
Doctor TROTTA’s advice for treating your gastric problems: heartburn, acid reflux, bad digestion…. as naturally as possible.

When you have what’s known as pyrosis (gastroesophageal reflux disease), which is a backflow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus, it’s very painful because the esophagus isn’t designed to handle stomach acid, which has to stay in the stomach to digest proteins.

Acid reflux or stomach pains are never normal, and reflect a profound imbalance in the intestinal flora and nutritional errors, because what your intestine will tolerate should not go up, but down.

Official medicine offers antacids, the famous PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors) (omeoprazole, mopral…) which lower stomach acidity: they’re very effective at first. The only problem is that they don’t treat the cause but the consequences, so unless you take them for the rest of your life, you won’t get better. And if you continue to take them because you’ve been offered no other solution, you may experience a number of side-effects: poor digestion of proteins (because stomach acidity, which enables proteins to be properly digested and assimilated, is reduced), diarrhoea, fractures and, more seriously, an increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

To heal your stomach problems naturally, take a course of this complex (Pack Intestin 3 mois), which is the one I prescribe most and which works very well for this type of symptom, as it will deeply balance your intestinal flora, as well as your gastric and intestinal mucosa:

To do this, take a daily dose for 3 months:

PRODOCTA 1-0-0. (one capsule before breakfast)
OMEDOCTA 2-0-0 (two capsules before breakfast)

Dr. Trotta’s simple recipe, tried and tested in clinics for over 10 years, can reduce most gastric problems by 95%, without omeprazole or aluminum-based gastric dressings, which are dangerous to your health in the long run.

You will also need to do a good drainage to stimulate your liver and facilitate the treatment of your intestine with : DRENADOCTA 50 ml in 1 l of water to be drunk during the day for 10-20 days (1-2 vials)

The treatment I’ve developed is 100 times more effective than the antiacids and omeprazole prescribed by gastroenterologists. Only if the pain increases and persists despite this treatment will it be necessary to have a gastric fibroscopy, but the vast majority of patients who follow my treatment are completely cured and don’t need a gastroscopy or chemical drugs. If you are diagnosed with the notorious Helicobacter pylori, be careful not to take antibiotics, as they can disrupt your intestinal flora and lead to recurrences, allergies and infections. This treatment is much more effective and natural than antibiotics.

Until this treatment is effective, take this additional homeopathic treatment:

Gastrocynesine: one tablet to be melted under the tongue as soon as you feel burning. You can take one to 10 tablets a day, depending on symptoms. Space them out as the symptoms improve.

You can also find this in pharmacies or health food stores: green clay powder : this is a natural gastric dressing (much preferable to Gaviscon or other products, some of which contain aluminum hydroxide, which is dangerous in the long term) that you shouldn’t take for too long, as it can constipate you. Take a teaspoon (wooden) in a glass of water, let it sit at the bottom and drink the supernatant. Do this every day for a week. If you continue to feel pain in the second week, drink the mixture. After 15 days, the beneficial effects of PRODOCTA and OMEDOCTA will be felt, and you’ll no longer need these natural gastric dressings.

Avoid white bread, white sugar, fried foods, sandwiches and sodas, which are poisonous for your stomach and intestine.
Don’t eat too much cow’s milk. Avoid milk. No more than two yoghurts a week.
Choose vegetables, lentils and brown rice rather than white rice and pasta.
Eat sardines or mackerel 2-3 times a week

Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country

Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta: Tel 05 54 54 44 43
on site.

Order Dr Trotta’s natural supplements:

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– or click on the image below for the desired supplement or pack

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