The human body has evolved over the millennia to adapt to long-distance running. This is the theory put forward by Niobe Thompson, anthropologist and director of this comprehensive and well-constructed documentary.
According to the scientist – who is also a marathon runner – the human species succeeded in developing because it was able to run long, even very long distances.
To support this thesis, the documentary first takes us to the Rift Valley, cradle of humanity and… home of all long-distance running stars. It shows that, in order to survive three and a half million years ago, our ancestors’ arms became shorter, their shoulders narrower and their legs longer. Not to run faster, but longer! Man has a skin that allows him to sweat and thus cool his body,” explains the narrator. To cool his, an animal has to stop and pant. It then becomes vulnerable.”
The first humans were adept at a hunting technique known as “exhaustion”, which enabled them to become carnivores and thus increase their brain size. Their morphology also evolved accordingly. Toes became shorter to avoid fractures during strides, the arch of the foot increased to absorb impacts…
This sometimes professorial film takes us not only to Ethiopia, but also to Siberia and Canada, where those for whom endurance is still a social and financial necessity live… So, are we made to run? The millions of people around the world who practice this sport prove it. All you have to do is start running!
Niobe Thompson – (EU, 2012, 48 minutes).
Broadcast Thursday, September 20 on ARTE 11:20pm.
Pierre Lepidi
Find out more at
ARTE documentary on the biomechanics of running and homo cursum, “the man who runs”.
Sommes nous faits pour courir Arte 2015 05 01 22 20
Frederic Poeydomenge <>
Hello Pascal,
I’m the barefoot runner you chatted to along
on Sunday morning.
As agreed, I’m sending you some information (loose and
jumbled) on the practice of minimalism, which consists of
running barefoot or with extremely light shoes.
=== Books on the subject ===
* Born to run
* Guide to the forefoot support strideée-prise-dappui-avant-pied/dp/2364030978/
* Barefoot and minimalism: running naturally
* Running light
The novel that sparked off the minimalist movement, Born to run, is a
sort of Spanish inn of sports literature, mixing
novel, documentary and scientific study. It had a huge
impact in the USA, where it helped to spread the
minimalism movement.
=== Some videos ===
* Sommes nous faits pour courir (Arte)
* Le professeur qui court pieds nus
* Christopher McDougall: Are we born to run? [TED]
* Principles of Natural Running with Dr. Mark Cucuzzella
* Reportage France 24: Run barefoot
* Video : Haile Gebreselassie’s barefoot pose
* Are You Ready to Go Minimal?
The well-constructed Arte report published in 2012, presents and
decorates Man’s ability to run, from prehistoric times to the present day
, an ability that has led us to survive and become what we
have become.
=== Internet articles ===
* The “Barefoot Running” blog
* Barefoot running: a controversial fashion
* Barefoot running: a good idea?
* Express the fluidity within you
* We are all mutants
* Running: making the transition to minimalism a success
* Run barefoot or in minimalist shoes
* Barefoot Running / Running Minimaliste Another sound of the bell
* Natural running
* The study by Harvard professor Daniel E. Lieberman (“Foot
strike patterns and collision forces in habitually barefoot
versus shod runners”)
Personally, the book “Born to run”, and the Arte report
“Sommes nous faits pour courir?”, were the triggers for my
awareness of the right way to run. They gave me food for thought
and convinced me to change my stride in order to prevent
injuries and improve running efficiency.
Happy reading and viewing!
Zone containing attachments
Preview YouTube video Sommes nous faits pour courir Complete Arte Documentary
Sommes nous faits pour courir Complet Documentaire Arte
Preview YouTube video The teacher who runs barefoot – Nature video
The Barefoot Running Professor – Nature video
Preview YouTube video Principles of Natural Running with Dr. Mark Cucuzzella
Principles of Natural Running with Dr. Mark Cucuzzella
Preview YouTube video Reportage France 24: Run barefoot
Report France 24: Run barefoot
Preview YouTube video Are You Ready to Go Minimal?
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