Our advice


How to take better care of my cancer and give myself the best chance of recovery.

Auricular acupuncture and breast cancer

Auricular acupuncture to relieve joint pain in women undergoing hormone therapy for breast cancer.

Endotherapy: Dr. Geffard's therapeutic revolution

Do you know the moving story of Dr Michel Geffard? Or rather of his revolutionary treatment, endotherapy? Promising, non-invasive, it offered the prospect of a treatment for chronic and autoimmune diseases, and even certain cancers!

"Don't touch my prostate!""

How can prostate cancer be prevented? How can borderline cases be treated more naturally? Dr Trotta's advice for men who have been offered a prostate biopsy and whose PSA is not all that high. Very useful advice.

Dr. Geffard's endotherapy: too effective?

A revolutionary, natural treatment for the chronic diseases of the 21st century, just as Penicillin was for infectious diseases in the 20th century. A treatment that restores hope to patients suffering from diseases that modern medicine is unable to treat adequately without side effects. Developed by Dr Michel Geffard.

Fasting to lose weight? Fasting for healing? Dr Trotta's fasting diary

Dr. Trotta's September 2017 personal fasting diary to inform about this royal therapy and better advise those who might be tempted by a positive fasting experience to lose weight or heal.

What are the benefits of Vitamin D?

D3 Docta, Dr Trotta's new natural vitamin D supplement. To boost your immunity in autumn and winter and strengthen brittle bones (fractures, osteoporosis). Indispensable in chronic illnesses to balance the immune system.