Endometriosis: How can it be better treated naturally without chemical drugs or surgery?

What is endometriosis, Doctor Trotta?

Endometriosis is a disease that affects 10% of women of childbearing age. It generally begins a few years after the onset of menstruation.

The diagnosis is made by doctors when women come to them with very painful periods, pain during sexual intercourse or during defecation.

Women often consult us for infertility.

Endometriosis is due to the migration of endometrial tissue outside the endometrium into locations where this intra-uterine tissue should not be found: uterine muscle, fallopian tubes, ovaries, peritoneum and sometimes even into the lungs. It has been recognized as a long-term illness since January 29022.

Modern medicine only offers chemical treatments that aggravate the disease, or surgery to remove the haematomas caused by endometrial bleeding in the ovaries, peritoneum, etc. This means that it is essential to know the real cause of the disease, in order to treat it more effectively and offer gentler, more effective treatments than chemical treatments alone, which have numerous side-effects.

What are the real causes of endometriosis, Doctor Trotta?

Endometriosis has several causes and, with all my common sense as a down-to-earth doctor who tirelessly seeks out the causes of illnesses in order to treat them better, I’m going to tell you what, in decreasing order of frequency and importance, causes endometriosis.

A/ Our lifestyle

1/ Not having children or considerably delaying having children. Endometriosis is 10 times more prevalent in Western countries, where women are having fewer and later pregnancies, than in poor countries, where the opposite is true. Pregnancy or pregnancies protect women against endometriosis and breast cancer. Pregnancy matures the uterus and breasts, making them more resistant and less prone to endometriosis and cancer.

2/ Taking the pill for too long (which is linked to the 1st cause): because these synthetic drugs disrupt your intestinal flora over the long term, thus increasing the risk of endometriosis (see below).

3/ Intravaginal tampons and tight-fitting jeans: tampons obstruct the vagina and the natural flow of menstrual fluids, causing them to flow back towards the top of the uterus and the fallopian tubes (retrograde menstruation), thus encouraging the migration of endometrial cells outside the uterus towards the fallopian tubes, ovaries and peritoneum: this is endometriosis. The regular wearing of tight-fitting pants such as jeans increases this phenomenon (see Marie France Guillain’s work on drift baths): this is an ancestral custom that uses cold on the perineum to make the fascia and intestine more mobile. Better mobility, in turn, leads to better elimination of menstrual flow. To put it simply, if you suffer from endometriosis, prefer skirts to tight jeans and direct the cold water from the shower head towards your perineum at the start of your shower before the water gets hot.

4/ Nutritional errors: excess trans fats (potato chips, fried foods, cow’s milk, palm oils in industrial foods) and deficiencies in polyunsaturated fatty acids promote chronic inflammation, painful periods and thicker, harder-draining blood.

B / Our environment :

This is what we now callthe “exosome“. All the non-genetic environmental factors to which human beings are exposed from birth and which contribute to the risk of disease. Endocrine disruptors are all those 20th-century chemical molecules that disrupt the normal functioning of your hormones. Pesticides (which have a hormone-like estrogenic effect), industrial cosmetics preservatives (parabens, methylparabens, benszophenones…) in varnishes, lipsticks, masks, lacquers, dyes…etc… Used too often, they insidiously disrupt your hormones and promote a hyper-oestrogenic climate, one of the causes of endometriosis.

C/ Our genes

Some women have a hyper-oestrogenic climate: they have early periods before the age of 11, long (more than 5 days) and abundant periods, breasts that swell strongly before menstruation, weight gain and water retention in the 2nd part of the cycle. These women are more prone to endometriosis than others. Medicine suggests putting these women on the “pill”, which promotes the disease by disrupting the intestinal flora.

You’ll see that we offer you much more natural, ecological solutions that don’t disturb your flora, but rather strengthen it, to naturally reduce your endometriosis.

How do you see Dr Trotta treating endometriosis more ecologically, naturally and effectively?

It’s a real question, because so many women suffer in their flesh from bleeding from “ectopic” endometrium (endometrium outside the uterus).

I see 3 treatment plans to put in place together if possible to be as effective as possible, of course, within the possibilities of each of you who are suffering.

1/ Correct the errors that cause endometriosis: it‘s just common sense and will help you greatly

– Don’t put off having children until you’re well into your 40s. Say yes to life! It’s not an easy thing to say for many of you who suffer from difficult socio-economic conditions or who haven’t found a responsible, loving father. But it’s possible if you want it! What woman wants, God can do! Life (waiting for a child) promotes life and is a radical solution for putting an immediate end to all endometriosis symptoms. Symbolically, endometriosis, with its abundant, painful periods, is your uterine sanctuary crying out for the child she’s expecting. For those of you who are hypo-fertile, I’ll soon be writing an article on how to increase your fertility naturally, without hyper-medicalization.

– Don’t take the pill for more than 5 years, as it increases the risk of endometriosis and breast cancer. The burden of contraception must be shared by both men and women.

– Wear skirts more often, avoid tampons, prefer sanitary towels, take cold perineal baths or shower your perineum with cold water every morning.

– Eat a more organic, less refined, less industrialized diet; don’t entrust your diet, and therefore your health, to food manufacturers who use too much salt-palm oil-sugar, which promotes a chronic inflammatory climate at the root of the disease. Eat less cow’s milk, less sugar and white bread (gluten), and eat more sardines, walnuts and walnut oil, which reduce inflammation.

2/ Take the following supplements

These natural supplements will save you from having to resort to anti-inflammatory drugs (which are certainly effective for pain relief), but which are far too dangerous because they create holes in your intestine, which is known as intestinal hyper-permeability the cause of many diseases, including endometriosis.

PRODOCTA1 capsule before breakfast. PRODOCTA is the probiotic complex to balance your intestinal flora. Imbalance of the intestinal microbiome favors endometriosis. Vaginal flora is directly dependent on intestinal flora. Dysbiosis, the imbalance of your flora, disrupts normal immune function, leading to an increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines. Inflammatory vaginal flora favors endometriosis. Most women with endometriosis have a deficiency of lactobacilli, the bacteria that promote fermentation and thus life. Taking PRODOCTA will provide you with these life-giving germs.

OMEDOCTA 1 capsule before breakfast. Doctor TROTTA’s omega3 complex to reduce chronic inflammation, liquefy blood secretions and facilitate the natural flow of blood during menstruation. These polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential for the medium- to long-term relief of your endometriosis and for treating one of its main causes.

D3-DOCTA 1 capsule before breakfast, Doctor TROTTA’s natural vitamin D to boost immunity and strengthen the intestinal mucosa. A vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of endometriosis and papillomas (in this respect, there’s no need for dangerous vaccines, but be sure to supplement your diet with vitamin C and vitamin D).

1 capsule of each, i.e. 3 capsules every morning before breakfast, for 3 months initially, to be repeated every 3 months for a minimum of 6 months or even 1 year. Because if it took time to unbalance your periods, it takes time to coorige them and make them less painful and more fluid.

What you need to understand is that you absolutely must treat these causes for several months. This is the best way to treat your endometriosis and avoid resorting to anti-inflammatory drugs or estrogen-progestogen synthetics, which, like all chemical drugs, can aggravate your intestine and therefore your disease.

C-DOCTAVitamin. Regular intake helps reduce chronic pain and inflammation. One heaped teaspoon provides around 3g of vitamin C per day. You have two choices of vitamin C: the classic C-DOCTA L-ascorbic acid, or the alkaline C-DOCTA sodium ascorbate, C-DOCTA sodium ascorbateif your stomach is sensitive to acidity.

and finally, for cases requiring a more comprehensive, personalized and proactive approach, you can consult Dr TROTTA

Come to San Sebastian and consult Dr. TROTTA for a better diagnosis with iridology, ear analysis, tongue analysis, examination of various laboratory analyses, imaging, pelvic ultrasound or MRI, etc. etc.

and session of auricular neuroacupuncture to treat your endometriosis. This French form of acupuncture is supreme for all gynaecological disorders: in a single session, it balances your hormones and emotions, reduces stress and balances your intestines.

Doctor TROTTA has 20 years’ experience in this type of French acupuncture, recognized by the WHO as the French medical acupuncture.

If you can’t come to the clinic, ask for a telemedicine consultation with Dr Trotta: he’ll be able to give you better advice and care.

Dr. Pascal Trotta
Specialist physician, Former intern at Paris Hospitals
Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine

Make an appointment at the practice or online with Dr.: Tel 05 54 54 44 43

Order Tel: 05 54 54 44 43

1. https://sante.journaldesfemmes.fr/fiches-medicaments/2399125-levothyrox-resume-scandale-affaire-effets-secondaires/

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