Eczema, treating it naturally, without cortisone

Eczéma : comment mieux le soigner avec le Dr Pascal Trotta

What is eczema?

Eczema consists of small red patches scattered over the skin.

More and more children, teenagers and adults are affected.

The damage is primarily aesthetic when the plaques affect the face or visible parts of the body.

But it’s also a considerable nuisance because of the pruritus (scratching) it causes and the risk of superinfection.

Fissure eczema is often the most distressing, leading to deep, painful fissures that can bleed and become superinfected.

Conventional dermatology treats this condition mainly with cortisone creams, which are highly effective and rapidly remove plaques.

Unfortunately, however, these creams and cortisone have numerous side-effects which limit their use: cortisone considerably weakens the skin.

Many patients who have used these creams for too long now have appalling skin-healing problems: their skin is extremely fragile, and can no longer withstand the little wounds of everyday life. At its worst, it’s the “red skin syndrome”, which dermatologists can’t treat properly without cortisone, even though it’s the overly prolonged use of these creams that is at the root of this syndrome, which is poorly recognized in France.

What’s more, prolonged use of cortisone is assimilated by the body and weakens the crystalline lens, leading to cataracts, and the bone system, leading to osteoporosis and the risk of multiple spontaneous fractures, as well as the sometimes serious risk of superinfection.

Moreover, cortisone does not treat the cause of eczema, which is not cutaneous but much deeper!

Eczema is an inflammatory disease of intestinal origin.

Inflammatory because it’s a red, hot and sometimes painful rash.

We therefore need to correct the chronic inflammation at the root of this disease by taking OMEDOCTA and correcting our diet, as the Western diet is all too often pro-inflammatory, with an excess of red meat, palm oil and dairy products.

Eczema is a disease of essentially intestinal origin.

People with an unbalanced diet generally have a microporosity in their intestinal mucosa, known as “intestinal hyperpermeability”: the intestinal mucosa lets through molecules that cannot be assimilated or are insufficiently digested, and these molecules, depending on our genetic tropism, attach themselves to different parts of the body. If you have a genetic tendency to eczema, these molecules will attach themselves to your skin, and your body, which will consider these molecules as “foreign”, will trigger a local inflammatory reaction at the origin of the eczema patches aimed at eliminating all these molecules.

Because the skin is an emunctory: an emunctory is an organ used to eliminate waste from the body.

Eczema is therefore a natural attempt by the body to get rid of toxic waste or molecules that cannot be assimilated by the organism. To treat them with cortisone, which prevents this elimination, is a major conceptual error which explains the chronicization and aggravation of eczema by these treatments, with all the aforementioned side-effects.

So what’s the best way to treat eczema naturally and without side effects?

First and foremost, you need to deeply balance your intestine and reduce your inflammation, these 2 factors being at the origin of most eczemas: to do this, take for 3 months every day :

PRODOCTA 1-0-0. (one capsule before breakfast) to treat your intestine and balance your intestinal flora. And so make your intestine more tolerant to different foods and reduce the source of eczema.
OMEDOCTA 2-0-0 (two capsules before breakfast). These polyunsaturated fatty acids will act in symbiosis with prodocta, nourishing your intestinal mucosa and making it more impermeable, then lowering your body’s generalized micro-inflammation, thereby reducing skin inflammation and red patches. Your skin will be less dry, silkier and your brain better lubricated by good fats, which nourish it normally, will be more resistant to stress and this greater resistance to stress will reduce eczema attacks favored by stress or anxiety.

Let’s not forget that skin is unwound brain!

And yes, the skin has the same embryological origin as the nervous system: the ectoderm. Any factor that disrupts the nervous system will have repercussions on the skin. Anyone who suffers from eczema knows that stress or poorly managed emotions increase the number of plaques.

And let’s not forget the indispensable C-DOCTA, pure Vitamin C powder, which helps balance the immune system (against infections and allergies), and is a formidable anti-stress hormone, very important in eczema!

Also, if you suffer from insomnia, overwork or burn-out, ZENADOCTA is the ideal supplement developed by Dr. Trotta, which soothes and helps you get a good night’s sleep, and whose melatonin repairs your neurons at night, improving your skin, which is the brain’s way of unwinding.

For your skin, instead of using cortisone creams, which have too many side effects, use HYDRADOCTA a natural, organic moisturizing body lotion that deeply moisturizes your skin, reduces dryness, soothes itching, relieves and heals cracks, and prevents and cures superinfections. When used daily on your skin, HYDRADOCTA, in combination with the previous supplements that treat your intestine and brain, will restore your skin’s suppleness and silkiness.

Dr Trotta’s simple recipe, tried and tested in our clinics over the past 15 years, can reduce most eczemas by 80%, without the need for cortisone or medication, which in the long run are dangerous for your health.

The Doctor’s nutritional advice for ecologically reducing your eczema:

Avoid all cow’s milk products (milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese, custards and creams made from cow’s milk). Avoid poisonous white sugar, fried foods and red meat every day. Avoid, as far as possible, ready-made meals that contain too much palm oil, salt and sugar
Eat an anti-inflammatory diet: fruit, vegetables, sardines, fish, first cold-pressed walnut, rapeseed and linseed oils.

Homeopathic advice from Doctor :

You may want to take this to reduce the stress that promotes skin disease

If anxious, take five Ignatia Amara 15 CH granules every morning on waking. And several times during the day, if anxiety returns
If stressed: Argentum Nitricum 15 CH 5 granules 1-3 times a day

Get regular rest and exercise to reduce mental tension if you’re feeling edgy or under pressure.

Doctor’s advice for regular detox elimination cures

Don’t forget to take regular courses of DRENADOCTA 500ml or DRENADOCTA Concentrate 125ml in spring and autumn, or if you’ve been overdoing it, to prevent toxins accumulating in your body, which, along with your tendency to eczema, will be eliminated by the skin and increase your eruptions.

DRENADOCTA is truly your health ally, as it enables you to carry out a genuine “cleansing from within”, a drainage-detox cure that will help limit your eczema in the long term. It contains rosehip, borage and burdock to help purify your skin.

For more personalized advice, you can consult Dr. Trotta personally.

– or remotely via telemedicine

– or on site at the Institut de Médecine Naturelle in San Sebastian, Basque Country

Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country

Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta or cammnder Dr Trotta’s Nutritional Laboratory products.

– or by calling 05 54 54 44 43

– or on the online site: Dr Trotta’s laboratory

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