How can you keep your heart healthy and prevent heart rhythm disorders?

How can you keep your heart healthy, prevent extrasystoles and improve treatment for heart rhythm disorders?


A healthy heart is one that beats regularly. Very often, the first signs of heart trouble are disturbances in its rhythm, which changes from regular to irregular with jerks.

That’s why it’s so important not to neglect these seemingly mild and discreet problems, but to correct them right away, so as to heal them naturally and – de facto – strengthen your heart.

The chemical drugs prescribed in cardiology for heart rhythm disorders usually treat the symptoms, but not the cause.

It turns out that a deficiency in polyunsaturated fatty acids is the cause, which is often overlooked. As a result, patients are prescribed lifelong medication too quickly, when simple measures could prevent these disorders and correct them as they set in, before it’s too late.

Can you briefly explain heart rhythm disorders?

There are several types of heart rhythm disorders. Typically, the patient feels that his or her heart is beating erratically or irregularly, and consults a doctor.

The most common are extrasystoles, i.e. small irregularities in the systolic rhythmic contractions of the heart. This is the most benign cardiac rhythm disorder and can be easily prevented.

The most serious disorders are TAC / FA or TachyArythmia by Auricular Fibrillation, which can lead to the formation of clots in the heart. These clots can then migrate into the bloodstream and clog the arteries of the brain, leading to the famous and dangerous ischemic stroke, which causes paralysis, loss of speech, etc. etc.

Other disorders include exaggerated slowing of the heart due to electrical conduction blocks between the atria and ventricles: AVBs, which require the fitting of a pacemaker.

What is the cause of these heart rhythm disorders, Doctor?

Heart cells, like all cells in the body, need a diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids to function properly.

The membranes of these cells are essentially lipid-based.

Our cell membranes are not made of carbohydrates or proteins, but of lipids, or fats. The quality of these fats determines the quality of cellular function, cell-to-cell exchanges and harmony.

The Western diet is markedly depleted in polyunsaturated fatty acids, the good fats our body needs to produce high-quality cell membranes.

A diet too rich in saturated fatty acids, such as excessive cow’s milk products, pork fat, fried foods, peanuts and palm oil, leads to the production of poor-quality cell membranes, disrupting cell-to-cell communication.

The heart’s rhythmic cells must be in resonance, in harmony, to produce a regular, homogeneous heartbeat.

Numerous studies have shown that excess saturated fat is the cause of many heart rhythm disorders.

Dr Michel de Lorgeril , International Expert in Cardiology and Nutrition – Member of the European Society of Cardiology, talks about the magical world of omega3 : “Every time we set up a research program into the effect of these fatty acids on a given pathology or organ… we find something! I don’t know of any other field that gives such positive results. It’s truly magical! “(1).

If I have extrasystoles, Doctor, do I automatically have to take medication?

Here we’ll give you advice on how to avoid these conduction disorders and, if you have them, how to treat their cause to avoid overuse of chemical drugs.

This advice is valid for preventing all rhythm disorders, strengthening your heart’s power and treating benign disorders such as extrasystoles.

For more serious disorders (TAC/FA, BAV), consult your cardiologist and follow his or her prescription. This advice will also help you in these cases to reduce the doses of chemical drugs.

1/ We need to correct our diet and enrich it with omega-3 fatty acids: sardines, mackerel, linseed oil, first cold-pressed and extra-virgin rapeseed oil. Dr. de Lorgeril tells us that “by increasing the quantity of these fatty acids in our diet (and thus correcting the deficit), the risk of heart problems in a given population is significantly reduced. And in a very impressive way.” (1)

2/ You need to take OMEDOCTA, Dr Trotta’s omega3, every day, without fail, to provide the good polyunsaturated fatty acids we lack. After all, we all too often forget to eat sardines or good oils; 1 small capsule every morning before breakfast is all it takes: your heart will be nourished every day with small doses of the fatty acids it needs to be strong and regular. It’s common sense, says Dr de Lorgeril, a specialist in the epidemiology of heart disease : “Some patients are able to stick to a strict diet. For others, most of them, we can’t take the risk (an omega3-deficient diet puts the heart at too great a risk). In such cases, it’s better to take omega3 capsules” (1).

3/ Dealing with stress and negative emotions

Because the heart, like all organs, is dependent on the brain and emotions. Any stress, emotional shock or negative emotion will have an impact on the heart (speeding it up, disturbing it). So, to take good care of your heart, you need to calm down, relax and deal with the stress that is often at the root of your heart problems.

The prescription of ZENADOCTA1 capsule every evening at bedtime considerably reduces stress levels thanks to the presence of melatonin and valerian, gradually boosts morale thanks to the presence of St. John’s wort, and heals damaged neurons (at night) thanks to the melatonin it contains.

4/ Drainage- Detox

This is the phase that is totally forgotten by modern medicine, which only intoxicates and forgets to properly cleanse the organs that eliminate, the so-called emunctories: the liver, intestine, lungs, kidneys and skin.

For this, prescription of DRENADOCTADoctor TROTTA’s Detox drainer. With its 23 plants, it stimulates these organs and helps eliminate toxins through the kidneys and liver.

It’s essential to drain and detoxify the blood and heart of all the toxins that can intoxicate and clog them.

One capful dose in half a liter of water (3/4 of a liter of water in summer).

5/ If you’re overweight, try Dr. TROTTA’s micro youth detox: take this capful dose of DRENADOCTA in 1/3 liter of water, in the evening instead of dinner, five nights a week, more information in this article. Water retention disappears and weight loss is guaranteed.

6/ Treat oxidation, which is the accelerated aging of the heart.

Every day, take C-DOCTAone teaspoonful, equivalent to about 3 g of vitamin C a day. You have two choices of vitamin C, either the classic, C-DOCTA L-ascorbic acid, or the alkaline, C-DOCTA sodium ascorbateif your stomach is sensitive to acidity.

7/ and finally, for complex cases involving other illnesses, requiring more comprehensive, personalized and proactive care. There are three solutions available to you.

8/ Come to San Sebastian and consult Dr. TROTTA for a better diagnosis, with iridology, ear and tongue analysis, examination of various laboratory tests, etc. etc.

and session of auricular neuro acupuncture to treat stress, skin, intestine, liver and emotions.

Doctor TROTTA has 20 years’ experience in the practice of French acupuncture, recognized by the WHO as the French medical acupuncture.

9/ Use scalar waves, the waves that heal to soothe and increase your vital self-healing forces.

For the last 2 points, of course, a consultation with Dr. Trotta is essential, either on site if you are able to travel, or via telemedicine if you are unable to travel.

10/ For complex and potentially serious rhythm disorders such as TAC/FA or BAV: specialist therapeutic advice from a cardiologist is essential, because nutritional medicine, while it can help to correct the causes, will not be sufficient to prevent the potentially serious consequences (stroke) of these rhythm disorders. Hand in hand, the cardiologist and the specialist in nutritional medicine can give you back a confident, high-performance heart.

Dr. Pascal Trotta
Specialist physician, Former intern at Paris Hospitals
Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine

Make an appointment at the practice or online with Dr.: Tel 05 54 54 44 43

Order Tel: 05 54 54 44 43


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