Depression, a natural treatment

How can depression be better treated?

Is there a pilot in the plane?
The 2015 A 320 crash-suicide raises the pertinent question of the efficacy and/or dangerousness of antidepressants in the sole therapeutic approach to depression. According to psycho-criminologist Michèle Agrapart, Andreas Lubitz, the pilot who plunged the plane and its passengers into the Southern Alps, “was taking psychotropic drugs and antidepressants in particular”. According to her, ” Andreas Lubitz was a mass murderer, who acted under the effect of his antidepressants “.

Antidepressants have numerous side effects, including suicidal behaviour.

If we see depression only as a brain disease and treat it only with chemical drugs, we run the risk of seeing similar tragedies in the future.
But depression is not only a brain disease, it is probably an inflammatory disease of intestinal origin, which changes the whole therapeutic approach.

Is depression an inflammatory disease of intestinal origin?

More and more scientific studies are revealing the importance of the intestine in the origins of most of our illnesses.
Dr. Trotta is one of those doctors who assert that the intestine is our second brain.
And that this second brain is in permanent connection, via the vagus nerve, with our rational or emotional brain.

So the balance of one requires the balance of the other, and we can’t balance our upper brain without balancing our lower brain.

So the best way to treat depression is to balance your gut: and that balance comes from healthy nutrition. That’s why diet is the first line of medicine.
Before taking medication, you need to make sure that your gut and brain are well nourished.
Today’s modern, refined diet is at the root of many depressions due to micro-deficiencies.

You’ll find all the information you need in the pdf book on nutrition and health written by Dr Trotta.

How can you balance your gut over the long term?

The subtle balance of our second brain depends on the balance of its countless bacteria, known as “intestinal flora”.

Our resistance to stress and our emotional equilibrium greatly depend on this balance.

The takeover of PRODOCTA, probiotic complex helps to re-seed your fermentation flora, thus promoting life and facilitating intestinal and emotional balance and well-being.

1 capsule a day in the morning before breakfast will relieve abdominal pain and heaviness, ease transit and digestion, reduce allergies and infections and, after three months, give you much better emotional balance and resistance to stress.

How to reduce inflammation to prevent or treat depression?

Preventing inflammation means preventing most diseases.

The most important thing in preventing depression and modern diseases is to balance our dietary fats.

You need to eat much more polyunsaturated fats such as nuts and oily fish (sardines and mackerel) than saturated fats (cow’s milk, yoghurt, milk, red meat, palm oil, fried food).

Regular use ofOMEDOCTA, which provides polyunsaturated fatty acids, will lubricate your brain, making its connections more efficient, increasing your resistance to stress, reducing your emotional jolts and helping to prevent and treat depression. OMEDOCTA works in symbiosis with PRODOCTA to balance both your gut and your brain.

Taking these two supplements for a minimum of three months is far more effective than any chemical drug, with no side effects.

If you have insomnia, rather than taking chemical sleeping pills that cause poor sleep, addiction and dependence, take ZENADOCTA which is the natural supplement Dr Trotta has developed to help his patients sleep better.



If you’re not feeling well, if you’re at the end of your rope, if you’re depressed, you don’t need medication, you need someone to listen to you (who takes the time that has become all too rare in this world of having), who understands you, helps you and stimulates you.

Someone who’s right in head, heart and body, because otherwise it won’t work.

A man of the art who practices this beautiful medicine of body-soul-mind, because that’s what we really are, and not just a pile of organs or a sick brain.

A doctor who doesn’t consider that a single drug or psychological approach will be enough to cure you, but who helps you find your way back to the light in your darkness.

A doctor who listens to you, empathizes with you and relieves you as best he can, with natural weapons, without resorting to artificial treatments that are too often dangerous for you or for others.

Auricular acupuncture by Dr Pascal Trotta. drawing by Ntahalie Fourmy for Dr Trotta.2/ Homeopathy

With its highly refined psychological approach and ecological dilutions of plants and minerals, this modern branch of 21st-century electro-magnetic medicine will help you rediscover the path to serenity and inner calm, despite the detractors who ignorantly oppose it.

Ignatia amara against anxiety, Argentum against stress, Sepia against sadness,….etc… the homeopathic doctor has a multitude of effective remedies with no side effects, unlike anxiolytics which are drugs, legal but drugs.

2/Auricular acupuncture

Recognized by the WHO as “The French medical acupuncture”, this internationally renowned branch of French medicine balances the BRAIN and INTESTIN.

A minimum of three sessions spaced one month apart is generally required to complement the action of homeopathy and dietary supplements in the treatment of mood disorders, and repeated sessions until sufficient improvement is achieved in the treatment of depression.

The combination of micronutrition, homeopathy and auricular acupuncture enables us to overcome most mood disorders in an ecological and sustainable way, with no side effects, to the benefit of the patient, his family and his environment.

3/ Scalar waves Scalar waves: a revolutionary new wave therapy to boost your organism, your body, which is your best doctor. These natural waves, in the shape of your DNA, will resonate with your cells to harmonize them and “carry” to them the information contained in the natural treatments that Dr. Trotta will have prescribed for you on a personalized basis. In this way, all your body’s x-cells can be immediately informed by a single session at the end of your consultation. A session that not only soothes and relaxes you, but also stimulates all your cells and neurons with the healing frequencies of St. John’s wort, sprouted seeds, etc. The first session is offered by Dr. Trotta at the end of the consultation.

Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country

Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta: Tel 05 54 54 44 43

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The benefits of auricular acupuncture for emotional balance

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