Preventing Alzheimer’s

Introduction to this beautiful TPE:

Alzheimer’s, like cancer, is a disease that is set to explode as the population ages.

The only real treatment is a genuine policy of disease prevention.

And not just care, because only about 50% of cancers can be cured, and Alzheimer’s currently lacks effective treatment.

Prevention requires a healthy, lively and varied diet, as I explain throughout this blog and in my book.

The brain also needs to be well lubricated with the fats that keep it working well:

OMEDOCTA: 2 capsules every morning with breakfast.

– nuts: 3-5 a day

– sardines and mackerel at least once a week, ideally 2 to 3 times a week.

Regular intellectual activities, including memory exercises, and social activities.

What encourages Alzheimer’s is the forgetfulness and boredom in which the elderly are most often left, confined to isolated enclosures.

The recent development of senior citizens sharing apartments with young students is a good initiative that will prevent the intellectual slowdown of these seniors.

We must also avoid over-medicalizing senescence, since from the age of 70 onwards, the kidneys and liver eliminate only 50% of their normal capacity.

Older people often have more than three to five medications, which is an aberration and intoxicates them slowly.

Antidepressants and psychotropic drugs gradually promote ideomotor slowdown and should be avoided. Herbs, homeopathy and nutrition are the best ways to treat anxiety at this age.

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