2/ Should we be afraid of variants, especially the Indian variant arriving in Europe?

Of course not, if you follow the preventive medicine advice you’ll find in this article, which for over a year now has helped me to help many patients prevent infection and treat it as early as possible when it does occur.

Presumably, the more countries vaccinate, the more variants appear. And according to our Nobel Prize winner in medicine, Professor Luc Montagnier, vaccinations are the source of the variant numbers.

This is quite logical, since in epidemiology, you should never vaccinate during an epidemic. Because during an epidemic approximately 60% of the population carries the virus without being ill, and if you also inject viral genetic material (RNA) intramuscularly, it can combine with the virus naturally present in your body, resulting in a mutation known as a variant. At the moment, we’re playing sorcerer’s apprentice and gambling with our health by massively injecting human beings with viral particles.

It’s as if we wanted to maintain this epidemic at all costs. As we’ve seen, it had a fairly high mortality peak in February-March 2020, but like any epidemic, it has subsided, and this obviously doesn’t satisfy those who run us and who have become accustomed to tightening the screws on our freedoms.

Because the presence of PCR-positive cases after the epidemic, and now of variants with the famous Indian variant arriving in England and then here, means that we can keep up the pressure and not give up the freedom that has been so dearly won by different peoples over the course of their history.

So, since January 2020, we’ve been seeing mainly political measures. This is not a medical problem, but a political one.

Because reality is stronger than fiction. Reality is the people around you. Look at each of you, around you, in your family, how many people have actually died from Covid, not died with Covid, but died from Covid. It’s usually very few.

Over the past two years, many more people have died from strokes, tumors, depression and suicide than from Covid. Fiction is what they show you on TV to scare you. That’s why I’ve said from the start: “Turn off your TV and turn on your brain”, because the brain needs to stay alert, with a well-functioning rational left brain, to be able to analyze with reason what television doesn’t want us to analyze, leaving us solely in the register of emotion and fear.

3/ How can we avoid splitting up and stay united in the face of these freedom-destroying measures?

I’m writing this letter to keep us united, not to divide us, because we now see vaccinated people refusing to see unvaccinated people because they’re afraid of catching the disease: but if they’re “vaccinated” why be afraid?

I think it’s because the Minister of Health, Doctor Olivier Veran, told the Conseil d’État to an 83-year-old vaccinated man who wanted to take off his mask and travel freely that :

– the vaccine does not protect against the virus
– does not prevent catching a variant,
– does not prevent severe forms
– and the vaccinated person may continue to be contagious to those around him/her.

This is for people who vaccinate themselves and then lecture others in a condescending tone: “I’m a good citizen because I’ve been vaccinated and I’m therefore protecting others”. This is scientifically and medically totally false, but it shows that the person has been brainwashed by the propaganda of BFM TV and all the advertising and propaganda for this massive “vaccination”.

Myself, a doctor who refuses to be injected with viral RNA through every pore of my skin, there are people in my close circle who are obviously being “vaccinated”. I haven’t been able to prevent them from getting vaccinated: if they believe in it, that it will do them good, there’s a placebo effect, and often when you want a treatment, you have fewer side effects, but when you refuse a treatment, there’s every chance of having more side effects. We must therefore respect those who undergo injections, because it reassures them, but those who do undergo injections must respect those who, in their soul and conscience, don’t want them.

Finally, we must respect the freedom of each and every one of us to treat ourselves as we see fit, and that’s how we practice good medicine.

Throughout the history of mankind, we have learned that in the face of adversity, we must not divide, but remain united to stand together and defend our freedoms, which are totally threatened. As far as possible, we need to be able to see the smiles on our faces again, in the street and at work, and gradually take off our masks, because if we think about it, we’re not going to keep these masks on for the rest of our lives, 8 months out of 12, from October to June? Because that’s pretty much what’s in the pipeline.

A smile reassures, soothes, restores confidence and increases immunity. A mask hides the person’s personality and smile, making a masked person look more like a robot than a human being. Let’s regain our dignity, because masks are muzzles for animals, but not for human dignity.

Remember thatwe’re currently vaccinating against COVID-19, even though it’s 2021! In 2022, you’ll be vaccinated for Covid 20, and in 2023 for Covid 21, because mankind is still two wars behind on these viruses, which mutate faster than research and manufacturing.

Let’s learn to live in harmony and symbiosis with these tiny microscopic beings that swarm in our bodies, on our skin and in our hair, contributing to our good health. Without the 100,000 billion bacteria in our intestines, how could we survive?

Rather than fighting with artificial weapons such as masks, which are a real ecological disaster, or “experimental RNA vaccines”, which may well be the source of a bigger scandal than contaminated blood, why don’t we finally learn to live in this 21st century in symbiosis with nature, with her and in harmony, and not against her?

Why should ecology close its borders to the field of medicine, leaving BigPharma and its multinationals to develop technologies that are not at all ecological and that threaten the equilibrium of the entire planet? These multinationals, whose budgets will soon overtake those of governments thanks to the profits generated by the big market of the century – vaccines – will further aggravate the balance between states that are increasingly dependent on these multinationals, leaving private structures to dictate the law to the whole of humanity.

Why should medicine be the only sector left out of the green revolution?

For if Malraux had said that the 21st century would be mystical or it wouldn’t be, and I think this intuitive mind was right, then the 21st century will be ecological and human or it won’t be.

Now we see that, using this virus as a pretext, a small global elite wants to drag us towards an inhuman, artificial, digital technological trans-humanism that threatens to destroy humanity as a whole.

So we’re at a crossroads.

Either we move towards a world that’s more human, more fraternal, more ecological, more respectful of nature, more fraternal, more mystical, or we’ll descend towards Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”, i.e. a world of slaves and robots dominated by a small, ultra-rich, trans-human elite with no transcendence.

The ball is therefore in our court, because trans-humanist and robotic evil only progresses through the inaction of good people (the majority).

So I repeat what I’ve been saying all along and which guides my life:

Don’t be afraid!

Defend your freedom!

Remain hopeful

Dr Pascal Trotta


Tel 05 54 54 44 43

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