Gluten is a wheat protein that enables dough to rise and gives bread its elastic consistency, like glue. Without gluten, bread has difficulty rising.
Gluten is a Latin word meaning glue. During bread-making, water and a certain amount of kneading time allow proteins (notably prolamins) to stick together to form gluten. The wheat prolamins involved in intolerance are gliadin and glutenins.
1/ Wheat is the first “GMO”: by selecting the largest grains for resowing (massal selection), wheat was gradually genetically modified and its chromosome number multiplied by 4, making it indigestible for our intestinal enzymes, which remained the same as those of our ancestors (Seignalet’s work).
2/ Pesticides widely used to grow wheat inhibit certain intestinal enzymes: researchers have shown that Monsanto’s glyphosate (Roundup) inhibits digestive enzymes, disrupts the synthesis of aromatic amino acids and leads to iron, cobalt and copper deficiencies: all known biological effects of glyphosate that characterize gluten intolerance.
3/ Over-treatment with antibiotics over the past 50 years in factory farming of the animals we eat, and over-treatment with antibiotics given indiscriminately for human infections, often viral, are seriously disrupting our intestinal flora and thus our ability to assimilate gluten.
4/ Bread-making itself has become industrialized: most bakers use wheat that is increasingly rich in gluten (the more gluten flour has, the more elastic it is and the more it rises. But it’s difficult to digest), and chemical additives that make bread less digestible than when traditionally baked. Bread-making has accelerated for the baker’s comfort and profitability, but to the detriment of our health. Good bread requires elbow grease and patience.
Good digestible bread is made with organic wheat flour (pesticide-free), water, salt and sourdough (more digestible than chemical yeast), and requires time for the dough to rise properly. These healthy breads are made by a handful of passionate bakers and a handful of peasant bakers, who are restoring this biblical foodstuff to its former glory.
All these different causes combine to make the intestinal mucosa hyperpermeable, so that undigested gluten (recognized as foreign or toxic by our body) passes through the intestinal mucosa. This undigested gluten, which finds itself circulating abnormally in our bloodstream, causes an inflammatory reaction which in turn leads to chronic oxidation (the famous oxidative stress) that attacks the cell membranes of our organs and is thus at the root of many chronic diseases. What’s more, this undigested gluten is recognized as foreign by our immune system: antibodies are secreted and destroy not only the gluten itself, but also the substrate, tissue or organ to which the gluten has adhered: this is how autoimmune diseases, or intestinal villous atrophy in celiac disease, arise.
In all chronic diseases, we find this pathological mechanism: inflammation-oxidation-destruction. Knowing this is essential if you are to heal better without toxic drugs.
Gluten intolerance mainly manifests itself through various digestive disorders: diarrhea, bloating, slow or difficult digestion, acid reflux, hiatal hernia,
But also various disorders such as chronic fatigue, chronic pain (joint, tendon, ligament), migraines, memory problems, reduced intellectual performance, anxiety, depression, chronic malaise, skin diseases (acne, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff…), repeated infections, and more serious pathologies such as multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune diseases….
In our Institute of Natural Medicine, we saw a 79-year-old patient who had been depressed all her life. At the age of 71, she cut gluten out of her diet. Three months later, her husband said to her: “I don’t know what you’ve done, but you’re a different woman”. In her case, gluten was causing neurotoxicity, which was at the root of her chronic depression. Cutting out gluten freed her brain from this toxicity, and her depression healed naturally without chemical medication.
1/ The 3-6 week gluten-free test: if symptoms disappear, gluten is the cause. This is the most reliable diagnostic test because it’s personal to you, but the hardest to implement because it requires a great deal of personal effort.
2/ Blood tests:
– food intolerance blood tests are too expensive (300-500 euros), unreliable and not recommended by our Institute.
– Blood tests for celiac disease antibodies are reserved for severe cases: igA anti-transglutaminase (the most specific and sensitive), igA anti-gliadin, igA anti-endomysium. What’s more, these only concern less than 10% of gluten-intolerant people.
– The immuno-bilan developed by Dr. Geffard is the most appropriate blood test for all chronic diseases, including symptoms suggestive of gluten intolerance. This is because it is the only blood test that can reliably detect intestinal hyperpermeability, and at a much lower cost than previous food intolerance tests. A single non-fasting blood test on a dry 4ml tube will detect Ac antibodies against intestinal bacteria (almost all gram-) in your blood. This means that there is an abnormal passage of these bacteria from the lumen (the center of the tube) of your intestine into your blood, which is absolutely abnormal, and if they are igA (antibodies produced in the intestinal mucosa) this confirms hyperpermeability.
3/ Electrochemical diagnostic equipment.
The four most common cereals containing gluten are wheat, rye, oats and barley.
Spelt, which is in a way the ancestor of wheat, contains fewer chromosomes and is a smaller grain, contains less gluten than wheat, but still contains some.
This is non-hybridized small spelt, which contains absolutely no gluten.
Which cereals are gluten-free?
These are rice, buckwheat, quinoa, non-hybridized small spelt and corn.
But corn, like wheat and soy, is the cereal of globalization. Their massive industrialization and the presence of numerous pesticides and GMOs in corn make it unsuitable as a substitute for wheat in gluten intolerant diets.
Other gluten-free flours are more rarely found: millet, chestnut and chickpea flours, and more exotic flours made from coconut, teff (Ethiopia), sorghum and manioc (Africa) or purple corn.
The problem is that our modern diet is based on wheat, milk and sugar (which are the three “poisons” to be eliminated in chronic diseases).
Eliminating gluten is therefore very difficult.
The treatment is, of course, gluten-free.
There are several grades of gluten intolerance, the most serious being celiac disease: sufferers who consume gluten undergo a severe intestinal attack resulting in villous atrophy and health-threatening malabsorption.
In celiac disease, total elimination of gluten from the diet (the so-called gluten-free diet) is, until the new research I’m about to tell you about, the only treatment available. But the strict gluten-free diet is very difficult to maintain over time. Dr. Jean Seignalet, an immunologist at the Faculty of Medicine in Montpellier, France, who carried out extensive research into chronic diseases and revealed the toxicity of modern wheat, wrote in his book “L’alimentation, la troisième Médecine”: “out of 100 intelligent, motivated patients who are told that they must totally eliminate gluten from their diet, only 50 choose the diet, and of these 50, only 25 maintain it over the long term.
So only 25% of motivated patients manage to maintain a strict gluten-free diet over time. That’s very few. So we need to find another solution for the majority of patients. This is the aim of our experience and research, which we share with you or your loved ones.
In the case of other intolerances, it’s our experience as doctors and a single, specific blood test that tell us whether or not to eliminate gluten. There’s one pitfall in completely eliminating gluten: as soon as you deviate, you immediately experience unpleasant symptoms. So we need to find the right balance between over-consumption of gluten (as in the case of the Italians with their excessive consumption of pasta, or the French with their excessive consumption of bread) and total elimination.
The good news for anyone suffering from gluten intolerance and unable or unwilling to follow a strict gluten-free diet is that there is now a new therapeutic method for increasing your intestinal tolerance to gluten.
1/ This involves taking food supplements for at least 3 months, specifically developed for this purpose and designed to strengthen your intestinal flora and mucosa.
This will make you more tolerant, so that small excesses of gluten will no longer cause the symptoms they used to.
A special 3-month pack has been developed for this purpose.
2/ In cases of resistance to this therapy, which is effective in 80% of cases, another natural and more specific treatment will be proposed:
This is Multivalent endotherapy. This new diagnostic and therapeutic approach will enable us to diagnose your intestinal hyperpermeability and provide you with an appropriate, personalized treatment aimed at curing your gluten intolerance.
We recommend it in cases of resistance to the previous treatment and in serious cases such as chronic illnesses, severe illnesses and celiac disease.
In this way, a natural, scientific, personalized approach can bring side-effect-free relief to most patients suffering from gluten intolerance, and provide a much less difficult and virtually impossible long-term solution than simply excluding gluten altogether.
Dr Pascal Trotta
Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Make an appointment for a diagnosis and treatment of my intolerance:Tel 05 54 54 44 43
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