Dr. Pascal Trotta’s Institute of Natural Medicine

Natural products and supplements developed by the Doctor and made in France, to prevent and treat illnesses without side effects.

Discover our products

A natural, preventive approach

Discover an innovative approach to tomorrow’s medicine with Dr. Pascal Trotta, radiologist, homeopath, nutritionist and auricular acupuncturist. A method based on the 4 P’s of preventive, participative, predictive and personalized medicine.

Our approach

Our specialities

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Chronic diseases

Modern medicine is unable to treat chronic illnesses without toxicity or side effects. On the contrary, Dr Pascal TROTTA proposes innovative, ecological and sustainable solutions to treat the origin of these illnesses, not just their symptoms.

Groupe 243

Wellness prevention

The art of healing is precisely to prevent disease through a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition and the right food supplements. All the advice of Dr Pascal Trotta, a doctor who has specialized in health nutrition for over 20 years, to help you choose the right supplements and guide you in maintaining your body in good health.


Our therapies

Hydrogen that heals

Hydrogen, the gas that heals. The new therapy at Dr. Trotta’s Institute of Natural Medicine. To treat oxidation and inflammation at the same time, very effectively and without toxicity or side effects.

Nutrition and Micronutrition

“Let your food be your medicine” said Hippocrates. Dr Trotta will advise you on a diet suited to your personality, temperament and food intolerances, if any. Nutritional supplements will be chosen by the doctor to treat your disease as naturally as possible.


A revolutionary, natural treatment for the chronic diseases of the 21st century, just as Penicillin was for infectious diseases in the 20th century. A treatment that restores hope to patients suffering from diseases that modern medicine is unable to treat adequately without side effects. Developed by Dr Michel Geffard.

Scalar waves

Scalar waves, the waves that heal. These waves are extremely effective in the fields of prevention and well-being, as well as in the treatment of degenerative diseases (autoimmune diseases, cancers).

Auricular acupuncture

Auriculotherapy is recognized by the WHO as “The French medical acupuncture”. Your ears are an extraordinary asset for Dr. Trotta who, by analyzing them, will be able to identify deficient organs and, by stimulating them, restore the current and better treat your pain, stress, balance your hormones and regulate your appetite.


Ecological and electromagnetic medicine. A field medicine to better balance, prevent and treat your illnesses naturally.

Contact us on

05 54 54 44 43

Opening hours
Monday to Thursday 8:00-17:00
Friday 9:00-13:00


1st consultation?

For your first time at the institute, we offer several types of consultations

Make an appointment

Our patients testify

Testimonial on Dr Trotta’s training le 01 July 2024

“My son has had hemorrhagic rectocolitis since the age of 6. He is now 17 and has been experiencing a deterioration in his health for several months (blood in the stools, abdominal pain, chronic fatigue, 5 to 6 bowel movements a day). The… Read more
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Our patients testify

Mrs M. le 11 July 2023

My husband is a patient of Dr Trotta’s, and he has helped us a lot, not necessarily to cure Parkinson’s but to live with it better. I can vouch for the sincerity and integrity of the Dr., whom I have recommended to friends and who are… Read more
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Our patients testify

Geneviève le 10 July 2023

The medicine practised by Dr. trotta and his team is the medicine of the future:humanistic medicine, i.e. medicine that first and foremost takes account of the individual in his or her globality and specificitymedicine that uses the… Read more
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Our patients testify

J. le 10 July 2023

Followed in Bordeaux in 2019, with very satisfactory results, for MS, I was unable to continue my treatment following Dr. Geffard’s indictment.In order to be able to continue treatment alongside that prescribed by the neurologist, I… Read more
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Our patients testify

Anonymous le 06 July 2023

Keep up the good work, because when you’re annoying, it’s a good sign that you’re right. You have courage, you have taken a stand. Many can’t say the same, they only know how to smear.I’ve used your products, and I’m very satisfied. I… Read more
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Our advice

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Stress Insomnia Depression

Better sleep for better living


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How can we better prevent and treat AMD, age-related macular degeneration, naturally?

How Dr. Trotta’s natural medicine can help you prevent, stop and treat AMD alongside technical medicine. Do everything in your power to preserve your…


Power supply

“Book review of “Food, the 1st Medicine” by Dr Trotta”.

L’alimentation Vivante, la 1ère médecine” by Docteur Pascal TROTTA Reading notes by Dominique LARICQ, osteopath in Anglet, France


What about vaccines?

A free doctor’s opinion on vaccines and the government’s decision to make 11 vaccines mandatory for infants

Power supply

The Doctor’s breakfast

Full doctor’s breakfast.

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Lose weight

Power supply

Dr Trotta’s evening slimming-detox micro-fasting

Evening fasting: to slim down, lose weight, lose your tummy, love handles, saddlebags, sleep better, be less tired and have much less pain. This is…