July 12 will remain a thunderclap in the skies over France with President Macron’s announcement making the “health pass” compulsory for our cultural, social and economic life. This will create discrimination and a health apartheid between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, who will perhaps and probably be considered as “subhumans” or the “untouchables” of our hygienist societies.
Should we submit and get vaccinated?
Many of you have asked me this question. I’ll answer it and tell you what I think.
“Science without conscience is but the ruin of the soul” wrote Rabelais.
And he was right, because this hygienist science that wants to impose itself on us is devoid of soul and common sense, and that’s what I feel with every cell in my body and my intuition. And it will lead us to ruin, if we let it.
I urge you to remain free and defend your freedoms in the face of a decision with far-reaching consequences for the harmony of our country.
As you know, I’ve long been an advocate of ecological, humane free medicine and natural immunity in the face of artificial measures that can put your health at risk.
If you’re elderly (over 75) and have co-morbidities – putting you at vital risk if you’re affected by influenza or Covid – why not get vaccinated. But at least take the time to read the article in which I explain all the preventive and curative measures that are alternatives to the vaccine and toxic drugs.
If you’re a child, teenager or young adult, you’re far more likely to win the lottery than to die of Covid.
So play the lottery rather than vaccine roulette. Don’t put yourself or your children at unnecessary risk in the face of a virtually zero risk of illness and, above all, death.
However, these are not vaccines per se, but experimental gene therapies that are still in phase 3 trials and have not yet received definitive marketing authorization.
The medium- and long-term effects of these injections are unknown, and if you’re young and enter the vicious circle of these iterative “injections”, you run the risk of being caught in a trap of having to repeat two or three injections every year for the different variants to come, since all the letters and numbers in the alphabet won’t be enough to name all these inevitable variants, since viruses and bacteria are far more numerous than human beings.
And vaccinating during an epidemic leads to contact between the wild virus (it’s estimated that 100% of the population carries coronaviruses, and that more than half of the population has been in contact with Covid) and the vaccine virus, resulting in the production of mutants (variants), as demonstrated by our Nobel Prize winner in medicine, Professor Luc Montagnier.
What if my employer urges me to get vaccinated?
I invite you to defend your freedoms and defend yourself legally, and to join the ReinfoCovid or RSA (Réseau de Solidarité Active) groups (on Telegram) in your town or department, find out more.
Of course, you need a signed document, as any oral request is legally invalid in the event of an accident.
You must defend your rights legally and politically, by writing to your MP, your mayor (see the 365 mayors who approve this shameful pass), the Constitutional Council, the Council of State, etc. See this letter from a mother defending her children against the pass, which is a disguised vaccination obligation. I invite you to read it and spread the word. You can use it as inspiration to write to politicians and the media.
We are all concerned by this announcement, which is catastrophic for our freedoms.
I’m here to treat you, to arm you morally and medically, and to tell you that this disease can be prevented and cured naturally and ecologically, without experimental injections or restrictions on freedom.
Take a good look at this article I’ve written for you, which will show you that if you follow these tips, you won’t need injections.
Boycott the structures that impose this pass of shame.
The economic pressure thus generated will be transmitted to the highest levels of government, which will backtrack as it did in Moscow, where the health pass only lasted 3 weeks in the face of the economic catastrophe it caused.
Join the peaceful demonstrators who have been chanting the word “Liberté” since Saturday July 17, with the number of freedom-loving Frenchmen more than doubling from one Saturday to the next. Every Saturday at 2pm in front of your town hall, wherever you are.
And if the powers that be are afraid of this peaceful insurrection for freedom, and threaten to ban demonstrations because of the resurgence of Islamic terrorism (which just so happens to have come at the right time to prevent the French from defending their freedom), don’t be intimidated: we don’t want to live lying down, but as Men standing up.
The oligarchy that rules this world is taking recalcitrant peoples between the hammer of Islamic terrorism and the anvil of viral bio-terrorism.
There are about 30-40% of clear-sighted French people who know and see this.
We are the “watchmen” of freedom, the whistle-blowers in the face of this “ bio-power “. We need to protect whistle-blowers, because in the face of certain peril – the end of our freedoms – we need to come together, to unite, to continue to live with dignity as free human beings, and not as masked, vaccinated, controlled and QR-coded robots.
Our ancestors fought and resisted all forms of oppression, and it’s up to us to take up the baton without fear or reproach, because we can’t pretend nothing’s happened, we can’t keep quiet, because that would mean collaborating in the establishment of an autocratic digital regime, followed by the introduction of a ” Chinese-style social contract “.
That’s what’s in store for us if we remain passive and inactive in the face of this viral coup d’état.
Faced with political power in the hands of vaccine multinationals, and in the absence of a counterweight in the form of the press and judges (the Constitutional Council and the Council of State are clearly following this authoritarian political drift), all that’s left is the street and our feet to demonstrate our opposition and show the rest of the world that the French are definitely not like the rest of us, and that they really do prevent us from “dictating in circles”.
In the face of your family, your loved ones, your colleagues, who will run to vaccinate themselves in the face of the blackmail of the Pass of discrimination, don’t divide yourselves.
Stand together, vaccinated and unvaccinated, to defend our freedoms. We’re in the same boat. This fight is a fight for freedom, not a fight against vaccination.
40% of French people have doubts about “Covid vaccination”, because without transparency, there can be no trust.
For Covid is the tree that hides the forest of programmed economic destruction promoted by the “Great Reset” and applied as a step-by-step plan.
We only need to look at the number of companies and businesses closing to understand that the Covid is not the cause but the alibi that allows our elites to say “it’s the Covid’s fault” when it’s precisely their disproportionate containment policy, curfews and bans of all kinds, right up to this pass which is going to finish off the world of culture (-70% attendance since Macron’s announcements in theaters, cinemas and amusement parks) and is the prelude to the economic demise of independents and small businesses.
Don’t be afraid
Defend our freedoms
Hearts high.
Dr Pascal Trotta
Former intern at Paris Hospitals
Paris Faculty of Medicine laureate
Founder of Institut de Medecine naturelle de Saint Sebastien
Tel 05 54 54 44 43
In the face of fear, spread joy and hope!
Afraid of the virus? You shouldn't have left the womb!