Flu: prevention and natural treatment.

InfluenzaDo you want to enjoy a flu-free, vaccine-free winter and spring as naturally as possible?

During winter, our bodies are weakened by the cold and lack of light.
The often heavier meals we eat during this period are also an opportunity to “clog up” our already overloaded bodies even more.

So viruses and bacteria, too often seen as enemies, are in fact more of our body’s “allies” because, through their intervention, they force us to fast and eliminate excess calories.

When we have a bad flu or gastroenteritis, we obviously don’t feel like eating at all for 2 or 3 days.

This forced fasting allows us to eliminate toxins and cleanse ourselves internally.

And if these illnesses are not treated with antibiotics and too many chemical drugs, then our body is lighter after this infectious episode and cleansed of its toxins.

1/ How best to prevent winter infections?

1/ Regular DETOX DRAINING: 10 days in early winter and 10 days in early spring.
Regular draining and detoxification of the body is very important.

Especially at the change of season, as this will allow the body to cleanse itself from the inside out.

And so avoid as many infections and illnesses as possible.

DRENADOCTA is the Draineur-Détox developed by the doctor to perform this function.

It contains 23 plants that act synergistically to stimulate the body’s main toxin elimination organs:

Liver, kidneys, skin and lungs.

Its pleasant taste makes it an ideal ally for preventing illness, especially the flu.

Simply fill a 50 ml measuring cap and pour into 1 l of low-mineralized water, such as Volvic or Mont Roucous.

And drink this liter of water throughout the day for a natural detox.

DRENADOCTA also helps lose water retention and excess calories.

DRENADOCTA will help you avoid excessive weight gain in winter and early spring.

What’s more, if you want to lose weight without dieting, DRENADOCTA is the ideal ally for evening micro-fasting developed by Dr Trotta to help you lose both weight and toxins effectively and without fatigue. A balanced weight and a cleansed body = no infections, no flu!


Intestinal flora is the collection of billions of bacteria in our intestine.

Our health depends on its balance.

Excessive use of antibiotics, chemical drugs, chlorine in drinking water and generalized asepsis considerably weakens this flora.

An unbalanced intestinal flora will lead to more infections, allergies and illnesses.

To rebalance your intestinal flora naturally and effectively, Doctor Trotta has developed PRODOCTA, a complex of four strains of lactic ferments to rebalance your flora towards a health-promoting fermentation flora.

Take all winter long PRODOCTA which is a blend of four highly concentrated lactic ferments with 5 billion bacteria per capsule.

Taking one capsule every day before breakfast will be enough to balance your flora and avoid the flu.

This provides a more powerful natural immunity than the vaccine, protecting you not only against the flu, but also against other viruses, bacteria and allergens, as well as reducing any food intolerances you may have.

3/ AVOID ENCRASSING FOODS: Avoid excessive consumption of dairy products and sweets.
The official recommendation of three dairy products a day is absurd. Dr Trotta, a specialist nutritionist with extensive field experience, recommends limiting consumption of cow’s milk products to three or four a week, not three a day. Excessive consumption of dairy products causes mucus to accumulate in the ENT and bronchial spheres in around 70% of people. Bacteria and viruses are there to help us eliminate this excess mucus. So less milk and yoghurt = less flu.

2/ If you have the flu or flu-like symptoms, here are my natural tips for effective treatment

1/ First and foremost, avoid anti-inflammatory drugs as much as possible,
antibiotics, and drugs containing vasoconstrictors to reduce nasal discharge: this could eventually lead to a heart attack or stroke. cf. the common cold, a natural solution

2/ take BIODOCTA 10 drops before each meal and 10 drops at bedtime.

BIODOCTA is a grapefruit seed extract blended with agave syrup. It is ECOCERT-certified organic.

Highly concentrated at 800 mg per 100 ml, which explains its effectiveness.

BIODOCTA is truly the organic antibiotic-antiviral ally for the whole family. It can be used from the first signs of a cold.

Here are a few tips to help you enjoy an infection-free winter.

Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country

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– Tel: 05 54 54 44 43
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– or click on the image below for the desired supplement or pack

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