“Book review of “Food, the 1st Medicine” by Dr Trotta”.

“L’alimentation Vivante, la 1ère médecine” by Docteur Pascal TROTTA

Readingsheet by Dominique LARICQ osteopath in Anglet

OBJECTIVE: maintain and protect the intestine (intestinal mucosa) 
and its filter the liver to stay healthy. How can we do this? Through healthy nutrition


” To reach the truth, it is necessary once in a lifetime to discard all the opinions we have received, in order to reconstruct anew, from the very foundations, all the systems of our knowledge. 
Atthis stage, there is no dogma or theory that does not hold, and each step taken in the progression of knowledge only allows us to better measure the extent of what we do not know.” Descartes

 Let your food be your medicine. ” Hippocrates of Cos

 Natura medicatrix Hippocrates of Cos

-” Natures (natural reflexes) are the physicians of diseases (VI epidemics). ” Hippocrates of Cos

-” You can’t be the master of your health if you entrust the care of your stomach to a restaurant kitchen, or if you’re incapable of ensuring the logical execution of cooked dishes at home. But you can’t command well, or get out of trouble when a servant runs out, unless you’ve already put your hand to the dough yourself. . ” Dr Paul Carton

-” What we really need are highly unsaturated fats. The moment two unsaturated double bonds are present together in a fatty acid chain, the effects are multiplied and in highly unsaturated fats, known as linoleic acid, there is a field of electrons generated, a veritable electrical charge that can quickly be discharged into the body, thus causing a recharging of living substance – especially brain and nerves. To stabilize these fats, the unsaturated bonds (which so actively demand oxygen) are destroyed by industrial processing methods. But it’s precisely these highly unsaturated fatty acids that play a decisive role in the body’s respiratory function. Without these fatty acids, the enzymes involved in respiration cannot function, and we asphyxiate. . ” Dr Johanna Budwig

-” Man, the unknown -> The public has been led to believe that white bread is superior to brown… Flour has been sifted and deprived of its most useful principles… Consumers unknowingly eat an inferior product. And in all countries where bread is the mainstay of the diet, populations are degenerating…  “Alexis Carrel

-” Nutrition is the first form of medicine, allopathic or homeopathic medicine the second, and surgery the third. Nutritherapy prevents and treats all illnesses in various specialties – cardiology, neurology, rheumatology, dermatology, pneumology, pediatrics, gastroenterology – but it’s also a longitudinal discipline, because better than ” Tintin “, it treats people from under 7 to over 77 years of age. “Dr Jean Seignalet

 The microbe is nothing, the field is everything. ” Tissot and Bechamp (Pasteur Institute)

 Les français sont des veaux. ” said General de Gaulle, referring to milk.

 Aboire, à boire ! ” Rabelais – Gargantua

 It is necessary to know the quality of water. ” Hippocrates

-” We drink 9% of our illnesses. “Pasteur

-” What is water used for? To make fish swim, boats sail, plants stand upright, wash, make up blood, drink and eliminate… Of course. But it has a secret function, hidden in our cells: to enable them to communicate by amplifying the billions of signals emitted by molecules, signals whose nature was previously unknown. We’ve recorded them on computer and transmitted them via the Internet: they’re Hertzian frequencies, in the sound band (spectrum frequencies between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz, the same range as for the human ear or music). Water subjected to these frequencies simulates the effects of molecules.  “Jacques Benveniste

” It’s better to eat water (fruit and vegetables) than to drink it. ” Masaru Emoto

-” Man is a primate adapted to the coast ” Michel Odent

-“ Bonum vinum laetificat cor hominis -> good wine makes the heart of man happy. “

 Ignoring rhythms in biology and medicine in particular can be compared to not washing your hands before surgery: the patient pays the price ” Franz Halberg

 Health is deserved, earned and defended day after day by methods provided by Nature and not by medicine ” Hippocrates

 Qui dort dîne   in country hotels

 80% of today’s diseases are man-made Professor Dominique Belpomme

” If, after 50 years, you wake up in the morning and you don’t feel pain anywhere … it’s because you’re … dead! ” Sacha Guitry

-” I’m twice her age, so it’s only natural that she’s my other half . Sacha Guitry

-” No abs, back pain . Dr Trotta

In alphabetical order

-Unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic acid, natural, electron-rich, vital for humans, ‘bio-electronic’ effect beneficial for our cellular respiration and our health.
-Polyunsaturated fatty acids: vitamins E and F in oils.Polyunsaturated fatty acids: vitamins E and F in oils
-Saturated fatty acids: through industrial hydrogenation = serious consequences for health, danger of fat solidification
-Phytic acid: slows intestinal absorption of calcium
-Food: from the Latin aller = to nurse, to care -> is the action of feeding oneself.
-Preventive nutrition: living (foods that still contain all the micronutrients vitamins-enzymes-oligo-elements), colorful (colors are the anti-oxidants that prevent oxidation and premature aging of the body, and are in the skin of fruits and vegetables), varied (to provide the body with all the preventive and healing substances that are contained in nature), fresh (the fresher the product, the more micronutrients it contains), natural (avoid anything artificial, which is foreign to our genetic capital), convivial (the meal is a moment of relaxation when we like to get together with family or friends to remake the world or simply have a good time. Time to take the time to sit down, to smell the dishes, to chew, to see and appreciate all the colors, to savor, and at every meal), unrefined not oxidized (refining (oil, salt, sugar, cereals) denatures and makes pathogenic).
Killer foods: alcohol, meat, sugar
-Antidepressants: suicides
-Anti-inflammatories: vascular, renal and gastric toxicity, leads to intestinal hyperpermeability
-Green clay: for all digestive disorders
-Aspartame: causes brain tumors in 45% of rats consuming it
-Aspirin: leads to intestinal hyperpermeability

-Bibliography: Pr Henri Joyeux, Descartes, Gilles Delluc, S. Boyd Eaton, Hippocrates of Cos, Dr Samuel Hahnemann, Edward Bach, Dr Maximilian Bircher-Benner, Paul Carton, Dr Jacques Fradin, Dr Johanna Budwig, Dr Catherine Kousmine, Alexis Carrel, Dr Jean Seignalet, Dr Raphaël Nogier, Pasteur, Maurice Paul Otto, Jacques Benveniste, Masaru Emoto, Pr Louis Claude Vincent,
-Bios : from Greek -> life
-Beverages: coffee (well roasted and not too much), black, white and green teas, maté, rooibos, herbal infusions.

-Calcium: focus on plant-based sources of calcium, milk, parsley, almonds, egg yolks, brown rice
-Calories: the result of refining, preservation and storage.
-Cancers: immunotoxicity of chemotherapy = weakening of the immune system.
-genetic capital: has not changed for millions of years
-Cardiology: for adults, prevention of heart attacks, thrombo-embolic diseases.
-Cereals: from the Greek ceres, god of harvest. Source of vitamin B, located in the husk, the bran.
-Digestible cereals: brown rice, buckwheat, sesame, small spelt, quinoa
-Brain: nourishment = Omega 3
-LDL cholesterol – small protein that carries cholesterol to tissues, which in excess can be deposited on the arterial wall, eventually clogging it.
-HDL cholesterol – large protein that carries peripheral cholesterol back to the liver (which cleanses the blood of excess cholesterol).
-Right colon: fermentation flora, carbohydrate fermentation. An excess of carbohydrates causes an increase in fermentation in this colon, which becomes sensitive to palpation, producing numerous non-odorous gases. = indols.
-Left colon: putrefactive flora, protein fermentation, a diet too rich in animal proteins increases putrefactive flora and odorous gases = scatols
-Colopathy: spastic abdominal pain and intestinal transit disorders.
-Consequences: sedentary lifestyle, cereal intake of slow sugars, fatty meat, salt consumption, building up food reserves, herds of domestic animals, industrial era, lipids (saturated), fast sugars, less fiber, sedentary lifestyle, increased cereal intake (presence of phytic acid).
-Corticotherapy: long term = glaucoma
-Cooking: transforms colors, smells, flavors, texture. Avoid: deep-frying (> 700° + oxidation of oils), barbecues (production of carcinogenic benzopyrenes, acroleins and nitrosamines), all cooking above 90° (oven, pressure cooker, microwave oven, etc.). Preferably: stewing, gentle steaming.

-Depressions: unhappiness, incoherence between one’s life and one’s heart.
Dietary imbalance = passage of large molecules through the intestinal barrier, resulting in – fixation on certain parts of the body, triggering an inflammatory reaction which is at the origin of many so-called “clogging” diseases (multiple sclerosis with nerve damage, rheumatoid arthritis with joint damage) – elimination by the following emunctories: Skin (acne, eczema, psoriasis), Lungs (asthma, chronic bronchitis), Nose (chronic rhinitis)
-Diabetes: beet sugar eliminates the minerals and trace elements chromium (a factor in the body’s use of glucose).
-Drainage: (hepatic and general) ½ liter per day, summer = 1 liter per day / bitter foods and plants = black radish, artichokes, dandelions

-Water: vital, the most important of all foodstuffs. It is not stored in the body. Water contains no sugar, fat or calories. It regulates body temperature. Water is a carrier of information. When it comes to living foods and health, neglecting water means overlooking life, information and regeneration. Prefer water contained in fruit and vegetables, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, low mineral content waters (granite -> Lauretana, Mont Roucous, Montcalm, Mont-Dore, Volvic)
– Sweeteners: chemical product, aspartame (E951), the danger is its degradation metabolite formaldehyde = neurotoxic / saccharin
-Side effects: chemical drugs.
-Interstitial electro-scan: neuro-vegetative system => subject too sympathicotonic = too yang / subject too parasympathicotonic = too yin /// psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunological axis = subject anxious? depressed? /// parameters of intercellular fluid /// existence or not of food intolerances => casein in dairy products, gluten in cereals /// functional state at ” t ” /// which system is most affected = osteo-articular, digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine, neurological, immunological /// intercellular oxidative stress /// metabolic or respiratory acidosis

-Iron: black pudding
-Fiber: escape, vegetables, legumes, wholegrain cereals
-Foetus has a sterile intestine, devoid of bacteria. After descending from the uterus, it spends a few minutes in the vagina, where it absorbs normal bacterial colonies from its mother’s vaginal flora. It then emerges into the open air, most often with its head upside down and facing backwards, towards the anus (the left anterior oblique obstetrical position), where it is seeded once again. As the head descends into the vagina, it compresses the rectum and lets out a little stool in a ” but ” of bacterial transfusion = Escherichia coli and Streptococcus. Breastfeeding enriches our flora with Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli. Early childhood infections stimulate Th1 helper T lymphocytes (cellular immunity), whose cytokine production prevents allergic-type responses mediated by Th2 helper T lymphocytes (humoral immunity).
-Liver: the body’s chemical factory, eliminates numerous waste products through metabolic reactions. It is the filter based between the intestine and the blood. Tongue test: overloaded liver when posterior ⅔ are covered with a white or brown coating -> sugar, alcohol. The liver converts T4 into T3 (thyroid hormone). In the evening, it’s best to give lightly to limit the liver’s filtration work, allowing it to drain the day’s toxins, which will clog up our bodies.
-Fortifying: pollen and royal jelly
-FOS – Fructo-Oligo-Saccharide = produces volatile fatty acids responsible for the acidification of the colon, which reinforces the barrier effect of the dominant flora against the development of certain pathogenic bacteria.
-Fracture of the neck of the femur: by loss of the trabeculae of the bone structure (lack of silicon fixing the calcium on the bone).

-Grain: almond -> starch, complex carbohydrate / shell -> B vitamins and minerals / germ -> vitamins A and E and trace elements
-Sprouted seeds: living food, the most ” energetic ” of all foods. When seeds are soaked (lentils, alfalfa-luzerne, radish, fenugreek, wheat, rice, chickpea), the water hydrates the seed in less than 12 hours, triggering germination. This germination triggers a number of enzymatic processes that transform the seed’s starch into vegetable fiber, and multiply the level of vitamins, enzymes, trace elements and minerals. They are the best health investment there is: low cost, high return.
-Fat: saturated fatty acid = solid fat -> meat, cold meats, animal milk, butter, cream, palm oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, pastries / unsaturated fatty acid = olive oil (oleic acid – omega 9) / Omega 6 (pro-inflammatory, pro-aggregants) = sunflower oil, corn, soy, sesame, safflower, grapeseed / Omega 3 (anti-inflammatory, anti-aggregants) = vegetable oils of peril, flax, rapeseed, walnut, wheat germ, oily fish (mackerel, herring, sardines, tuna, walnuts, purslane
-Saturated fats (avoid) : beef, pork, charcuterie, cow’s milk products (butter, crème fraiche, margarine, confectionery, pastries, etc.).

-Harpagophytum: powerful natural anti-inflammatory, potentiates the effects of silica
-Humans: Neanderthal homo sapiens, Cro-magnon, hunters, gatherers -> berries plants, roots, insects, lean meats, peaches, feed for 35% of game meat and 65% of plants => green plants (stems and leaves), fleshy plants (tubers, roots, fruits, large seeds) = = = = > high protein intake (35%) = high fat content > lipids with polyunsaturated fatty acids (22%) > slow carbohydrates and vegetable fibers (43%).
Linette oil: nutrition against arthritis, infarction, cancer
-Intestinal hyperpermeability: ” microholes ” in the intestinal mucosa = passage of undigested micro-molecules through the intestinal wall. These micro-molecules, in the bloodstream, will then bind, depending on the genetic tropism of the subject – to the myelin sheath of nerves = reduced conduction of nerve impulses (multiple sclerosis) – to the envelope of joints = anti-bodies will attack the synovium of joints (rheumatoid arthritis) – to the thyroid (thyroiditis)

-IGF: tumor growth factors in humans with TGF
-Gut: regulatory center of immunity
-Small intestine: pivot of health -> inner membrane = enterocyte cell layer / intestinal flora or microbiota / flora and lymphoid organs of the mucosa = immune brain => synthesis of B and K vitamins, cholesterol breakdown of excess exogenous hormones, nourishment of the intestinal mucosa, anti-infectious barrier, absorption of phyto-hormones
-Food intolerances: gluten, casein from cow’s milk
-Iodine: algae, mussels, eggs

-Mother’s milk = rich in Omega 3 (essential fatty acids)
-Dairy: no wild species consumes milk after weaning.

-Magnesium: seaweed, wheat germ, dried peas, almonds
-Autoimmune diseases: production of antibodies against the patient’s own organs, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis.
-Drugs: chemistry that treats symptoms rather than causes.
-Melatonin: hormone secreted, depending on light intensity, during the sleep cycle, secretion proportional to the length of the night.

-Hepatic neo-glycogenesis: transformation of animal lipids into sugar => body and brain.
-Neolithic: > 10,000 B.C.
-Nutrition: from the Latin nutrire = to feed -> all the processes involved in absorbing and using food, essential for the body’s maintenance and energy needs.

-Gynoid obesity: female distribution of fat in the lower abdomen, around the hips and thighs.
-Obstetrics: as much for the mother as for the child and its cerebral development.
-Eggs: its cholesterol is transformed in the body into progesterone and then into estrogen.Eggs: its cholesterol is transformed in the body into progesterone, then estrogen.
-Trace minerals: in small quantities
-Omega 3: anti-inflammatory fats, vegetable oils (rapeseed, flaxseed), “blue   ” fish (sardines, anchovies, mackerel, herring).

-French paradox: we die far less of myocardial infarction and cardiovascular disease. Drink wine
-Pesticides = estrogen-like
-Prebiotics: fibers (pectins, soluble dietary fibers = FOS) and carbohydrates (fructo-Oligo-Saccharides = fruits, vegetables, cereals) which promote the development of intestinal flora, resist enzymatic hydrolysis during their passage through the digestive tract, role in the colon for colonic flora (bifido bacteria)
-Nutritional prevention: a public health issue.
-Pro-biotics: opposite of anti-biotics, elements for life
-Psychiatry: lubrication of the brain, depressed people

-Racne: vitamin D deficiency
-Refining: action of purifying, but extracting vitamins E and F from oils, minerals from cereals, sugar, salt. oils. > precipitation towards degenerative diseases / cereals -> mineral deficiencies / sugars -> diabetes epidemic / salt -> increased blood pressure.
-Refining of oils either by heating (160 to 200°) or with a solvent, texane = a solvent used in the refining process.> dead oil, isomeric spatial modification of fatty acids into inactive ‘cis-trans’ form.
-Grain refining -> separation of bran and germ, starch remains
-Sea salt refining: treated by a battery of physical and chemical processes to isolate sodium chloride, then incorporation of chemical additives for whiteness
-Sugar refining: beet or cane sugar
-Biological rhythms: sleep/wake cycles, day/night, activity/rest, seasons, etc. through the actions of the hypothalamus.

-Scorbut: vitamin C deficiency
-Salt: contains sodium chloride (Na Cl), potassium chloride (K Cl), minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc), iodine, flavor enhancer. The absence of potassium and magnesium causes an ionic imbalance that is a precursor to high blood pressure.
-Signs of dairy intolerance in women: colopathy, migraines, mastodynia
-Natural plant silicon: daily requirement = 50-100mg/day, to maintain elasticity, suppleness and vitality. It forms the basis of the connective tissue that supports our organs. It balances electrical exchanges between cells and tissues. A fundamental component of bones, cartilage (enriched with chondroitin and prostheoglycans), tendons and ligaments. In cartilage => chicken broth with the remains of a roast chicken (skin, bone, cartilage) / wholegrain cereals (grain husks) / carbonated waters (Salvetat, Arvie, Chateldon, Montdore, Chatelguyon) / fruit and vegetable skins / garlic / onion / plants -> horsetail, nettle, bamboo, brown millet, bird’s-foot weed, dandelion. Without Silicium, calcium cannot bind to bones. Silicon deficiency leads to a rarefaction of the bone frameworks to which calcium atoms are attached. Silicon’s action on the flexibility of arterial walls is a significant asset in the prevention of arteriosclerosis. Is potentiated by taking harpagophytum
-Soya: this is the ” king ” of phyto-oestrogens, which will be well absorbed by the intestinal mucosa if it is well balanced. Better assimilated in tofu, natto, miso, shoyu or tempeh form, as fermentation removes the sugar attached to isoflavones, making them easily assimilated by our Western intestines
-Statins: cholesterol-lowering, but clog up the liver and muscles
-Stimulants and heavy metal chelators: spirulina, chlorella, klamath
-Storage: ageing of foodstuffs, with loss of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and trace elements -> junk food
-Sugar: it’s everywhere

-TGF: human tumour growth factors with IGF

-Wine: fermented product, 90% water, minerals, cocktail of antioxidants, tannins, polyphenols, flavonoids including resveratrol, which increases the level of good cholesterol (HDL), acetylsalicylic acid,
-Vitamin: amine essential to life
-Vitamin A: liver, butter, egg, important role in vision, especially twilight vision, involved in reproduction and growth, essential for young children, necessary for healthy skin and mucous membranes.
-Vitamin B : lentils, eggs, liver, B1 = sugar assimilation and utilization by cells / B2 = activates numerous enzymes involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins and sugars, as well as their conversion into energy / B3 = involved in the metabolism and conversion into energy of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids / B5 = plays an important role in many vital operations / B6 = protein metabolism activates red blood cell production and serotonin synthesis (controls hunger and mood) / B8 = synthesis of fatty acids and glucose / B9 and B12 = major role in protein synthesis, including nucleic acids, the building and maintenance material of chromosomes, essential for red blood cell formation and proper functioning of the nervous system.
Vitamin C: acerola, orange, kiwi, broccoli, prevents scurvy, collagen synthesis, strengthens the body’s defenses against infection by stimulating immunity, improves intestinal absorption of iron, antioxidant action
-Vitamin D : mackerel, sardines, sunshine, vitamin for bone tissue, manages the body’s use of calcium and phosphorus, regulates muscle contraction
-Vitamin E: antioxidant, rapeseed and olive oils, natural antioxidant, traps free radicals, reduces the body’s rate of deterioration
-Vitamin K: essential for blood coagulation

-Zinc: oysters


We need to correct the imbalance in the flora by adding probiotics, which will gradually reduce the hyperpermeability of the intestinal mucosa.

For good health,
-drink when you get up
-have a fatty or protein breakfast (not just a sweet one) = Queen’s breakfast, when you need to provide energy, so that all the day’s metabolic needs are met
-eat a dense lunch (meat/fish, vegetables, legumes (3 times a week)) = Princess’ lunch
-sweet snacks
-light dinners = Pauper’s dinners

Eat every day:
-2 to 4 fruits in season, not a day without fruit
-2 to 4 vegetables in season, different colors, both raw and cooked
-wholegrain cereals
-legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas)
-first cold-pressed oils, rapeseed, linseed (1 tablespoon raw rapeseed oil, ½ tablespoon raw linseed oil) to mix with olive oil
-whole flaxseeds, 3 tablespoons (salads, vegetables, soups, breads)
-ground flaxseeds : 1 tablespoon
-5 walnuts
-400gr purslane salad, arugula, lamb’s lettuce

oily fish, 3 times a week

Drainage: at the change of season, mainly in early spring (to drain toxins accumulated over the winter) and autumn (to deacidify the body from excess fruit and cereals consumed during the summer and to prepare the body for the rigors of winter) -> black radish, dandelion, artichoke
-> eliminate toxins and water retention

Silica: In cartilage => chicken broth with the remains of a roast chicken (skin, bones, cartilage) / whole grains (grain husks) / carbonated waters (Salvetat, Arvie, Chateldon, Montdore, Chatelguyon) / fruit and vegetable skins / garlic / onion / plants -> horsetail, nettle, bamboo, brown millet, bird’s-foot weed, arterial dandelion,
=> rheumatism, osteoarthritis, tendinitis, sciatica, herniated discs, loss of flexibility, osteoporosis, after-effects of heart attacks, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, loss of vitality, physical asthenia, psychological asthenia, skin disorders (wrinkles, loss of elasticity, stretch marks, cellulite, psoriasis, acne, Dupuytren, hair loss, brittle nails, skin cracks, scars, etc.).

Sprouted seeds: lentils, alfalfa-luzerne, radish, fenugreek, wheat, rice, chickpeas

Of course, a dry sausage, a good farmhouse cheese, good mutton or poultry that has not been raised in battery cages, game, etc. can all be eaten reasonably for pleasure.

Encourage diversification, return to healthy eating in stages, without rushing, with the notion of enjoying the moment as much as the preparation, the meal, the digestion.


-Get 30 minutes of fresh air a day
-Move: increasing muscle tension lowers nervous tension


Nutrition in the face of major diseases

Facing up to cancer:
-François Mitterand and Dr Beljanski’s plants – prostate cancer
-Dr Catherine Kousmine: ” If we want to cure cancer, we have to ‘unplug the cancer engine’, which is our diet. There’s no point in undergoing mutilating treatments if we don’t completely and thoroughly change our diet “.
-Pro-cancer diet: fried foods, excess red meat (more than 3 times a week), excess cow’s milk products (more than 3 times a week – TGF and IGF tumor growth factors).

-Anti-cancer food: all cabbages, all colored vegetables (various anti-oxidants), red fruits and berries, garlic, onions, leeks, shallots, chives, spices (turmeric), nuts, fatty fish (sardines, mackerel, herring), green tea, red wine, dark chocolate.

Dr Lallement’s advice: ” care must be taken not to renuturate the tumour “. He recommends a warm tumor, protein-free diet for 1 to 3 weeks prior to surgery, as well as a relative caloric diet. He recommends eating fresh, organic fruit and vegetables, and good vegetable fats. Post-operatively, the aim is to make up for the protein deficit with moderate quantities of high-quality, organic poultry, seafood and meat.
-The benefits of fasting in chemotherapy.

Faced with cardiovascular disease:
based on studies by Serge Renaud and de Lorgeril -> the french paradox
-it’s not genes that are the protective factors, but environment
-it’s not cholesterol that’s the risk factor, but the position of the fatty acids on the fat molecule
-wine protects the French from heart attacks
Advice :
-adopt the Cretan diet
-eat less meat, more poisons
-eat sardines
-need to drink milk
-eat little yogurt
-prefer sheep’s and goat’s cheeses
-eat vegetables at every meal
-cooking with olive oil or rapeseed oil
-Eliminate butter, cream, margarine and sunflower oil for cooking.
-drink 1 to 2 glasses of red wine with meals

For pain and rheumatism:
-reduce inflammatory foods -> red meat, dairy products, fried foods, potato chips, cold cuts, sugar, industrial and refined foods (sugar, salt, cereals, oils)
-change to anti-inflammatory foods => Cretan diet, fish, vegetables, nuts, aromatic herbs, wine
-reduce acidifying foods -> red meat, dairy products, fried foods, potato chips, cold meats, sugar, industrial and refined foods (sugar, salt, cereals, oils), soft drinks = they cause metabolic acidosis, a source of pain due to the daily deposition of acids in tendons, ligaments and joints
-stretch, stretch, stretch

Depression, Alzheimer’s:
-Polyunsaturated fatty acid deficiencies = neurological diseases
-Strengthening the intestinal microbiota
-Strengthening the ” immune brain “

Autoimmune diseases: multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroiditis, etc.
-repairing and rebuilding the intestinal barrier

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