Natural treatments


Dr. Trotta uses all the technological means of modern medicine to diagnose your state of health or your illness.
On the other hand, he hardly ever uses the chemical arsenal he was taught at university, as it is too polluting and dangerous for the vast majority of current pathologies. In many cases, this means treating only the symptoms, rather than “curing” the cause of the disease.
If, for example, you stop taking cortisone for asthma, or anti-inflammatory drugs for rheumatism, your attacks will start up again: you’re not cured, just temporarily relieved of your symptoms.

He prescribes ecological, modern and scientific treatments that 21st century medicine should use according to the primordial law of “primum non nocere”:

– Homeopathy: highly effective in children for asthma, eczema, recurrent ENT infections and hyperactivity, and in adults for stress, anxiety, depression, overweight and all gynaecological disorders before and after the menopause. Homeopathy is also highly effective in many acute illnesses: traumas, infections, anxiety attacks.

Auricular acupuncture: French acupuncture is scientific, rationalized and extremely effective for all types of pain (lumbago, sciatica, shoulder periarthritis, cervicalgia, neuralgia, including deep-rooted cancer pain) and all manifestations of Western stress (malaise, anxiety, anguish, depression, bulimia). It’s the “gold standard” for quitting smoking or weaning off other addictions.

Nutrition and Micronutrition: Hippocratic Medicine in essence. “Let your food be your medicine” said Hippocrates. No more old-fashioned diets or dietetically correct calorie counting. He will give you nutritional advice adapted to your personality, your pathology and any food intolerances diagnosed during your initial consultation (EIS). Gradually, without revolution, he will lead you towards a healthy, lively and fresh nutrition which, with the judicious use of supplements adapted to your terrain, will first rid you of all the toxins you have accumulated. Then, will correct all the micro-deficiencies that explain your troubles and most of today’s modern pathologies.

Need more information and to meet Dr. Pascal Trotta?

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