The bombshell of the day (April 17, 2020), this are the revelations of Professor Luc Montagnier, Nobel Laureate in Medicine (for discovering the AIDS virus), who claims that analysis of Covid19’s long ribbon of RNA contains fragments of the AIDS virus !!!!
And this Nobel Prize winner in virology, a specialist in the analysis of viruses, asserts that this cannot be a natural mutation and thatit can only be the result of man-made manipulation in a laboratory.
However, it turns out thatWuhan has had a specialized Coronavirus laboratory since 2000.
The Nobel Prize winner’s hypothesis is that this is a manipulation to produce an AIDS vaccine. He’s right to call them sorcerers’ apprentices, because this is now the virus we have to deal with.
It is therefore a GMO virus genetically modified by man.
When we know that GMOs are the cause of cancer and other serious diseases, we can only be horrified that living organisms can be manipulated in this way for commercial purposes: vaccines.
And I’m all the more horrified that the result would be in the vaccine industry’s favor, because little by little, by scaring the world’s populations, by showing them coffins and intensive care units with sick people dying every day in front of their TV screens (as much from their illness as from the virus), we’re going to encourage them to get vaccinated.
It’s time for a worldwide moratorium on the manipulation of bacteria and viruses for military or commercial purposes.
You’ll see that, immediately, most press articles and Mainstream radio and TV reports will use the following terms to discredit this Nobel Prize winner’s words. Pay close attention to the following adjectives and labels: when the dominant system wants to counter an opinion that disturbs it, it generally uses the following adjectives
highly controversial
The slow scientific shipwreck
Unbelievable theory…
The incredible theory…
The highly controversial thesis…
Now controversial doctor…
Specialists dismantle
Luc Montagnier criticized…
Rather than disputing a claim made by a renowned scientist, why not try to confirm this hypothesis?
It’s not a scientific attitude to immediately oppose. It’s exactly the same as the head-on opposition mounted by the same people against Professor Raoult’s proposals at the start of the epidemic to curb it with a simple treatment.
It’s true by now, as most French people have realized, that the experts in Paris, and in particular the experts on the Scientific Advisory Board, are all more or less connected with the laboratories responsible for marketing antivirals that are 100 to 1000 times more expensive (even though they turn out to be ineffective and toxic), or with private companies in a frantic race to produce a highly profitable vaccine. What a godsend this virus is!
So it really is a bomb !!!
Because if it’s a mutated virus, tampered with in the laboratory and it’s escaped, we’ll need a Nuremberg trial to track down those responsible, to prevent such mistakes from happening again in the future.
Because this Coronavirus pandemic is causing a double catastrophe
As of April 17, it was responsible for 145,000 deaths worldwide, which is a small number when compared with the 3 million people who die each year from respiratory infections in the world with total indifference.
Half the world’s population has been imprisoned in their own homes since March 15, with the possibility of going out for just one hour for a walk, just like prisoners in jail.
This mass imprisonment of workers brought economies to a virtual standstill, resulting in an economic catastrophe on an unprecedented scale, worse than the 1929 Crash and the 2009 Sub-Premium Crisis.
After this crisis, we’ll have to find out who benefited from this crime.
Certainly not to the middle classes and all those who have lost their salaries, their fees, their wages, their jobs because of this absurd decision to mass confinement.
But more importantly
– To financial institutions, because debt is only going to increase. I invite you to take a look at Costa-Gavras’ excellent film Conversations entre adultes shows what awaits us if we do not reject the diabolical spiral of indebtedness. How the European Troika has plunged Greece into austerity-debt-austerity is what awaits us if we don’t rise up against it.
– Pharmaceutical laboratories that are desperate to distribute one or more vaccines to the whole world, which will be useless anyway because they will come too late, all the more so because if it’s a mutant virus, it’s likely to transform itself repeatedly, and most of these vaccines contain aluminum or endocrine disruptors that are responsible for numerous pathologies later on.
– To supermarkets as opposed to small local and farmers’ produce markets
– To retail giants like Amazon, which is seeing its market share increase still further and has been able to stay open while all small shops are closed
– To the states and politicians behind these errors of globalization and unbridled capitalism who, challenged by their peoples (Brexit, yellow vests…) are seeing their powers strengthened by the transformation of democracies into police and mass surveillance states.
So this Covid19 crime benefits the big institutions at the expense of the people.
We could be talking about a people’s September 11! It’s not a war against the virus, buta war against the people.
Because if we really went to war against this virus (as our To Be Free President says, playing warlord) we’d have :
– prepared the weapons (masks, gels, gloves…) against the virus since January when Buzyn knew it was coming
– gave doctors the weapons to kill this virus (hydroxychloroiquine and azithromycin)
– avoided sidelining the 100,000 general practitioners who are the most numerous in the country to treat this epidemic upstream (whereas downstream, in hospitals where all efforts have been concentrated, it’s already too late, as the virus has already done too much damage).
– avoid de-reimbursing homeopathy, which is an excellent infection prevention medicine, and homeopaths are often nutritionists who strengthen the terrain and thus the immune defenses of their patients.
So we’re living in an unprecedented period in human history.
A common virus has been tampered with by sorcerer’s apprentices in a Chinese laboratory.
It escaped and ended up in the city of Wuhan, causing an epidemic with a fatal lung infection for many inhabitants.
As a result of globalization and increased trade, it has spread throughout the world. After 2 months, we realize that many patients die more from pulmonary microembolism, DIC or vasculitis than from pulmonary infection. As a result, many doctors are saying that ventilation intubation is not necessarily the right solution for treating patients in intensive care.
It turns out that a simple treatment to treat malaria and a simple antibiotic treatment can considerably reduce the viral load and mortality.
That this inexpensive and effective treatment is not applied, and that mortality continues.
It turns out that ” the majority of victims of the COVID-19 coronavirus were elderly (people over 80 are most at risk) or suffering from previous pathologies. COVID-19 does not therefore systematically cause the death of those infected ”
We can only quote Churchill ‘s phrase to the British MPs who wanted to lie down before covid19…er…Hitler.
So Churchill had made it clear to British MPs who wanted to kowtow to Hitler:
“You had to choose between war and dishonor; you chose dishonor and you will have war.”
Well, with our common sense, we could say this to the leaders who have chosen generalized containment:
” You had to choose between the deaths and the economic crash; Well you’ll have both, the economic crash and the deaths and it will be much worse”!!!
In the United States, we are now witnessing demonstrations by people breaking out of confinement, saying that they would rather work than die…of hunger.
We also need to analyze the effectiveness of nutritional and preventive medicine, which means that homeopaths, nutritionists and naturopaths are far less likely to die, even if their clientele is elderly, because as Pasteur said on his deathbed : ” the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything “.
So let’s develop this grassroots medicine in our families and around us – that’s the aim of this blog by a free doctor.
And let’s continue to innovate in scalar wave medicine, the informational medicine of tomorrow (which is what we’re doing today at the Institut de Médecine Naturelle de Saint Sébastien), because Luc Montagnier claims that by using ” interfering waves, we could eliminate these viral sequences”.
April 17, 2020
Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country
Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta
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Order Dr Trotta’s natural supplements:
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In the face of fear, spread joy and hope!
Afraid of the virus? You shouldn't have left the womb!