Migraines have many origins: hormones, liver, cervicals, stress, diet.
1/ Diet: nutritional errors are probably the most overlooked cause of migraines.
White wine and dark chocolate come to mind, but the main cause of migraines is an excess of dairy products. Indeed, today’s cow’s milk products (due to the over-industrialization of the dairy industry) are the source of chronic micro-inflammation, which is at the root of many painful syndromes, including migraines.
Simply doing the therapeutic test of cutting out cow’s milk, yoghurt and fromage blanc for three months can significantly reduce migraines in over 50% of cases. It would be a pity to do without it, as it has no side effects (no calcium deficiency) and will bring you incredible well-being, and you’ll often see a before and after: you won’t want to go back to those dairy excesses afterwards.
Don’t be afraid to cut out cow’s milk and yoghurt in particular (these are the main culprits). You can continue to eat unpasteurized, raw-milk cheeses 3 times a week, alternating between cow’s, sheep’s and goat’s milk cheeses. With a good wine, it’s the quintessence of our famous terroirs (farmers and winemakers) that should be preserved and encouraged.
Likewise, excess sweets, white sugar and alcohol intoxicate the liver. This liver overload is at the root of many migraines.
2/ Stress, overwork and anxiety.
The modern world has gone mad, making us run around aimlessly.
The pressure of profitability leads to pressure that translates into pain: the migraine is just the cap that keeps the pressure cooker in our skull from exploding.
Migraines encourage us to rest and protect us. So it’s important to maintain a rhythm that’s compatible with our natural strengths and metabolism.
Living from day to day, rather than in the past or future, and learning to decompress, are common-sense recipes that are often forgotten, and that help to reduce migraines without medication. “Carpe Diem!
3/ Cervical vertebrae: our cervical vertebrae are under strain because we often don’t exercise enough, we often sit in front of a computer, we lean our head forward and the weight of several kilos on our head ends up weighing down on our posterior cervical muscles, causing tension to spill over into the cranial muscles, leading to those famous tension headaches. It’s important to maintain your abdominal muscles on a regular basis, because slackening the abdominal muscles relaxes the lumbar muscles, which can cause neck pain. Stand up straight, sit back in your chair and stretch regularly.
4/ Hormones and medications: this is especially true for women with catamenial migraines, or migraines aggravated or favored by menstruation or the hormonal cycle.
It’s important to know that taking the pill, by artificially increasing the level of synthetic hormones, can be the cause of many migraines, and that many medications, most of which are metabolized by the liver, can overload the liver and cause migraines.
5/ Computer screens and excessive electromagnetic pollution: Don’t stay glued to your screens for too long to rest your eyesight. Looking at natural landscapes in the distance will recharge your “visual batteries”.
Be careful in your bedroom not to have television, wi-fi or electrical wires too close to the head, as these can disrupt the brain’s electrical functioning and promote migraines.
The doctor’s marshal’s baton for treating pain!
This French technique enables you to treat the points that cause your migraines: cervical, liver, hormones, trigeminal…
So why not give it a try?
This is the medical technique that has given me the most satisfaction in 30 years of practice. It frees patients from intolerable pain that chemical drugs were unable to treat adequately, while at the same time turning patients into veritable zombies…
And for the more sensitive, a new safe, effective and painless technique is available to treat your migraines: auricular cryotherapy !
At Dr. Trotta’s Institute of Natural Medicine, every year, scientific innovations are made available to provide ever better care without harm.
Call my assistant on 05 54 54 44 43, if you would like an auricular acupuncture appointment.
What supplements should I take to prevent migraines and avoid resorting to chemical drugs?
DRENADOCTA This powerful natural drainer will help detoxify your liver, thus reducing migraines. Start a 20-day cure by taking 50 ml in 1 l of Volvic. You’ll need two bottles.
What’s more, if you follow the recommendations of micro-fasting with Drenadocta, you’ll lose the few extra kilos you’re carrying around.
PRODOCTA 1-0-0, one capsule before breakfast for three months to balance the intestine and reduce food intolerances at the origin of migraine.
OMEDOCTA 2-0-0, two capsules before breakfast for three months to reduce pain-causing inflammation and thus migraines.
Avoid cow’s milk and yoghurt, and cut down considerably on white sugar and sweets. Moderate your alcohol consumption; the day after the holidays, take DRENADOCTA to eliminate alcohol and headaches.
Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country
Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta
– on site
– online
To order Dr Trotta’s natural supplements:
– Tel: 05 54 54 44 43
– All products from the laboratory
– or click on the image below for the supplement or pack you require.
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