Mouth ulcers are small, painful and debilitating mouth ulcers that recur repeatedly, due to a variety of causes that modern medicine is unable to treat adequately, but natural medicine is able to eradicate.
Because the cause of your mouth ulcers lies not in your mouth but in your intestine!
Your oral mucosa is linked to your intestine. It is a reflection of your intestine, just as the back of your tongue can be a reflection of your liver.
Mouth ulcers are an elimination crisis of often acidic toxins, which create this painful little crater in the oral mucosa.
Like any acid elimination crisis, such as a cold, it lasts 3-5 days.
In order for mouth ulcers to disappear for good, they must be treated :
– your intestine (flora and mucosa)
– and the cause of these excess acids in your body.
1/ Strengthen your intestinal flora by taking PRODOCTA 1-0-0 1 capsule: per day for 3 months
These 8 lactic ferments, specially selected to balance your intestinal microbiota (flora), will reduce the risk of mouth ulcers recurring by balancing your entire bacterial ecosystem from mouth to anus. Your mouth’s bacterial microfilm depends on the balance of these billions of bacteria, enabling it to resist aggression and prevent ulceration.
and your intestinal mucosa by taking OMEDOCTA 2-0-0 for 3 months. These polyunsaturated fatty acids will nourish your intestinal lining, strengthening it and making it impervious to toxins and harmful molecules that won’t intoxicate your body. They will also balance your oral mucosa, making it suppler and more resistant to inflammation.
2/ Drainage-Detox: DRENADOCTA
This detox drainer contains 23 plants to stimulate your kidneys, intestines, lungs and skin (which are all organs of elimination) to eliminate toxins and acids and cleanse your body from the inside: this is what will prevent the recurrence of mouth ulcers.
3/ Homeopathy
Homeopathy can regulate the terrain and reduce most mouth ulcers ecologically and without side effects.
It is an adjunct treatment to the previous supplements and the following nutritional advice.
Borax 5 CH, Nitricum acidum 5 CH , Mercurius corrosivus 5 CH
3 granules of each in a small 50 ml dropper bottle. Allow to melt. Then take 10 drops under the tongue as soon as mouth ulcers appear, then with each sensation, spacing out as improvement occurs. Stop taking when pain and mouth ulcers are gone.
4/ Local care:
– mouthwash: first with PRODOCTA! Open a case of PRODOCTA, pour it into 1/2 glass of lukewarm spring water and rinse your mouth with it every night before going to bed until the apthtes disappear: It’s radical and has no side effects! or mouthwash with bicarbonate or lemon. Lemon is a fantastic antacid. I recommend 1 whole lemon a day, mixed with lukewarm water. Before swallowing, rub it gently over the back of your throat and especially your mouth (if it doesn’t hurt), as this will reduce the acidity of your mouth and body.
– clay toothpaste: to brush your teeth.
Then, in the evening, take a small dose on the tip of the and apply it to the painful mouth ulcer. This will form a clay dressing that will remain on the mouth ulcer overnight, speeding up healing.
5/ Nutritional advice:
Avoid milk, yoghurts and cow’s milk cheeses, as their reduction helps heal mouth ulcers.
Avoid white and brown sugar. Cow’s milk and sugar encourage the accumulation of acids in the body, and hence canker sores.
Choose natural products rather than industrial ones, which are too high in salt, palm oil and sugar.
So the combination of micronutrition and homeopathy can get rid of most mouth ulcers, ecologically and sustainably, with no side effects.
For more personalized advice, you can consult Dr. Trotta personally.
– or remotely via telemedicine
– or on site at the Institut de Médecine Naturelle in San Sebastian, Basque Country
Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country
Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta
– on site.
– online.
Order Dr Trotta’s natural supplements:
– or by calling 05 54 54 44 43
– or on the online site: Dr Trotta’s laboratory
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