Autoimmune diseases

There is an explosion of autoimmune diseases in Western countries.

Is there not a link with the massive massive vaccination campaigns that look more like vaccine overdoses than targeted campaigns?

Here, we look at the plausible and probable causes of these ailments, and at a more effective, innovative, nztureal and, above all, non-toxic or side-effect therapeutic approach.

What is an autoimmune disease?

As the name suggests, this is the production of antibodies against one’s own organs.

Normally, our antibodies are soldiers that come to attack “foreigners” (i.e. what the body recognizes as non-self) that invade us: bacteria, viruses or foreign molecules such as toxins, drugs etc. etc.

But sometimes our antibodies attack our organs. Here is a list of all autoimmune diseases:

The pancreas (diabetes), the thyroid (Hashimoto’s, Graves’ disease), the myelin sheaths of our nerves (MS or Multiple Sclerosis), our joints (rheumatoid arthritis), our tendon attachments, entheses (SPA, Spondylartritis Ankylosante), acetylcholine receptors (myasthenia), the DNA of our cell nuclei (Lupus erythematosus), our kidneys (Glomerulopathies), our intestinal terminal ileum (Crohn’s), our colon (UC, Hemorrhagic Rectocolitis), intestinal villi (Celiac Disease), bile ducts of the liver (Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, Sclerosing Cholangitis), red blood cells (Biermer’s Anemia, autoimmune hemolytic anemias), platelets (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura), skin (vitiligo, pemphigus, bullous pemphigoid), muscles (polymyositis), connective tissue (scleroderma).

We are witnessing a worrying and preoccupying increase in the number of these illnesses, which is worrying both for the quality of life of these patients and for the exlosion in healthcare costs that this entails.

Here’s a recent example from a 12-year-old girl. Many French people can relate to this example.

She receives the usual doses of vaccine from three to six months (in 2007). At eight months, she develops Hashimoto’s disease, which means that her own antibodies attack her thyroid, causing thyroid insufficiency that will hinder her growth and make her put on weight.

At the age of eight, following booster vaccinations, she developed vitiligo, an autoimmune skin disease. Then, a year later, at the age of nine, she developed type I diabetes through the production of antibodies against her own pancreas, which could no longer secrete insulin, causing her blood sugar levels to rise dramatically.

These are not coincidental events, but are probably the result of the artificial modification of immunity induced, among other things, by vaccine overdose.

A review of the last 50 years of mass vaccination campaigns should be instituted, because in Western countries with mass vaccination campaigns, there has been an explosion in allergies, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s) and cancers.

A famous actress once said that mass vaccinations are a crime against immunity and will be considered a crime against humanity in a few years’ time.

We are not staunchly anti-vaccine, but we do advocate a form of medicine that is free from multinational drug companies, social security injunctions and the injunctions of official bodies all linked to these multinationals by direct or indirect ties (funding election campaigns, various gifts, funding journalists, funding so-called medical experts who make the Mainstream media rain and shine).

Let’s not forget that an infant must develop natural immunity through breastfeeding. Injecting a live attenuated or genetically engineered bacterium or virus into a virgin infant is an aggression in itself. It leads to the development of dormant lymphocyte clones, which can then produce antibodies against the infant’s own organs.

When, on the basis of a unilateral, undemocratic government decision, 11 vaccines are injected simultaneously on a massive scale, 3 times, repeated three months apart, into an infant with an immature immune system, this is called vaccine overdose. In toxicity, it’ s the dose that makes the poison.

What’s more, the Minister of Health (Agnès Buzyn) who is making this decision was financed during her career as a hospital doctor by the drug industry (Genzyme, Novartis, Bristol-Myers-Squibb), so there’s every reason to doubt the motives behind this decision, which is more concerned with the sales of multinational drug companies than with the health of infants and the French.

The French need to wake up, and are right to demand freedom of vaccination. For without freedom, there can be no democracy.

While more than one million 500,000 French people have called for a reduction in compulsory vaccinations (by petition in 2017), Macron’s Rothschild-banked government is imposing the generalization of 11 vaccines: to thank its banking and pharmaceutical sponsors?

And when, in addition, children are refused access to crèches or schools because they have not been vaccinated: is this worthy of a country whose town hall pediments read “Liberté Egalité Fraternité”? Where is the freedom of parents to protect their children’s health when the State claims to impose itself on them in a decision that first and foremost concerns parents for their offspring?

Without transparency, there’s no trust. So if the French are to regain confidence in vaccines, we need to make public all studies concerning the real efficacy of vaccines and their toxicity, and cut all links between decision-makers and the labs.

Common sense dictates that we should first and foremost develop the natural immunity of infants and children through breastfeeding and healthy food from organic peasant farming, which would considerably reduce the sources of infection, since a well-nourished child is one who has sufficient natural immunity to protect himself from serious infections.

We could simply vaccinate children against diphtheria, tetanus and polio, in separate injections containing no aluminum or formaldehyde, thus avoiding neurological toxicity and the risk of cancer. But there’s no need to vaccinate children against pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, meningitis, hepatitis B (a sexually transmitted disease that has nothing to do with infants), rubella, measles and mumps. It’s worth remembering that these last three diseases are designed to ensure the maturity of the immune system in adolescence, before adulthood, so as to avoid the diseases that follow. They are not fatal diseases. Their seriousness is exaggerated to frighten people and justify mass vaccination, which is unnecessary and even dangerous.

Let’s not forget that the unvaccinated population in the USA, the Hamish, who enjoy the freedom not to vaccinate their children that the French are denied, so unvaccinated Hamish children don’t wear glasses, don’t have scoliosis and, above all, don’t have autism!

The future health scandal of this century will be the vaccine overdose scandal. One day, doctors, health authorities and governments will have to account for the explosion in autism, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and cancers. Vaccine overdose is one of the main causes of these diseases. To deny this is to show ignorance, lack of common sense or intellectual and scientific dishonesty.

To prevent these autoimmune diseases, we need to return to vaccine freedom.

Most university hospital doctors say that these diseases are idiopathic, meaning that no cause can be found.

Our hypothesis is quite different, and links all these illnesses to a primary cause: intestinal hyper-permeability, which can be promoted by vaccine stress, excessive antibiotics and pesticides.

The diagram below explains this very clearly.

Intestinal hyperpermeability causes fragments of intestinal bacteria, gluten or toxins to pass into the bloodstream. These biological elements, which have not passed through the enterocytes but between the cells, through holes and pores (hence the name intestinal porosity), have not passed through the natural filter of digestion. They enter the bloodstream as “foreign bodies” and trigger an immune response, the production of antibodies designed to eliminate and destroy them.

Then these “foreign bodies” will attach themselves to tissues or organs: and this destination is guided by our genes; If you have a genetic susceptibility to :

– If you have multiple sclerosis, these antibodies will attach themselves to the myelin sheath of your nerves, and these antibodies will destroy the foreign body and the underlying myelin sheath, thus slowing down nerve conduction and causing the various symptoms of multiple sclerosis: motor, sensory, visual and bladder deficits, etc. ….

– poly-arthritis (rheumatoid factor positive), these foreign elements will attach themselves to your joint capsules and these antibodies will destroy the foreign body and the joint capsules to which they are attached, resulting in inflammation and joint pain.

– entheses (HLAB27) these foreign elements will attach themselves to your spinal and sacroiliac joint attachments, and these antibodies will destroy the foreign body and the joint attachments to which they are attached, resulting in inflammation and periarticular pain (SPA).

– thyroid: these foreign elements will attach themselves to your thyroid gland and these antibodies will destroy the foreign body and the underlying thyroid gland, causing it to fail (Hashimoto’s).

….etc for all other organs.

The diagram below illustrates what intestinal hyper-permeability is.

In the meantime, to treat these diseases, modern medicine offers only toxic or dangerous solutions such as immunosuppressants, anti-inflammatories or cortisone.

A new, more natural and effective way of treating autoimmune diseases:

1/ healthy nutrition

Doctors Catherine Kousmine and Jean Seignalet have shown that multiple sclerosis can be cured by modifying one’s diet. That’s what this natural health blog is all about, written by a down-to-earth doctor who consults and treats his patients through healthy nutrition. You need to limit pro-inflammatory foods such as cow’s milk and fried foods, and limit the use of gluten, which is often neurotoxic.

The following food supplements should be taken to treat intestinal hyper-permeability:

PRODOCTA 1-0-0. One capsule before breakfast

OMEDOCTA 2-0-0. Two capsules before breakfast

PRODOCTA is a complex of four probiotics that balance the intestinal flora. To reduce autoimmunity, the intestinal flora needs to be balanced by ferments which are a source of life. This is the purpose of the PRODOCTA complex.

OMEDOCTA provides polyunsaturated fatty acids that nourish the intestinal mucosa, the enterocytes, to improve its functioning.

PRODOCTA and OMEDOCTA work in symbiosis, potentiating their effects when taken together. It takes a minimum of three months to balance the intestine and thus gradually limit the passage of foreign elements into the bloodstream that will maintain multiple sclerosis. In this way, the origin of the disease is reduced at source.

The 3-month intestine packhas been developed for this purpose.

D3-DOCTA Dr Trotta’s natural vitamin D helps protect your intestinal mucosa from pathogenic bacteria (through the secretion of antimicrobial lysosymes by the paneth cells, located at the bottom of the intestinal crypts).

Oral vitamin D thus helps keep the intestinal mucosa selectively impermeable. In addition, vitamin D strengthens the tight junctions between intestinal cells (enterocytes). By preventing and treating intestinal hyperpermeability, vitamin D thus has a preventive and curative action on the cause of modern diseases (autoimmune, degenerative).

If stress or insomnia take ZENADOCTA one or two capsules at bedtime. This avoids the need for habit-forming chemical sleeping pills.

In addition, small doses of Rhodiola and St John’s Wort improve nervous system function.

If you have a loaded, white or brown tongue, which is a sign of intestinal overload and liver overload, you need to undergo Detox drainage, which is a genuine cleansing of the body’s interior, and which will then enable natural treatments to work more effectively.

In this case, take DRENADOCTA one 50 ML cap dose in half a liter of water. If you’re overweight, take this at the base instead of dinner – what Dr. Trotta calls the evening micro youth a highly effective, natural and economical way of losing weight without dieting and without too much effort. Simply replace dinner five nights a week with this drainer and you’ll achieve both detox and weight loss, with a real release of energy since the 25% of energy devoted to digestion will be conserved for your health.

For those who want to take their health into their own hands and better understand the benefits of nutrition to help prevent and cure our illnesses, the book “L’alimentation vivante, la première Médecine” written by Dr. trotta is for them in book by Dr Trotta, the bible of natural health nutrition.

2/ Endo-Bio-Therapy

Endo-Bio-Therapy is a therapeutic approach opposed by official medicine.

It’s a proven, innovative and ecological treatment. Just look at all the scientific publications published over the past 20 years in renowned international journals to confirm that this is indeed Evidence Based Medicine.

Since 2019, this medicine has been delivered in the form of “informational medicine” or “INFODOCTA and are delivered following an on-site or telemedicine consultation with Dr. Trotta to tailor them to your pathology.

For a better understanding, get the book “Pour mieux soigner les maladies chroniques, L’endobiothérapie” by Dr Trotta

3/ Scalar waves

Finally, if you lack vital energy, are tired, need to naturally boost your defenses and your own self-healing capacities, take regular sessions ofscalar waves which will give all your cells and DNA the free energy they need to heal and maintain your health.

Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country

Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta

TEL 05 54 54 44 43
on site.

Order Dr Trotta’s natural supplements:

– Tel:05 54 54 44 43
Le laboratoire du Dr Trotta
– or click below on the image of the desired supplement or pack

*Scientific publications on Endotherapy confirm that it is indeed Evidence Based Medicine, to reassure skeptics and those who think that natural medicine is not scientifically based:

1 – Multiple sclerosis :

Document available:BIOMEDICAL REPORTS 2017
Follow-up of multiple sclerosis patients treated with Endotherapia (GEMSP) MICHEL GEFFARD1, ARTURO MANGAS and RAFAEL COVEÑAS

MANETA-PEYRET L., DAVERAT P., GEFFARD M., CASSAGNE C. and ORGOGOZO J.M. Natural seric anti-fatty acid antibodies in multiple sclerosis. Neurosc Letters, (1987), 80, 235-239.

DAVERAT P., GEFFARD M. and ORGOGOZO J.M. Identification and characterization of anti- conjugated azelaic acid antibodies in multiple sclerosis. J. of Neuroimmunology, (1989), 22, 129- 134.

CHAGNAUD J.L., GOSSET I., BROCHET B., AUDHUY S. and GEFFARD M. Monoclonal anti- conjugated azelaic acid antibody production: application to multiple sclerosis. NeuroReport, (1990), 1, 141-144.

BROCHET B., FAIDERBE S., AUDHUY S., GOSSET I., GEFFARD M. and ORGOGOZO J.M. Antibodies against phosphatidylinositol in multiple sclerosis. Current Concepts in Multiple Sclerosis – Proceedings of the 6th congress of the ECTRIMS. (Wiethölter M., Dichgans J.), MERTIN J., Eds Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam , (1991), 97-102.

GEFFARD M., BOULLERNE A. and BROCHET B. Seric immune complexes in multiple sclerosis do not contain MBP epitopes. Brain Res. Bull, (1993), 30, 365-368.

BOULLERNE A., PETRY K.G., MEYNARD M. and GEFFARD M. Indirect evidence for NO involvement in multiple sclerosis by characterization of circulating antibodies directed against conjugated S-nitrosocysteine. J. of Neuroimmunol, (1995), 60, 117-124.

BOULLERNE A. I., PETRY K.G. and GEFFARD M. Circulating antibodies directed against conjugated fatty acids in sera of patients with Mutiple Sclerosis. J. of Neuroimmunol, (1996), 65, 75-81.

GEFFARD M., BODET D., CLAUDEPIERRE P., METZGER J.M. and SIBILIA J., Circulating serum antibodies directed against NO-modified antigens in neurological and rheumatic diseases. Immunoanal. Biol. (1998), 13, 209-217.

GEFFARD M., BODET D., MARTINET Y. and DABADIE M.P., Intérêt de l’évaluation d’IgM et d’IgA spécifiques circulant dans le sérum de malades atteints de sclérose en plaques (SEP). Immunoanal. Biol. Spéc (2002) 17(5), 302-310.

ANANE R., GEFFARD M., TAXILE M., BODET D., BILLAUDEL B., DULOU P.E. and VEYRET B. Effects of GSM-900 microwaves on an experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) rat model. Bioelectromagnetics (2003) 24, 211-213.

MNAIMNEH S., DAMAJ M., BARHOUMI R., MOUNEIMNE Y., GEFFARD M., VEYRET B. and VINCENDEAU P. Evidence for nitric oxide involvement in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and adjuvant-induced arthritis in Lewis rat. The pain clinic (2004) 16(3), 229-243.

BODET D., GLAIZE G., DABADIE M.P. and GEFFARD M. Immunobiological follow-up of patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Immunoanal. Biol. Spéc. (2004) 19, 138-147.

GEFFARD M., TRANCHANT C., FLEURY M.C., WIERTLEWSKI S., GUENNOC A.M. and DABADIE M.P. GEMSEP1 : a new drug candidate for secondary progressive form of Multiple Sclerosis. 21th Congress ECTRIMS. 28 September – 01 October 2005, Thessaloniki (Greece).
MANGAS A., COVENAS R., BODET D., DABADIE MP. and GEFFARD M. Evaluation of the effects of a new drug on brain leukocyte infiltration in an experimental model of autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Letters in Drug Design & Discovery (2006) 3(3), 138-148.

DULEU S., VAN DER VELDEN C., POULLETIER DE GANNES F., TRANCHANT M.C. and GEFFARD M., Circulating antibodies to NO- and ONOO-modified antigens in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis. Immunoanalysis and Specialized Biology (2007) 22, 273-281.

MANGAS A., COVENAS R., BODET D., DULEU S., DABADIE M.P., MERCHAN M. and GEFFARD M., GEMSP : A new drug candidate for multiple sclerosis. in : Recent Reasearch Developments in Neurosciences, Research Signpost, Trivandrum-Kerala, India (2007) 2, 93-100.

DULEU S., MANGAS A., POULLETIER DE GANNES F., TRANCHANT M.C., and M.GEFFARD, Circulating antibodies to conjugated tryptophan derivatives of IDO pathway in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis patients. Immunoanalysis and Specialized Biology (2008) 23, 27-34.

MANGAS A., COVENAS R., BODET D., DE LEON M., DULEU S., and GEFFARD M., Evaluation of the effects of a new drug candidate (GEMSP) in a chronic EAE model. Int. J. of Biological Sciences (2008) 4(3), 150-160.

MANGAS A., COVENAS R., BODET D., DULEU S. and GEFFARD M., A new drug candidate (GEMSP) for multiple sclerosis. Current Medicinal Chemistry (2009) 16, 3203-3214.

MANGAS A., COVENAS R. and GEFFARD M., New drug therapies for Multiple Sclerosis. Current Opinion in Neurology (2010) 23, 287-292.


Endotherapia. Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy agents in Medicinal Chemistry, Special Issue, BETHAM (ed.) Michigan (2010) 9, N°3. 197-211(15).

COVENAS R., MANGAS A., DE CASTRO F., MERCHAN M. GEFFARD M., Immunopathology and immunomodulation in experimental auto immune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis. In Multiple sclerosis. A new paradigm. Editor : GEFFARD M., Nova Science Publishers, (2011) pp 69-131.

BODET D., MANGAS A., COVENAS R., DABADIE M.P., GEFFARD M., Indirect visualization of specific antigenic modifications induced by nitric oxide in an experimental model of allergic encephalomyelitis. In Multiple sclerosis. A new paradigm. Editor : GEFFARD M., Nova Science Publishers, (2011) pp 133-152.

GEFFARD M., DULEU S., BESSEDE A., COVENAS R., MANGAS A., A new paradigm for multiple sclerosis. In Multiple sclerosis. A new paradigm. Editor : GEFFARD M., Nova Science Publishers, (2011) pp 153-184.

MANGAS A., VECINO E., RODRIGUEZ F.D., GEFFARD M. and COVENAS R., GEMSP Exerts a myelin-protecting role in the rat optic nerve. Neurological Research (2013) 35, 903-911.

COVENAS R., MANGAS A., JAULAIN C. and GEFFARD M., Multiple Sclerosis. In: Molecular and clinical neurosciences. Sugaya K., Samsam M. (eds.), McNeil, Michigan (2016) in press.

GEFFARD M., MANGAS A., COVENAS R., Follow up of Multiple Sclerosis patients treated with Endotherapia (GEMSP), Biomedical Reports, (2017) p 307-313 DOI : 10.3892/br.2017.857.

2 – Arthropathies (RA and PSR):

GEFFARD M., BODET D., CLAUDEPIERRE P., METZGER J.M. and SIBILIA J. Circulating serum antibodies to NO-modified antigens in neurological and rheumatic diseases. Immunoanal. Biol. (1998) 13, 209-217.

SIBILIA J., GEFFARD M., GOUPILLE P., DOUGADOS M., CANTAGREL A., LIMBACH F.X., BODET D., DABADIE M.P., DAURES J.P. and COMBE B. Prognostic value of antibodies directed against “inflammation-modified” antigens in recent polyarthritis. XIIth French Congress of Rheumatology. November 22-24, 1999, Paris, France.

3. Myasthenia :

SOUAN M.L. and GEFFARD M. A new model of experimental auto-immune myasthenia gravis. J. of Neuroimmunol, (1985), 9, 327-338.

SOUAN M.L., GEFFARD M., LEBRUN-GRANDIE P. and ORGOGOZO J.M. Detection of anti- acetylcholine antibodies in myasthenic patients. Neurosc. Letters, (1986), 64, 23-28.

SOUAN M.L. and GEFFARD M. Immunological similarities between an experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis model and human myasthenia gravis. Neurosc.Letters, (1986), 68, 282-287.

SOUAN M.L., GEFFARD M., VIELLEMARINGE J., LEBRUN-GRANDIE P. and ORGOGOZO J.M. Anti-acetylcholine antibodies and the pathogenesis of Myasthenia Gravis. Myasthenia Gravis: biology and treatment. Annals of the N.Y. Academy of Sciences, (1987), 505, 423-438.

LEBRUN-GRANDIE P., SOUAN M.L., GEFFARD M., DARTIGUES J.F., MAURICET B. and ORGOGOZO J.M. Anti-acetylcholine and anti-receptor antibodies in myasthenia. La Presse Medicale, (1987), 16, 1577-1580.

GEFFARD M. and SOUAN M.L. Experimental autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis and Myasthenia Gravis : comparison of the immunological results obtained. In Myasthenia Gravis: biology and treatment. Annals of the N.Y. Academy of Sciences, (1987), 505, 712-714.

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