Over the past 20 years, Doctor TROTTA has observed in his natural medicine practice that far too many patients are too quickly labeled “hypothyroid” and forced to take synthetic thyroid hormones every day.
Recently, however, the Levothyrox scandal has shown that taking these drugs every day of your life is no trivial matter (1).
A large number of women who had become accustomed to this drug due to a change in the excipient formula suffered numerous side effects. Some of my patients told Dr. Trotta in a consultation: “this drug is going to drive me mad, and I’ve almost committed suicide”. Fortunately, they stopped taking it in time, and then followed the advice of more natural medicine to do without this toxic drug.
Hypothyroidism, as the name implies, is a “hypo” function of the thyroid gland, which secretes less thyroid hormone.
Thyroid hormones serve to balance the metabolism. When this thyroid metabolism slows down, the following symptoms appear:
weight gain, fatigue, motor and intellectual slowdown, constipation, cold feet,
loss of eyebrows, then hair, thickening of the skin and vocal cords, leading to a change in voice.
At most, when this occurs in childhood, it results in the famous “Alpine cretin”, i.e. a small, moronic child.
Most of these diseases occur in women, and most often in adulthood.
Most hypothyroidism is due to iodine deficiency, as iodine is needed to produce thyroid hormones. However, our diet is often deficient in this essential trace element.
Following a pathology of the intestine called intestinal hyperpermeabilitysmall holes in the intestine allow the passage of foreign molecules that shouldn’t be in the bloodstream. Depending on their genetic tropism, these small foreign molecules (bacteria, gluten or toxins) will attach themselves to the thyroid gland of certain patients.
These antibodies then destroy the small foreign molecules attached to the thyroid gland. And by destroying these small foreign molecules, the antibodies gradually destroy the thyroid gland, which then begins to secrete thyroid hormones less effectively, leading de facto to hypothyroidism.
At its most severe, this is known as Hashimoto’s autoimmune thyroiditis.
As a former radiologist, Dr. TROTTA was able to identify the presence of a thyroid goiter, i.e. an enlarged thyroid gland, on ultrasound, and the presence of an enlarged thyroid gland on Doppler ultrasound. In the acute, inflammatory stage of the disease, the thyroid gland displays numerous vascular signals, known as vascular hyperemia, which is characteristic of the diagnosis on Doppler ultrasound.
Then, if the disease is not properly treated, the thyroid gland eventually shrivels and becomes hypotrophic, and generally at this final stage, thyroid hormone replacement is required.
Of course not. You shouldn’t rush to take your synthetic hormones. Just as you shouldn’t rush taking anti-cholesterol or anti-hypertensive drugs when you’ve been diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia or hypertension. There are plenty of natural, common-sense things to do before taking these drugs, some of which are dangerous (statins).
1/First of all, modify your diet to include the iodine-rich foods you’re lacking.
Foods rich in iodine include :
Seaweed is a diode-rich sea vegetable found in Japanese dietetics.
And salt.
But not just any salt. You should avoid refined white salt, which contains only synthetic iodine, which is not good for your thyroid gland.
You should use whole or integral salt, which contains natural iodine.
In REDOCTA by Doctor TROTTA, you’ll find a natural, organic salt, hand-harvested in the salt marshes of the Ile de Ré, where Doctor TROTTA’s maternal family originates, and which contains natural iodine, sodium, potassium and magnesium (to prevent high blood pressure), silica to prevent aging, and aromatic berries as antioxidants and anti-aging agents.
This salt is best eaten raw and sprinkled on food or on your plate.
Avoid putting it in the cooking water, as this serves no purpose. Always salt brown rice, lentils, quinoa or other cooked foods on the plate at mealtime.
So have on your kitchen table, that salt in a salt mill or small jar, olive oil or walnut oil which are the staples for maintaining health.
Well, as many thyroid diseases originate in the gut. If you want to get rid of the antibodies that were your thyroid, you first have to treat the source, which is your gut.
2/ Treat the intestine to cure the intestinal hyperpermeability at the root of your hypothyroidism. You need to strengthen your intestinal flora and nourish your intestinal mucosa by taking :
PRODOCTADoctor TROTTA’s probiotic complex, to balance intestinal flora, the source of balanced immunity.
OMEDOCTA Doctor TROTTA’s omega3 complex to nourish the intestinal mucosa, making it impervious to the passage of toxins, bacteria and gluten fragments that are sometimes sources of eczema. These polyunsaturated fatty acids then deeply moisturize the skin, making it more supple.
D3-DOCTA Natural vitamin D from Doctor TROTTA to boost immunity and strengthen the intestinal mucosa.
1 capsule of each, i.e. 3 capsules every morning before breakfast, for 3 months initially, to be repeated every 3 months for a minimum of 6 months or even 1 year. Because if it took time to unbalance your intestine (generally over 20 years), it takes time to balance it and, above all, to balance your thyroid and avoid recurrences.
This is the best way to treat this disease and avoid using Levothyrox, which, like all chemical drugs, can aggravate your intestine.
3/ Dealing with stress and negative emotions
This is because the thyroid, like all endocrine glands, is dependent on a Psycho-Neuro-Endocrino-Immunolgic axis. This means that any stress, emotional shock or negative emotion will affect your endocrine glands and aggravate your hypothyroidism. So, to take good care of your thyroid gland, you need to calm down, relax and deal with the stress that is often at the root of your thyroid dysfunction.
All doctors and patients know that emotional shocks affect the skin (psoriasis, eczema) and hormonal glands.
The prescription of ZENADOCTA1 capsule every evening at bedtime considerably reduces stress levels thanks to the presence of melatonin and valerian, gradually boosts morale thanks to the presence of St. John’s Wort, and heals damaged neurons (at night) thanks to the melatonin it contains.
Because by acting from below on the emotional and immune brain that is your intestine, and acting from above by taking this ZENADOCTA supplement from Dr. TROTTA, you prevent the negative effects of stress and emotions from getting under your skin.
4/ Drainage- Detox
This is the phase that is totally forgotten by modern medicine, which only intoxicates and forgets to properly cleanse the organs that eliminate, the so-called emunctories: the liver, intestine, lungs, kidneys and skin.
For this, prescription of DRENADOCTADoctor TROTTA’s Detox drainer. With its 23 plants, it stimulates these organs and helps eliminate toxins through the kidneys and liver.
It’s essential to drain and detoxify the blood of all the toxins that can intoxicate and clog your thyroid gland.
One capful in half a liter of water (3/4 of a liter of water in summer).
5/ If you’re overweight and suffer from oedema due to hypothyroidism, try Doctor TROTTA’s detox-minimizing micro youth: take this capful dose of DRENADOCTA in 1/3 liter of water, in the evening instead of dinner, five nights a week, more information in this article. Water retention disappears and weight loss is guaranteed.
6/ Treat oxidation, which is the accelerated aging of the thyroid gland.
Every day, take C-DOCTAone teaspoonful, equivalent to about 6 g of vitamin C a day. You have two choices of vitamin C, either the classic, C-DOCTA L-ascorbic acid, or the alkaline, C-DOCTA sodium ascorbateif your stomach is sensitive to acidity.
7/ and finally, for serious cases requiring more comprehensive, personalized and proactive care. There are three solutions available to you.
8/ Come to San Sebastian and consult Dr. TROTTA for a better diagnosis, with iridology, ear and tongue analysis, examination of various laboratory tests, etc. etc.
and session of auricular neuro acupuncture to treat stress, skin, intestine, liver and emotions.
Doctor TROTTA has 20 years’ experience in this type of French acupuncture, recognized by the WHO as the French medical acupuncture.
9/ Customized prescription of INFODOCTA, containing Doctor Geffard’s digital endotherapy signals. Drugs developed by this doctor to treat autoimmune thyroid diseases such as Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease.
10/ Use scalar waves, the waves that heal to increase your vital self-healing forces.
For these last three points, of course, a consultation with Dr. Trotta is essential, either on site if you are able to travel, or via telemedicine if you are unable to travel.
And Doctor, if I have hyperthyroidism, do I have to do the same thing?
Many cases of hyperthyroidism are also linked to an autoimmune disease called Graves’ disease. In this case, follow these common-sense tips that work.
If your hyperthyroidism is temporary and due to iodine-based drugs (contrast agents injected during X-ray examinations), or regular use of Cordarone, then treat your heart problems with something other than chemical drugs and it’s possible.
For more personalized advice, you can consult Dr. Trotta personally.
– or remotely via telemedicine
– or on site at the Institut de Médecine Naturelle in San Sebastian, Basque Country
Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country
Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta
– on site.
– online.
Order Dr Trotta’s natural supplements:
– or by calling 05 54 54 44 43
– or on the online site: Dr Trotta’s laboratory