Homeopathy for weight loss

Homeopathic solutions to help you lose weight before summer
As a homeopathic doctor, I can give you personalized advice on how to lose weight naturally with the help of homeopathy.


Because homeopathy regulates metabolism
Many people gain weight for genetic reasons.

Homeopathy helps to regulate the body’s metabolism, thus accelerating weight loss.

Because homeopathy also helps to reduce stress, anxiety and emotional ups and downs, which are major causes of overweight through snacking.

We all know very well that anxiety leads to cravings and snacking that make us put on weight.

Dr. Pascal Trotta medico homéopata– Because recent research in homeopathy now makes it possible to better balance hormones in a natural and ecological way.

After the menopause, hormonal imbalance often leads to weight gain. Homeopathy now makes it possible to better regulate hormones, to prevent weight gain after the menopause or to promote weight loss in a natural and environmentally-friendly way.

Taking synthetic hormones can increase the risk of breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

So it’s best to treat menopause ecologically and naturally with homeopathy, which will help treat hot flushes more effectively and prevent weight gain.

– Because homeopathy can help reduce water retention

Well-chosen homeopathic dilutions stimulate the kidneys, helping to eliminate the water retention that is the main cause of weight gain.

A clogged or overloaded liver is also a hindrance to weight loss.

Many homeopathically diluted plants stimulate the liver, promoting detoxification and natural amagrissemnt.

Doctor Pascal TROTTA médico homeopataaAs a homeopathic physician, I know from my training and experience that these environmentally friendly homeopathic medicines regulate metabolism, reduce anxiety and enliven my patients.

This makes it easier for them to lose weight naturally and over the long term.

have favored Laura maigrisse m eno Doctor Trotta, médico homeópata, sé con mi formación y mi experiencia los medicamentos
que te van ayudar a regular tu metabolismo, bajar tu ansiedad, y animarte.

What’s more, anxiolytics and chemical drugs, as well as chemical hormone replacement therapy for menopause, are known to promote long-term weight gain.

Homeopathy is truly a powerful and personalized ecological natural medicine.

So don’t hesitate to consult us.

To consult

Online advice offered free of charge to patients using natural supplements from Doctor trotta :info@dr-trotta.com

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