A real natural solution to your shoulder pain?

Douleurs d'épaule : comment mieux les soigner avec le Dr Pascal Trotta


A real natural solution to your shoulder pain?

You may be one of those who suffer from chronic, incapacitating shoulder pain, and whose various treatments have failed to alleviate it because they may not have sufficiently tackled the real causes of your pain.

I have a good deal of experience of these shoulder problems through my work as a radiologist, since I myself used to carry out arthrography and infiltrations of the shoulder for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, and through my work as an acupuncturist, homeopath and nutritionist, which brings a complementary and new approach to the treatment of this pathology.

My experience as an auricular acupuncturist for over 10 years has shown me that most shoulder pain has a cervical origin, and that the cervicals and the shoulder must be treated at the same time if long-term relief is to be achieved.

The advantage of auricular neuroacupuncture over shoulder infiltration is that it treats both the cervical vertebrae and the shoulder at the same time, whereas shoulder infiltration only treats the shoulder, and often only treats the symptoms and not the cause of the pain.


There are 4 main mechanisms involved in shoulder pain:

1/ An imbalance in the spinal column, leading to a cervical imbalance which causes tension in the shoulder. This can be corrected by auricular acupuncture, chiropractic or osteopathy. These three techniques are effective in treating and correcting vertebral imbalances that cause muscular or ligament tension, and can often release tension in the shoulder area.

2/ Chronic micro-inflammation causing pain: This micro-inflammation is due to an imbalance which I explain in my book and which you can also understand here. In a nutshell, this inflammation is due to an excess of bad fats (fatty meats, everyday dairy products, especially cow’s milk, fried foods, sweets, refined sunflower or palm oils) and a deficiency of good fats (first cold-pressed rapeseed oil, or walnut oil, walnuts, sardines, mackerel, herring). As we are all deficient in these good fats and excessive in these bad fats, and we have an omega 6 to omega 3 ratio of 10 when it should be 1, and most of us are unable to eat nuts or sardines on a regular basis, I advise my patients, especially those with shoulder pain, to take 2 capsules ofOMEDOCTA every morning at breakfast to reduce this inflammation. Simply taking two capsules of this small dose of polyunsaturated fatty acids every morning on a regular basis will bring micro-droplets of oil into your tendons and cervical spine every day, and reduce the inflammation at the root of your pain. Believe me, it’s 100 times more effective than taking anti-inflammatory drugs, which will ruin your stomach and intestines anyway.

3/ Metabolic acidosis of shoulder tendons. The second overlooked and therefore untreated cause of shoulder pain is metabolic acidosis. What is metabolic acidosis? Metabolic acidosis is an excess of acids (or a deficiency of alkalis or bases) that causes acidic substances to be deposited in your tendons, leading to pain. Metabolic acidosis is due to nutritional errors, with excessive intake of acidifying foods (meat, dairy products, refined cereals and sugars, vinegar). It is corrected by the intake of alkalinizing elements (vegetables, fruit, plants, herbal teas, lemon). I explain this very well in my book, which will enable you to understand, and therefore change, your nutritional habits and gradually reduce the micro-droplets of acid in your tendons that cause your pain.

4/ Loss of elasticity in cervical ligaments and discs, and in shoulder tendons, ligaments and capsules. We are all born with a maximum level of silica, which is the source of our connective tissue and incredible flexibility in childhood. Little by little, this silica capital diminishes, causing our muscles, tendons and capsule to lose their elasticity, which in turn leads to pain. Our diet does not provide us with enough silica. So, from the age of 40-50, especially if you suffer from pain, you need to supplement your diet with silica. Here’s a natural plant silica (bio-available and providing not only the mineral and informational strength of each plant, but also minerals, vitamins and trace elements) based on Horsetail, Bamboo, Nettle, Knotweed and Brown Millet: SILIDOCTA, which provides you with a sufficient dose of silica to restore elasticity to your ligaments and promote functional recovery of your shoulder.

So here’s my advice if you don’t want to suffer any more from shoulder pain, and you can’t stand medication, infiltrations or the after-effects of surgery any longer:

1/ For the more courageous or those who want to understand, read my latest book “L’alimentation vivante la première médecine” (Living food, the first medicine) to understand the importance of diet for health, and to identify the main points that will enable you to understand and change your diet in depth, because that’s what’s going to improve everything.

2/ Follow with a one-month course (three months is ideal) of the following food supplements, which I have developed to improve the following points:

Elasticity: with SILIDOCTA one cap dose morning and evening for three months

Inflammation : OMEDOCTA one capsule with each meal for three months

And massage your cervical spine on the painful side and your painful shoulder with the ANTIDOLTA GEL gel, which contains silica for elasticity and harpagophytum to reduce local inflammation. Apply this gel morning and evening until pain subsides. This gel is 10 times more effective than Voltarene or Nifluril gel, because in addition to providing a natural anti-inflammatory, harpagophytum, which has no side-effects on the stomach, it also provides silica to treat loss of elasticity locally.

You can order all these products on my website: I advise you to take the painkiller pack (which brings a 15% discount) and to order one to try (you won’t be disappointed) and if possible three to have a three-month treatment, because in the case of chronic and intractable pain my experience shows that you need a three-month treatment to have in-depth, long-term effectiveness and very good results.
In the case of mild pain, a single painkiller pack for one month is sufficient.

The combination of these dietary supplements, nutritional changes and auricular acupuncture and/or chiropractic and/or osteopathy brings 80% pain relief in 80% of cases after three months, without chemical anti-inflammatory drugs, infiltration or surgery.
Only in 20% of cases of resistance to these natural methods can we move on to more invasive methods such as infiltration, followed by surgery.

I hope that this advice from a specialist doctor, radiologist and acupuncturist with dual experience in the modern diagnosis of these problems and their treatment using natural methods has convinced you and helped you to understand and treat your chronic shoulder pain.
If you would like more personalized advice, please call my assistant on 0554 54 44 43 to book a consultation online or on site with me.

Don’t forget for severe, stubborn pain

Auricular acupuncture

It’s the best pain-relieving therapy I know, and most of the new patients who come to see me at my practice come for this very reason.

It’s 100 times more effective than anti-inflammatory drugs, without the side effects.

This allows us to treat inflammation, contractures, spinal pain and stress/anxiety at the same time.

The statistical results are as follows:

80% improvement in 80% of cases after three sessions spaced one month apart. Who can beat that?

Dr Pascal Trotta,

Former internist at Paris Hospitals, specialist physician, radiologist, homeopath, founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country

Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta: Tel 05 54 54 44 43
on site.

Order Dr Trotta’s natural supplements:

– Tel: 05 54 54 44 43
Le laboratoire du Dr Trotta
– or click on the image below for the desired supplement or pack

Nos produits naturels

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