Natural sports medicine. How nutritional medicine helps athletes ( Rugby, surfing, runners , cyclists , etc … )

How does nutritional medicine help athletes (rugby, soccer, surfing, runners, trail runners, cyclists, etc.)?

Nutritional and natural medicine helps athletes in the following cases:
– avoid intoxication with dangerous chemicals, such as anti-inflammatories, cortisone and performance-enhancing drugs.
– strengthen their health
– reduce pain, infections before competitions, reduce the risk of tendonitis and joint injuries.

Reduce metabolic acidosis naturally, due to the excessive formation of lactic acid produced by strenuous muscular exercise. This metabolic acidosis contributes to hair loss, tooth enamel and mineral loss in tendons and bones.

Natural medicine is based primarily on food, which is the first medicine.

In Dr Pascal Trotta’s book, you’ll find all the information you need to know about the natural laws of nutrition and health, and to understand that a healthy diet is your first medication.

For example, eating only white pasta or white rice is a mistake, as they contain only carbohydrates and vitamins and lack minerals and trace elements. Athletes need to eat vegetables and brown rice to add their vitamins and minerals, which are very important for their health and not to harm their bodies with intense exercise.

Take care of your nutrition, and your gut, the key to your health.

If your gut is balanced, you won’t have infections or allergies, and the risk of chronic or acute illnesses will be much lower.

To reduce pain, it is very important to:

– stay well hydrated

– eat vegetables at every lunch and dinner, to lower metabolic acidosis

– Replace wine vinegar with lemon (alkalizing citrates).

To help maintain the elasticity of tendons, ligaments and muscles after the age of 40, it’s important to take a dietary supplement based on organic silicon.

Silicon is the basis of connective tissue and the elasticity of our osteoarticular system.

Natural medicine can treat athletes’ health problems very effectively.
For example, auricular acupuncture reduces pain much more naturally and powerfully than anti-inflammatory drugs, without the negative and side effects of these drugs.

Anti-inflammatories can lead to stomach and intestinal ulcers and, if used over a long period, to tendonitis and tendon rupture.

Here’s an example:

a mountaineer came to see me with a very large nodule in his Achilles tendon.

For this reason, he could no longer mountaineer and had difficulty walking.

As the treatments he had undergone had not worked, the surgeon suggested operating on his tendon.

What did I do to heal it naturally?

1/ Auricular acupuncture once a month for three months to reduce pain and promote healing of tendonitis.

2 / change your eating habits, and therefore eliminate the foods that promote tendonitis: cow’s milk, white sugar, excess red meat, processed foods and sodas, all of which promote inflammation.
Improve foods that reduce inflammation: nuts, oily fish, walnut or linseed oil.
Give foods that reduce acidification: vegetables, lemons, mineral waters that have an alacalinizing effect.

3 / Supplement with the following food supplements: which treat the root cause of the underlying tendonitis and heal it naturally. Treatment should be carried out over a period of months.

OMEDOCTA2 capsules a day. These natural polyunsaturated fatty acids will reduce the daily micro-inflammation responsible for tendonitis.

SILIDOCTAA natural plant silicon supplement based on horsetail, nettle and bamboo, which increases tendon elasticity and promotes natural recovery.

ANTIDOLTAThis natural gel is far more powerful than any anti-inflammatory gel. It contains essential oils of wintergreen, black pepper and Katafray, which are powerful, non-toxic anti-inflammatories, and silicon, which promotes recovery and local healing of the tendon and a return to its natural elasticity. What’s more, it’s unique in that it contains CBD for excellent post-exertion muscle-tendon release.

So, one month after treatment, this mountaineer was walking again, and the nodule in his tendon had been reduced by half its volume, and his tendon became more flexible. After three months of treatment, his tendon was completely normal and pain-free.

While the surgeon said it was necessary to operate, an operation that can often give rise to complications (with tendon recovery never equal to a natural recovery), we managed in three months to get his tendon to recover naturally without any chemical medication, operation or infiltration.

In addition, nutritional medicine increases cartilage resistance and reduces the risk of osteoarthritis and degenerative lesions of the spine and joints.

Natural and nutritional medicine enhances quality of life and health.

It significantly reduces the risk of acute illness, infectious diseases, traumatic and degenerative injuries to tendons and joints, and protects the body against the effects of chemical drugs.

DR TROTTA ANTI PAIN PACK: 10% discount on all 3 products separately.

For more personalized advice, you can consult Dr. Trotta personally.

– or remotely via telemedicine

– or on site at the Institut de Médecine Naturelle in San Sebastian, Basque Country

Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country

Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta
on site.

Order Dr Trotta’s natural supplements:

– or by calling 05 54 54 44 43

– or on the online site: Dr Trotta’s laboratory

Nos produits naturels

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