Colopathy etymologically means “colon pathology”, disease of the colon, but it is most often understood as pain in the abdominal frame, along the colonic frame, often in the form of spasms, reflecting inflammation or functional digestive disorders of the colon.
The pain comes in fits and starts, taking hold of the abdomen to the right or left and forcing the person to bend forward, with the need to compress the abdomen to reduce the pain. It is often accompanied by diarrhea, usually constipation with hard stools, and sometimes hemorrhoids. It is aggravated during periods ofanxiety, sadness and stress.
She treats herself wonderfully by correcting nutritional errors and taking PRODOCTA andOMEDOCTA for three months.
There’s no need to take chemical antispasmodic drugs that don’t treat the cause of the symptoms, just the symptoms themselves.
What causes colopathy? The most common cause is a combination of stress, nutritional errors and intestinal flora imbalance.
Stress is omnipresent in modern life, where the aberrant system forces us to work more and more to pay ever heavier bills.
The main nutritional errors at the root of colopathy are a refined, devitalized diet based on wheat-milk-sugar.
Our colon needs fibre every day to function properly.
This means eating vegetables every day. Replace wheat as much as possible with brown rice, lentils or quinoa. Avoid eating white bread with meals.
And at the sacrosanct breakfast, let’s eat proteins: eggs, cheese, ham and fatty foods: nuts, avocado, olives, rather than bread with butter and jam.
Eliminate cow’s milk and cow’s yoghurt altogether, as cow’s milk contains undigested proteins (due to the corn silage diet) that irritate the colon’s mucous membrane.
To repair the damaged colonic mucosa, take the following supplements for three months:
PRODOCTA. 1-0-0. One capsule before breakfast
OMEDOCTA. 2-0-0 Two capsules before breakfast
If you are overweight or have a heavy tongue (brown, milky or white), take DRENADOCTA as a Detox-Drainage treatment. Take one capful dose (50 ml) in half a liter of water and drink:
– in the afternoon
– or in the evening instead of dinner to achieve a micro-fastingThis allows you to lose weight overnight while cleansing your intestines and colon. A double benefit!
Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country
Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Trotta
– on site.
– online.
Tel: 05 54 54 44 43
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