
Eczematous psoriasis before treatment

Man in his forties with a major rash of the neck, inflammatory, with erosions, desquamation, fissures some of which have a honeyed coating at the bottom, and numerous crusts.

This is a severe eczematiform psoriasis that has been evolving for 3 years. Oozing psoriasis with fissures.

Burn-like lesions make it impossible to turn the neck because of painful rubbing on the shirt collar.

Physical discomfort as important as cosmetic discomfort. Pain and frequent itching.

Mixed origin: genetics and severe occupational stress.

Treatment undertaken at first consultation at Dr Trotta’s Institute of Natural Medicine

1/ 1st session ofauricular acupuncture to reduce the effect of stress on the skin

2/ Personalized homeopathic treatment using Plussing’s method

3/ Personalized health nutrition advice: reduce white bread and pasta (from 14 times and 7 times a week to 1 time and 2 times a week). Addition of protein (egg or ham) at breakfast to compensate for the elimination of bread and addition of 3 walnuts to reduce inflammation.

4/ Prescription of the following food supplements:

– PRODOCTA 1-0-0 1 capsule before breakfast to treat the intestine, the emotional brain

– OMEDOCTA 2-0-0 2 capsules before breakfast to reduce inflammation and moisturize the skin from within.

The patient took the pack intestin 3 mois because a minimum of 3 months’ treatment with these supplements is required to achieve a lasting effect.

5/ 1 single scalar wave session of 9 minutes offered during the first consultation to reduce stress, potentailize neuro-acupuncture and stimulate natural self-healing processes.


RESULTS AFTER 2 MONTHS, without cortisone, drugs, creams or synthetic milk.

80% reduction in rash and inflammation. Healing of fissures, disappearance of areas of superinfection and burns.

No more itching. Supports shirt.

Continuation of the same treatment (you don’t change a natural treatment that works): 2nd session of auricular acupuncture, supplements and 2nd session of scalar waves.

Maintain recommended healthy nutrition.

Gentle draining of toxins with DRENADOCTA undertaken. This was not prescribed at the first consultation, to avoid temporary clogging by the release of toxins; the Doctor waited for improvement before undertaking this drainage.



Psoriasis effective natural treatment


Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country

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Order Dr Trotta’s natural supplements:

– Tel: 05 54 54 44 43
Le laboratoire du Dr Trotta
– or click on the image below for the desired supplement or pack

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