A testimonial from a patient who followed the doctor’s advice:
“Dear Dr Trotta, good morning!
I’m about to run out of my supply of prodocta and omedocta and I’d love to catch up with you.
Unlike last winter, when I was sick every month for 1 to 3 weeks… (colds, coughs, flu, gastro…), this winter I’ve never been sick, Victory! And no more sneezing fits for 24 hours, when I needed at least 30 tissues… It’s a real liberation!
I’m still on my dairy-free, gluten-free diet, with no gaps (when I do, my stomach hurts and I can’t breathe as well), and I take 1 prodocta and 2 omedocta every morning or so (sometimes not on weekends).
PS: and thank you for your good medicine! I’m delighted not to be sick anymore and not to need chemical medicines!
It’s 2015, we’ve been to the Moon, we’re in the midst of a digital revolution, we’re crowing about medical technological advances and we don’t even know how to prevent and treat this simple little disease.
Have you seen Envoyé spécial of February 26, 2015 ? They discussed the common cold and the danger of family self-medication. The common cold, what a calamity…..the runny, burning nose, itchy eyes, fatigue, those sneezes in a flurry, the extreme contagiousness. In fact, when the whole family is taken by the cold, to shorten the symptoms, we rush to the pharmacist and take medicines that are supposed to stop the cold, but we don’t know that these medicines can have very serious side effects (heart attack, stroke).
Take 2 minutes to read this and you’ll know how to avoid serious illness from a cold you’ve treated badly and, above all, how to avoid those pesky colds (Drawings by Nathalie Fourmy for Nutritional Dr Trotta).
Where do colds come from and how can they be better prevented?
The common cold is caused by a virus: the rhinovirus. There are 150 different rhinoviruses, which is why adults are usually infected once a year and children up to five times. Modern medicine has no effective vaccine or treatment against these viruses. This virus is highly resistant, and once it has been spread by our sneezes, it can remain for several days on our everyday objects, which can then contaminate other people. We can therefore “catch” this virus by spitting, shaking hands, touching stair railings, door handles, elevator buttons, telephone handsets, etc.
This virus spreads in epidemics all year round, with an upsurge from October to the end of March.
But is the virus really the cause of the common cold?
My hypothesis is that the rhinovirus isn’t the real cause of the common cold, that it’s merely an indicator of our terrain.
Our terrain is our intestine, the linchpin of our immunity. If the 100,000 billion bacteria in our gut are in harmony and balance, then we’re protected against these viruses.
If we lead an unbalanced, stressful life, with a diet that is too rich or refined and devitalized, our intestine and intestinal flora are weakened, and viruses are there to call us to order and organize a “cleansing” of our body.
After all, what is all this redness and irritation of the nose if not a strong elimination of acids, encouraged by these viruses, which “purify” the body of acids accumulated by repeated nutritional errors.
So my hypothesis is that many acute benign viral infectious diseases are there to, at regular periods, organize a great cleansing in our bodies, if we don’t take the trouble to prevent the accumulation of these toxins through a healthy diet and short periods of fasting.
The flu, flu-like conditions or colds, by forcing us to lie down or reducing our appetite, force us to fast for our health.
On the other hand, we’ll be preventing this great cleansing if we treat the cold with chemical drugs, which can also be dangerous.
How do you treat the common cold? chemically, at the risk of your life? or naturally?
There are some thirty medicines available in pharmacies (over-the-counter, without prescription) to “treat” colds. Nasal sprays, “runny nose”, “blocked nose”, “irritated nose”, “flu-like” capsules, anti-inflammatories, anti-pyretics (to lower fever), usually 4 products for €30.90 that are not reimbursed.
The numerous advertising campaigns orchestrated by the laboratories selling these anti-cold medicines have changed the behavior of the French, who are increasingly inclined to go straight to the pharmacy without going to the doctor.
With or without treatment, a cold lasts 7 days. Medication only relieves symptoms, but does not cure the cold. Are they at least effective, and are they safe?
Pseudoephedrine, a vaso-constrictor found in every other cold medicine, is supposed to reduce nasal secretions (very slightly), but it actually constricts the vessels of the heart and brain, and increases blood pressure. So, by trying to treat and self-medicate your cold, you risk a stroke or myocardial infarction!
According to the independent medical journal “Prescrire”, most cold medicines are ineffective, and some are very dangerous.
The magazine prescrire, run by independent doctors, recommends withdrawing all these over-the-counter cold medicines from the market.
The Special Envoy report cites the case of a 30-year-old man who suffered a heart attack and almost died of cardiac arrest after taking a drug containing this vasoconstrictor for two days in an attempt to treat a cold.
But most people (and maybe you’re one of them) think that these drugs are harmless because they can be bought over the counter.
What the report doesn’t say is thatanti-inflammatories are also dangerous, because the anti-inflammatories we take too often as self-medication cause:
– micro-holes in the gastric mucosa (sometimes leading to ulcers) or intestinal mucosa, causing intestinal hyper-permeability which considerably increases your risk of diseases such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis
– risks of kidney failure, which can be fatal.
Why risk your life or your children’s lives for a common cold?
Read on if you want to take better care of yourself naturally and, above all, prevent those pesky colds.
How can I prevent a cold?
Let me give you a personal example. From a very young age, I was regularly affected by recurring colds, which in my thirties were complicated by increasingly frequent and incapacitating sinusitis. I tried everything, all those medicines, then boxwood inhalations (an antiviral plant), but nothing helped, the colds kept coming back and poisoning my life.
One of my patients had put me on the nutritional trail, so overnight I stopped all the cow’s milk and yoghurt I was consuming two or three times a day, as advised by the faculty of medicine, and, after a temporary aggravation of three months, saw a definitive end to all these colds and their complications.
It changed my life and showed me the importance of nutritional changes in disease prevention and treatment, and gradually led me to reorient my career path.
It’s as simple as a cold, but it can help.
So here are my simple tips for preventing colds, because in the end, it’s the best treatment there is:
1/ Avoid cow’s milk, which causes a build-up of mucus in the ENT tract. Viruses will then come to help you eliminate this mucus. It’s not the virus that’s the cause, but the indicator of nutritional errors.
2/Avoidan excessively acidifying diet: cow’s milk, red meats, soft drinks, white bread, white or brown sugar, vinegar. Instead, opt for an alkalinizing diet: vegetables, legumes, wholegrain cereals, fish, lemon.
3/ Strengthen and balance your intestinal flora:
with the Probiotic Complex developed by Dr Trotta(PRODOCTA), which is highly effective in preventing colds, flu and other infections.
It will change your life, and at a much lower cost than those chemical drugs, and save you a lot of trouble.
In association with :
OMEDOCTAand Dr Trotta’s Omega3 to nourish your intestinal mucosa and boost the immune potential of PRODOCTA (designed to work together in symbiosis to heal our gut, the source of our immunity and health).
D3-DOCTA Dr Trotta’s vitamin D3. Take 1 capsule of 1000 IU / day from October to April, and you’ll never have to worry about viral infections or their complications again! It’s so simple, we shouldn’t do without it, especially when faced with the consequences of a bad infection on a weakened or deficient organism. Vit D stimulates our immune system: it has a strong antiviral action. When faced with a viral infection, macrophages produce vitamin D receptors. If your vitamin D reserves are sufficient, it binds to macrophages, which then produce defensins and cathelicidins that destroy the viruses at the root of the infection.
4/ Read this book to find out more, because in it you’ll learn all the health recipes I’ve been able to collect over 15 years of practicing nutritional medicine since I changed my orientation and decided to treat myself and my patients not chemically but naturally, which is 100 times more effective and 1,000 times less dangerous.
The dedication is by my favorite bookseller, Gérard Felices, of the bookshop Rue en pente in Bayonne, where you can also find my book, for those lucky enough to live in or visit this beautiful Basque country.
So you want to avoid a heart attack or stroke just because you have a cold?
Above all, do you want to stop having colds and avoid wasting time and energy?
So for less than €20 a month with PRODOCTA, 1 Capsule a day, you’ll be effectively protected.
This probiotic complex is enriched with Vitamin B6, which boosts your immunity.
Order a box of 90 capsules (PRODOCTA 90) for longer protection (3 months).
1/ First and foremost, avoid anti-inflammatory drugs as far as possible,
antibiotics, and drugs containing vasoconstrictors to reduce
nasal discharge: this could eventually lead to a heart attack
or stroke.
2/ take BIODOCTA 10 drops before each meal and 10 drops at bedtime.
BIODOCTA is a grapefruit seed extract blended with agave syrup;
It is ECOCERT-certified organic.
Highly concentrated at 800 mg per 100 ml, which explains its effectiveness;
BIODOCTA is truly the organic antibiotic-antiviral ally for the whole family.
It can be used at the first signs of a cold.
2/ for those who order BIODOCTA or PRODOCTA, dr trotta will send his homeopathic advice on how to treat the flu at the same time as the order.
And to promote convalescence and a return to full health.
Here are a few tips to help you have an infection-free winter. Don’t hesitate to drop me a line if you have any questions or need clarification.
Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at Paris Hospitals,
Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country
Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta
– on site.
– en line.
– Tel for appointments and orders: 05 54 54 44 43
Spring allergies