The liver, the unloved one

The liver is modern medicine’s unloved child.

Modern medicine treats us with an overdose of drugs, drugs which are metabolized by the liver and which, in excess, end up clogging up our liver.
The pill is metabolized in the liver. It is at the origin of benign liver tumors called adenomas, which I know well because I’ve diagnosed a few of them as a radiologist.
The liver is modern medicine’s unloved friend, because there are no therapies designed to stimulate it.

Natural medicine, on the other hand, attaches great importance to the liver, and aims first and foremost to restore it to health. If you want your car’s internal combustion engine to run smoothly, you need to clean the air filter regularly. Well, it’s the same with your liver: if you want your intestine, and therefore your health, to be at its best, you need to regularly clean the intestinal filter that is the liver.

What are the causes of liver malfunction?
1/ Taking chemical drugs every day. Be aware that most of these drugs are metabolized by the liver, and that they therefore disrupt the functioning of liver enzymes. Too much Doliprane can lead to hepatitis. Many drugs cause toxic hepatitis. In fact, the leading cause of hepatitis in the West is medication.
That’s why I use auricular acupuncture: to treat pain and stress without medication. So instead of giving anti-inflammatories or anxiolytics, by pricking your ear, I get the same effect, often more effective, longer-lasting, without dependency and without intoxicating your liver.
Migraines are often of hepatic origin. We treat them with drugs, thus aggravating the cause. Auricular acupuncture, which is sovereign in the treatment of migraines, makes it possible to treat them without drugs, thus freeing the liver and permanently curing most migraines.
2/ all additives and industrial chemicals: that’s why you should opt for a natural organic diet with as few processed products as possible.
3/ All sweets clog the liver. Excessive consumption of dairy products, white sugar and soda, for example, is bad for the liver. Conversely, bitter foods, such as artichokes, black radish and dandelion, stimulate and drain the liver.
4/ Excessive alcohol consumption: red and white wines in particular clog the liver, while strong alcohols are more toxic to peripheral nerves. Drinking 1l of red wine a day leads, after a few years, to cirrhosis of the liver: the liver gradually scleroses, becoming hard and lumpy, which impedes intestinal venous return and leads to varicose veins in the esophagus, which cause bleeding, and eventually to ascites, i.e. an effusion of serum in the abdominal cavity.
Cirrhosis in France has become rarer due to the reduction in wine consumption.

How can I tell if my liver is intoxicated?
1/ You feel heavy, you digest poorly, you are constipated, you have haemorrhoids, you wake up between one and three in the morning, you have migraines, frequent headaches, a lack of energy…
2/Look at your tongue in the mirror: if you have a thick white or brown coating at the back of your tongue, your liver is certainly loaded and clogged.

You’ll need to do a good liver cleanse: in medicine, this is called drainage.

How do I drain my liver?
You need to take plants that act synergistically to purify, cleanse and stimulate your liver at the same time.

Stimulate transit and digestion: meadow cumin = dill (carum carvi), fennel
Stimulate the liver: dandelion, black radish
Detoxify: cherry, lovage, celery
You’ll find all these plants in the DRENADOCTA drainer specially developed for this purpose. These plants work in synergy to stimulate your liver and intestines together, ensuring that your intestines, your emotional immune brain and your liver, your chemical factory, function harmoniously.

When is the best time to do a liver drainage cure? Especially at the change of season:
– In early spring, just after winter, to cleanse the body of the toxins accumulated over the winter
and then after summer, in autumn, to cleanse the liver of all the sweets and alcohol ingested.
And finally, whenever you feel heavy, bloated or have a recurrence of symptoms that indicate poor liver function: migraine, constipation, haemorrhoids, infections, lack of vitality…
For further information, please write to me at:


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