Would you give cocaine to your children?
This short article is aimed at parents of children who have been offered medication. It is, of course, also aimed at all those who are already medicated and want to find another solution. A much more natural solution that respects the child’s nature and temperament, and which is much more effective and less dangerous.
It’s information drawn from the experience of a common-sense doctor who wants to “save your children”.
So-called scientific and psychiatric circles have invented a new acronym, a new disease they call ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It sounds pompous and serious, and gives a name to disorders that more and more children suffer from.
It’s a trend that comes to us from the United States, where around 10% of children are affected, and more seriously, medicated and put on chemical drugs.
Specialists recognize 3 symptoms of ADHD:
Decreased attention
The three symptoms are often intertwined, with diminished attention predominating over agitation.
It’s often the teachers who alert the parents, first asking for counseling for their child who doesn’t listen in class, or who disrupts the class.
Requests to consult psychologists are becoming increasingly frequent.
Before consulting a psychologist and asking whether your child is sick or normal, you need to ask yourself the right questions.
First of all, today’s children spend 3 times as much time at school as they did a century ago!
The education system of the 2000-2020s is nothing like that of the Third Republic, or that of the 50s or 60s. National education has become the kingdom of ideologues. A former national education inspector, Jean Paul Brigheli, has written a book on the subject, evocatively entitled “La fabrique du crétin” (“The cretin factory”).
Most parents will agree with me: school curricula have forgotten logic and are confusing children’s brains, with the end of chronology in history, the end of the history of men and the beginning of the history of systems. Systems that mean nothing to our children, when children, like all of us, identify much more with men and human beings than with abstract systems. It’s teaching the history of institutions and systems rather than the history of people. Well, it’s far less interesting to hear the history of a political system than the story of Napoleon or Duguesclin and the epics they lived through.
So the child, who is normal, loses interest in the uninteresting lesson, is then inattentive and the teacher then alarms the parents by telling them that their child has a problem. Many parents of boys will recognize themselves in what I’m saying.
The sick education system aims to transfer the problem to children, and to parents.
It’s the child that we’re proposing to treat, whereas it’s the education system that needs to be reformed.
Just look at the worrying rise in the number of children who can’t read by the time they reach the sixth form, and the increasing number of dyslexic and inattentive children.
We’re witnessing a dys epidemic! Dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, dysphasia…
I’m not denying that there are children with psychological problems, especially since the explosion in divorce cases and the emotional trauma they engender, but the explosion in requests for psychologist consultations and the worrying increase in the number of children on chemical drugs should make us take action.
Today’s school system is better adapted to the personality and temperament of girls, for whom it’s much easier to sit on a bench for eight hours, and who are generally more docile before adolescence than boys, whose definition is to be hyperactive and need to expend physical energy in childhood.
Watch Pergault’s 1962 film “La guerre des boutons” again, which shows that all these children are “hyperactive” according to our current definitions of the modern world, when in fact they are simply normal.
If you’ve seen this film or this extract, you’ll understand that keeping boys seated all day is a form of violence that can only be maintained, by some, by chemical means.
What’s more, the most common form of ADHD is not hyperactivity but inattention without agitation.
Why are there more cases of ADHD and inattention in children?
Let me give you an example we’ve all experienced: if we attend a particularly dull lecture or a boring conference, or listen to an uninteresting person talk, well, we’ve all been there, so we’re bound to pick up the thread very quickly, stop listening and move on to something else. It’s a perfectly normal reaction of the human brain.
Children are like us: they listen if it’s interesting, or if the teacher knows how to capture the children’s attention and enunciate a clear and comprehensible teaching. As Nicolas Boileau said: “What is well conceived is clearly expressed. And the words to say it come easily.
What is the classic pattern for children defined as attention-deficit or hyperactive?:
After consulting a psychologist or psychiatrist, they are often offered a short course of chemical treatment to make them more attentive. The problem is that parents don’t know that these drugs are extremely dangerous. The real side-effects of these drugs are hidden from them. What are these drugs supposed to treat attention deficit disorders?
You may be familiar with their names: these are essentially Ritalin and its derivatives, in France concerta and quasym. The chemically synthesized molecule is methylphenidate. This molecule was synthesized in 1944, and its trade name comes from the nickname of the chemist’s wife (Rita). It’s an amphetamine analog: amphetamines are molecules considered to be drugs: in fact, their harmfulness and strong psychic dependence have meant that they have been classified as narcotics since 1967. A narcotic is an illegal drug. In other words, a drug prohibited for consumption.
So why is this amphetamine analogue allowed, legalized and authorized for sale, especially to children and adolescents whose brains are not yet mature?
We need to ask ourselves the real questions: why are there illegal drugs like heroin, cocaine and amphetamines on the one hand, and legal drugs like medicines on the other? Ritalin….etc…. is it because the molecule has been patented by a multinational drug company and there are huge financial stakes involved that this legalization has been made possible?
So what’s the point of Ritalin and all those other drugs that are supposed to treat attention deficit disorders?
As a derivative of amphetamines, it is a psychostimulant: it stimulates the brain. In a way, they’re brain dopers. When I was preparing for the medical internship exam in 1986, which is a dreadful test where, at an age when you should be blossoming in the wilderness, you’re forced to sit for 15 hours a day to swallow tons and tons of knowledge. Three months before the exam, I tested a legal amphetamine called “Ordinator” with a student friend with whom I was “sub-collecting”: we wanted to see if we were making any progress in our MCQ results. Cautious, we did this test well before the exam to see if it would be possible to dope just before the exam. I took just one tablet in the morning and noticed the psychostimulant effects. My intellectual activity and alertness were markedly increased, to the point where I suffered from insomnia for 48 hours and scored 20% higher on the MCQs. I felt that my alertness and intelligence had increased tenfold, and that I could solve any problem with ease.
A bit like later with Qat, a drug containing amphetamines (qatnine) contained in a green plant chewed during endless discussions in Yemen. I was fortunate enough to do my national civilian service for two years (1990-1991) as a radiologist in Taiz. During this time, I was able to try Qat (going to Yemen without “qater” is like going to Bordeaux without drinking red wine….). Chewing this plant produces a fairly progressive intellectual stimulation (because unlike drugs, which contain the pure active principle, the plant contains the active principle but also thousands of phyto-nutrients which slow down its effect and counterbalance its side effects). This intellectual stimulation is such that Yemenis say when they quat “quand tu quates, tu vois Paris!” (when you quat, you see Paris).
So amphetamines and similar molecules like Ritalin are powerful brain stimulants. They can therefore very well reduce attention deficits.
On the other hand, they have very significant side effects.
In fact, when I had taken the amphetamine tablet Ordinator before preparing for the internship exam, I hadn’t slept for 48 hours, then had a huge backlash and had to recover the sleep I’d lost for a week. Warmed by this rather negative experience, I made the sensible decision never to take such a drug again. I passed the three competitive internship exams: Paris, Bordeaux and Montpellier without taking any psychotropic medication.
The side effects of these drugs are potentially very serious: insomnia, dependence, depression. And these effects lead to new treatments, such as sleeping pills. The risks of these drugs, if continued, are: dependence, future addiction, cardiac arrest, brain damage…
So what should I do if my child is agitated in class or especially inattentive and I’m under pressure to take care of him?
Before rushing to prescribe a potentially dangerous drug for your child or teenager for several months or even years, do the following.
1. Ask yourself the right questions about your child’s education system, school and teachers. If your child is a manual worker and is being kept in the general system, don’t force his or her temperament to stay in a system that’s not made for him or her.
All too often, children are kept in the general stream even though there’s a shortage of manual professions and many children, especially boys, thrive in these streams. Remember: “There is no such thing as a foolish trade, only foolish people”. On the other hand, it’s worth noting that homeschooled children learn the day’s curriculum in 3 hours, so they have time afterwards to enjoy themselves… and not get restless. So who’s sick?
2. Feed your child as well as possible. Avoid refined and devitalized foods.
Nutritional causes are often overlooked when it comes to attention deficit disorders in children. A child who eats a refined, devitalized diet of mainly industrial products packed with colorants and additives, which are known to excite the central nervous system, will have attention and hyperactivity disorders much more easily than a child who normally eats natural, organic, unprocessed products. Did you know that regular consumption of walnuts and sardines provides children’s brains with the polyunsaturated fatty acids they need to function properly, thus improving attention, listening skills and memory?
Avoid excess white sugar (an exitant like cocaine), yoghurts, creams, milk and refined cereals, and opt instead for fruit, nuts, eggs and ham for breakfast. Breakfast should be higher in protein, higher in fat and lower in sugar: when children eat breakfast, it’s far too sweet. This causes jolts in the brain, with the risk of hypoglycemia, which impairs the child’s attention at school.
3. Get your son to do a lot more sport, physical activity and natural activities, and keep him away from screens. The proliferation of video games and tablets is causing major concentration problems: Steve Jobs and Bill Gates forbade their children to use them, because they knew it was colossally damaging to their attention and concentration. What a shame!
4. Homeopathy, dietary supplements and acupuncture are preferable to drugs.
Homeopathy is regularly attacked by the Academie de Médecine and certain pharmaceutical lobbies, because more and more French people are turning to it. Homeopathy is excellent for treating minor anxiety disorders, fears and anxieties, and for reassuring children. It has no side effects, and it works: all the doctors and mothers who use it will tell you so.
5 Taking the following food supplements will help your child considerably:
OMEDOCTA 2-0-0. 2 capsules every morning at breakfast for several months to provide the good fats needed for your child’s brain to function properly. A well-oiled brain is a better-functioning brain. Many mental disorders are due to deficiencies in these famous fatty acids, which this supplement will provide your child with every day in small, natural doses.
Three walnuts a day and sardines or mackerel (canned or fresh) once or twice a week are the minimum needed to oil your child’s brain.
6. Finally, thanks to recent advances in auricular acupuncture and the availability to doctors of a new needle-free Cryo acupuncture system, children can be treated very effectively. For the ear is the touch-screen keyboard of each cerebral hemi-computer. Treating the ear in this way regulates brain activity without the need for chemical drugs.
In this way, the trio of nutrition, homeopathy and auricular acupuncture can reduce most of the disorders presented by children without resorting to chemical drugs, which can lead to dependence on hard drugs in adolescence and adulthood.
Finally, I’d like to recall the premonitory words written by Aldous Huxley in his 1931 book “Brave New World”.
“It’s not by using chemical drugs that we’ll gradually be able to control people’s brains”.
So if you want your children to remain free and become upright men, don’t drug them.
Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country
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