Alzheimer’s disease, a natural treatment

How can Alzheimer’s disease be treated more naturally?

Here are some video tips to help you delay memory loss and loss of autonomy:

Alzheimer’s disease is the first neurodegenerative disease before Parkinson’s disease.

Alzheimer’s, like cancer, is a disease that is set to explode as the population ages.

It’s a degeneration of the brain’s neurons.

The only real treatment according to official medicine is a genuine policy of disease prevention, but this is not being implemented.

Official medicine says that Alzheimer’s is currently untreatable.

It’s not what we think. In fact, there are care methods that can nourish the brain properly, and natural endo-medications that can feed neurons, reduce their oxidation and therefore their ageing, and therefore treat the causes of the disease.

And what causes Alzheimer’s for you, Dr Trotta?

The causes of Alzheimer’s are multi-factorial: genetic tropism, chronic oxidative stress, micro-nutritional deficiencies leading to inflammation of the brain, excesses of pesticides (neuro-toxic), heavy metals (aluminum from vaccines, mercury from dental amalgams…), excesses of sleeping pills and anti-depressants which slow down brain function, all contribute to the loss of normal brain functions. The result is :

– direct damage to neurons in the brain

– but also lesions in the intestine, micro-holes in the mucous membrane, which then allow elements that shouldn’t be there to enter the bloodstream: fragments of intestinal bacteria, which means that Alzheimer’s could be a chronic infectious disease of intestinal origin. But also fragments of undigested gluten (neurotoxic), heavy metals… All this aggravates the oxidative stress and inflammation which will gradually destroy the neurons of the hippocampus, the memory center.

Excessive television is bad for the brain. So much so that Dr. Trotta’s slogan “Turn off your TV, turn on your brain”! is true for everyone, at any age. Because TV makes you passive, stultifies you, diminishes your imagination and memory…

Aging, being sidelined, feeling useless in a society that values youth, speed and profitability, leads some people to become socially isolated and lose interest in life. The loneliness of elderly people, who are increasingly confined to retirement homes or nursing homes, can increase brain ageing. The brain is like a muscle: if it doesn’t work, it atrophies.

On the other hand, neurons have incredible plasticity: if brain functions are restimulated, neurons can rebuild themselves! If they are not intoxicated by too many drugs. The French are world champions in the consumption of tranquillizers and anti-depressants. This is very likely one of the causes of the Alzheimer’s explosion in France.

Screens and smartphones, the prostheses made indispensable by our modern lifestyle, diminish our efforts to memorize. Neurons that are not stimulated end up “dying of boredom and inactivity”.

Ignorance of these causes means not giving Alzheimer’s sufferers the best possible chance. Because knowledge of these causes leads to more natural and effective treatments: micro-nutrition to correct deficiencies and endobiotherapy to treat the causes and heal affected neurons locally in the brain (see treatments).

What natural treatments are available for Alzheimer’s?

1/ To provide the brain with the necessary supplements to enable it to function more effectively, thereby reducing the symptoms and progression of the disease:
Dr Trotta therefore recommends the following treatment:


OMEDOCTA 1-0-0, 1 capsule before each breakfast
These natural fatty acids will nourish (DHA) and reduce inflammation in your brain (EPA), and lubricate your brain, which is constantly working and needs good fats to function properly, as our brain is 70% fat.
You’ll need to take 1 capsule every morning before breakfast, every day from Monday to Friday, all year round. It’s the minimum you need to lubricate your brain’s neurons and maintain your memory.


C-DOCTA This Vitamin C powder allows you to take between 3 and 6 g of VIT C powder per day, which is the dose recommended by Dr Trotta to reduce oxidation and aging of the brain. That’s 1 heaped teaspoon a day in a large glass of water or a small bottle of spring water, to be drunk during the day. If your stomach is fragile and cannot tolerate acidity, opt instead for Sodium C-DOCTA ascorbate, Dr Trotta’s alkaline form of Vitamin C.

3/ TREAT YOUR MORALE AND YOUR STRESS without chemical drugs, in a more natural way

If you have had or are having a lot of stress that makes you ill, insomnia, anxiety, depression, Doctor Trotta advises you to take ZENADOCTA which will naturally restore your mental energy and recharge your mental batteries, reducing the effects of stress on your neurons. A product acclaimed in the Doctor’s consultation for its effectiveness. Helps you sleep better, tranquilize and soothe, thus reducing tremors.


MELADOCTA Dr Trotta’s 2mg melatonin supplement is just what you need to regenerate your brain. Because melatonin isn’t just the sleep hormone. According to Prof. Jean Bernard Fourtillan, it is the antioxidant hormone of neurons and the regenerative hormone of the central nervous system. By taking 1 x 2mg capsule of MELADOCTA every night at bedtime, you’ll regenerate your brain.


By taking MEMODOCTA, Dr TRotta’s new supplement for all memory problems. It contains everything you need for a good memory: Gingko, Bacopa, Viamins B, Phosphatidylserine and magnesium. 2 capsules every morning will stimulate your memory, making it more supple and reactive.

You’ll also need to make far-reaching nutritional changes to ensure that your diet is as lively and effective as possible in slowing down the progression of the disease.
To better lubricate your brain, which is made up of 70% fat, and keep it working, you’ll need to eat three to five nuts every day, and sardines, mackerel or herring three times a day (tuna often contains too much mercury, and farmed salmon contains far less omega-3).

Avoid devitalized and refined foods such as white bread, white sugar, white flour, bleached and heated oils such as sunflower and palm oil, fried foods and peanuts.
A good breakfast with a boiled egg or a bit of ham.
Lunch with organic vegetables, sardines, quinoa, lentils or brown rice and try fasting for dinner with DRENADOCTA.
Red wine in small quantities, dark chocolate, green tea and, of course, aromatic spices are all fantastic antioxidants.
The cocoa in dark chocolate is known to increase the secretion of dopamine (which is lacking in Parkinson’s) and make you happy. So why deprive yourself? Dark chocolate in small quantities is not fattening, and I even use it and recommend it for slimming.

Have an intellectual activity, interests, read, do crosswords, sudoku, mental arithmetic, memory exercises, walk regularly and have a sporting activity to oxygenate your brain.

2/ You should also know that auricular acupuncture

which is genuine neuroacupuncture that acts on your brain,

helps reduce symptoms,

reduce stress

and thus reduce the need for medication,

reduce memory problems

and promote better brain harmony.

3/ Endo-bio-therapy : it’s probably the best scientific breakthrough in the treatment of this disease. Read the the article or the book on endo-bio-therapy which will help you understand 30 years of research showing that we can now treat neurons, nourish them, correct their ageing, stop their oxidative stress and thus considerably slow the progression of the disease. With endo-medicamnts based on poly-lysine, neuro-mediators, polyunsaturated fatty acids, all natural molecules that we have in our bodies, and which combine to have these beneficial therapeutic effects. A real revolution, ignored by the medical community and the French people because of the exorbitant power of the chemical drug multinationals who do everything to prevent innovative, natural and above all effective therapies from being made available to doctors and the general public.

It’s a natural and effective treatment that can reduce the dose of intoxicating chemical drugs.
But it requires a consultation at Dr. Trotta’s Institute of Natural Medicine, either by Tele-consultation with Dr. Trotta in person, if you’re unable to attend in person.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country

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