A homeopathic radiologist is quite something. It’s all about waves! From water memory to scalar waves and nutrition-health, Dr. Pascal Trotta offers you personalized, ecological and free medicine.
Dr Trotta set up his Institute of Natural Medicine in San Sebastian in 2013. In this institute you can be cared for, treated as naturally as possible with cutting-edge medicine through nutrition-health, scalar waves Lakhovsky waves, Digital Endotherapy and Auricular Neuro acupuncture. Dr TROTTA’s Institute of Natural Medicine opened on April 2, 2017 in San Sebastian, 5 minutes from the Hotel Maria Cristina, in airy, spacious and bright premises.
New diagnostic services: Iridology, New therapeutic services: Pain-free Cryo-acupuncture, Pain-relieving Electrotherapy, Endo-Bio-Therapy, Scalar Waves, OLOM (Oscillateur à Longueurs d’Ondes Multiples) by Georges Lakhovsky. Natural, holistic medicine with personalized attention. Natural treatments: homeopathy, nutrition, micronutrition, auricular acupuncture, listening, caring, humanity.
Dr. Trotta’s Institute of Natural Medicine is a haven of peace, where you can be treated more naturally, in a less toxic way, and be treated as a person rather than a number. There are no protocols here, just personalized treatments tailored to each individual case.
Make an appointmentChronic diseases
Modern medicine is unable to treat chronic illnesses without toxicity or side effects. On the contrary, Dr Pascal TROTTA proposes innovative, ecological and sustainable solutions to treat the origin of these illnesses, not just their symptoms.
DiscoverWellness prevention
The art of healing is precisely to prevent disease through a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition and the right food supplements. All the advice of Dr Pascal Trotta, a doctor who has specialized in health nutrition for over 20 years, to help you choose the right supplements and guide you in maintaining your body in good health.