
Hemorrhagic Rectocolitis (UC) is becoming increasingly common. This inflammatory disease of the large intestine, colon and rectum, causes bleeding in the stool, hence the name.
It causes abdominal pain, diarrhea (up to 20 liquid stools a day, which is very incapacitating), and bloody or glutinous stools.
Like Crohn’s disease, it can be accompanied by joint pain, skin rashes or eye pathology.
It is more common than Crohn’s disease.

It’s an inflammatory disease with an auto-immune component, i.e. the secretion of antibodies by the patient against his own body.
Modern medicine doesn’t have 36,000 solutions for treating it: treating it with chemical drugs that often have side effects. These drugs must be taken for life. Anti-inflammatories are alternated, the best-known being Pentasa (5-aminosalicylic acid), a derivative of aspirin. It is taken orally and/or rectally. In severe cases, imunosuppressants are used to reduce the patient’s autoimmune reaction, but these drugs weaken the patient’s immune defenses, which can lead to serious infections or cancer.


Too often, university hospital medicine forgets to treat the cause of the disease, and only treats the symptoms or consequences.
But the cause of UC is essentially a dysfunction of the intestinal flora, i.e. the balance of intestinal bacteria, of which there are 100,000 billion.
Our health depends on the balance of these bacteria.
With the excessive use of antibiotics, which destroy good bacteria, our intestines are being damaged. What’s more, our modern, refined and devitalized diet makes matters worse. What’s more, more and more young people are stuffing themselves with sweets, and consuming mainly processed products rather than natural products.
Not forgetting the childhood overdose of vaccines which, in the long term, disrupts immunity and is thought to be at the root of certain autoimmune diseases.

In short, by failing to look at antibiotics, vaccines and poor diet, university hospital medicine is on the wrong track.
And it’s wallowing in technical, artificial medicine with its many side effects.

If Dr Trotta had UC, he would start by reforming his diet and at the same time strengthening his intestinal flora and reducing his intestinal inflammation.

The nutritional, micro-nutritional approach is an excellent ecological approach to treating UC. It reduces the dose of chemical drugs and often avoids the need for dangerous immunosuppressants. It does not claim to cure all diseases, but at least it begins to treat without intoxicating what is already essential.

What’s more, alongside this nutritional medicine, which is the first form of medicine, Dr Trotta uses the 2 most powerful natural therapies in existence at his San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine to treat the cause of your illness, rather than just the symptoms (chemical medicine). It’s the combination of :

EndoBioTherapy The revolution in molecular medicine developed by Dr. Geffard and offered by Dr. Trotta to his patients for a better cure of serious or chronic illnesses.

Scalar Waves, the waves that heal The Scalar Waves: to revitalize you, and boost your own natural self-healing reflexes, which we all have within us but which are weakened or chaotic during illness. When you have UC, you’re weakened not only by pain, but also by diarrhea and iron loss through bleeding.

During your first consultation at the Institute of Natural Medicine,

1/ The Doctor will first listen to you to understand you better, and see if emotional factors need to be corrected first to reduce the stress that produces pain and illness.

2/ Through a personalized questionnaire, the Doctor will identify your eating habits in order to correct them so that you can take your own path to recovery by changing your bad habits (it’s difficult, but when you’re ill and you better understand why you’re ill, it’s easier to change).

3/ Then he’ll take a close look at your irises (Iridology specified by Dr. Trotta, a specialist in imaging and diagnostics with a post-graduate diploma in radiodiagnosis and medical imaging) to get a better idea of your vitality, your ability to defend yourself against disease, your main terrain, and your various metabolic impurities.

4/ Eventually, if he deems it necessary, he will perform the EIS (Electro-Scanner-interstitial), derived from Russian Space Medicine, to diagnose functional disorders of your organs.

5/ Especially for your UC, he will take a single blood sample at his Institute (you don’t need to be fasting) to investigate the various causes of your Recto-Colitis: intestinal hyper-permeability, chronic infection, oxidation and inflammation. This is done by taking a single blood sample, which the Dr. will perform himself during the consultation and send to a specialized laboratory. This single analysis is called the Immuno-balance. It is essential if we are to treat the causes of your Recto-Colitis.

6/ This unique and specialized blood test, the results of which will reach the Doctor 3-5 weeks after the first consultation, will be followed by the taking of small white tablets which you will let melt under your tongue morning and evening for at least 3 months, then a new blood test will be taken to adapt the first prescription and correct any persistent disorders. In a chronic disease like UC, you can’t expect to be cured in 3 months. For a year, you’ll need to take the treatment carefully, and take a blood test every 3 months. Then, depending on the results, you’ll need to space out the treatment and the blood tests.

7/ A first session of Auricular Neuro Acupunctureor auriculotherapy. For those afraid of “little nails” (they’re not needles), Dr. Trotta will use a cryo-puncturer that replaces the little nail with dry ice, so there’s no puncture but a little papule created by the cold and the dry ice. This will send an “instant message” via the ear to your brain, stimulating your endoderm, the embryological tissue of your intestine, colon and rectum, to boost its healing potential, reduce inflammation (through the natural secretion of cortisol), reduce pain (by increasing the secretion of natural endorphins), reduce stress and better regulate your emotions (vital for healing). This is one of Dr. Trotta’s greatest therapeutic weapons. He proposes it most often, and it’s up to you to decide whether or not to accept it.

Auricular acupuncture is extremely powerful for balancing the intestine and regulating the stress that is often at the root of worsening symptoms of this disease. Auricular neuroacupuncture is a formidable ecological weapon in the hands of the experienced physician. It eliminates the need for painkillers and anxiolytics, thus protecting the intestine. After all, taking chemical drugs worsens the condition of the intestinal mucosa. It is therefore a way out of this vicious circle.

8/ Scalar waves: these are the healing waves that Dr. Trotta will give you during your first consultation, once it’s over. The first session is free of charge. The aim is for you to benefit immediately from this major therapeutic advance. A genuine revolution that will benefit you thanks to Dr. Trotta’s many efforts to always and everywhere seek the best care according to “the evidence based medicine”, i.e. Medicine based on evidence of effectiveness in the field, observed by the doctor and his patient, and not the evidence provided by biased and manipulated statistical studies supplied by the chemical drug multinationals. You’ll benefit from a 10-15 minute session between the 2 towers emitting and receiving scalar waves that will increase the effectiveness of auriculotherapy and stimulate the vital healing forces of your failing cells.

The Doctor can then follow up with you, either at his Institute if you’re close by, or remotely via TeleMedicine if you live far away. A second consultation 5 weeks later to analyze the results of your immunobilan and prescribe the Endo-Bio-Therapy treatment. Then a quarterly follow-up to adapt your treatment, all at your complete disposal.

Why don’t you give it a try?

In the meantime and in any case, the 3-month gut pack is the best way to start balancing your gut:
It includes probiotics and omega3 for three months. That’s the minimum to get you started. These probiotics and omega3s have been specially selected by the doctor for this purpose. They work in synergy and their dosage has been carefully calculated to make them more effective.
PRODOCTA 1-0-0 one capsule before breakfast
OMEDOCTA 2-0-0. two capsules before breakfast

On the other hand, all cow’s milk and, if possible, gluten-containing foods should be eliminated. Eliminating these 2 staple foods from the modern diet often leads to a considerable improvement in the patient’s symptoms.
In the book “L’alimentation vivante, la première médecine”, the reasons for eliminating these 2 foods are well explained.

For those who order the doctor’s advice pack, the doctor will provide more personalized nutritional advice. Simply indicate the reason for your order when placing it.
The Doctor will reply by e-mail.


29/01/2018 : Marine L “Hello Dr Trotta, thank you for your e-mail. I’ll stick with PRODOCTA and OMEDOCTA for my UC. With your capsules I’m stabilized, I don’t have any more pain, so I’ll continue like this. I wanted to thank you for your treatment which works. I appreciate you very much. A very happy new year 2018 to you too.”

Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country

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Order Dr Trotta’s natural supplements.

Tel: 05 54 54 44 43

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