“Let your food be your medicine” said Hippocrates.
More than 2000 years later, this is still true. The industrial modernization and rationalization of agriculture over the past 50 years has certainly led to self-sufficiency (especially for rich countries), but it has also been accompanied by a marked deterioration in the nutritional quality of food, through two processes:
The systematic use of synthetic chemical treatments to increase yields (nitrogen fertilizers, pesticides), which have serious environmental consequences: pollution of our land, water and bodies, and are probably responsible for the increase in cancer and degenerative diseases.
The refining of oils, cereals, salt and sugar, which, by becoming whiter, have lost their richest nutrients, depriving us of the precious vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and trace elements we need for good health.
Dr Trotta will first prescribe natural, ecological products (respecting the immutable laws of nature) to detoxify and drain your body of most of the accumulated toxins that are poisoning your cellular functioning.
It will then provide your body with a sufficient and desirable dose of those precious vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and trace elements it lacks. This is usually done over a minimum period of three months, or longer for older illnesses.
Then, he’ll talk to you about the different ways of eating, adapted to your own terrain and psychological profile, in order to best guide you in the prevention of diseases of civilization: cancers, autoimmune diseases, degenerative diseases.
San Sebastian, the Basque pearl
Doctor Trotta's Institute of Natural Medicine