How can multiple sclerosis be treated better, naturally?

How to treat MS (Multiple Sclerosis) more naturally, more effectively and with far fewer side effects.

A scheme worth 10,000 speeches

Here’s a graph comparing the evolution of multiple sclerosis treated by conventional medicine (in red) and by EndoBioTherapy (in blue).

*Results published in various international scientific journals (see bibliography at end of article).

Above, in red, is the evolutionary curve of MS treated by official medicine: regular and definite worsening, with progression of disability.

Below in blue, the evolution of MS treated with Endo-bio-Therapy: a clear break in the disease curve just 3 months after the start of treatment, with a gradual reduction in symptoms, deficits and disability.

Dr. Trotta, who himself comes from a family with multiple sclerosis, can confirm that this pattern is consistent with reality.

Dr. Trotta’s maternal uncle, who suffered from multiple sclerosis, followed the treatment of official medicine, saw his symptoms worsen (exactly as shown on the red curve in the diagram) with increasingly heavy and expensive treatment, and followed the classic path: muscle deficit, walking with a cane, wheelchair, then bed rest and premature death.

One of Dr Trotta’s cousins, the niece of an MS-afflicted uncle who suffered from multiple sclerosis from the age of 28 onwards, did not follow the treatment of official medicine and took the EndoBioTherapy treatments. She has no symptoms. She has no motor, sensory, visual or bladder deficits (as shown on the blue curve).

She is not considered cured, as she has been taking this treatment since the start of her illness, three days out of four, but is considered to be in symptom-free remission. She has had no side-effects, as this treatment has no side-effects or side-effects.

It’s important to understand that multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease of multifactorial origin. In other words, multiple factors come into play to cause the disease. First of all, there are the genetic factors of family susceptibility.

This is followed by intestinal hyper-permeability, leading to the passage of fragments of intestinal bacteria, gluten or toxins which, due to this genetic tropism, will attach themselves to the myelin sheaths of the nerves. The immune system regards these elements as “foreign”, since they have not passed through the digestive filter of the enterocytes (but between the enterocytes), and attacks them and the underlying myelin, leading to the progressive destruction of the myelin sheaths and, consequently, the slowing down of nerve conduction, resulting in the various symptoms of multiple sclerosis: motor, sensory, visual and bladder deficits, etc. ….

Multiple sclerosis is a cold infectious disease (no fever) of intestinal origin. This chronic infection leads to inflammation, oxidation and autoimmune reactions that cause lesions in the myelin sheath, resulting in the symptoms of MS.

The diagram below illustrates what intestinal hyper-permeability is.

Official medicine has not taken this origin of the disease on board at all, and continues to consider it an “idiopathic” disease, i.e. with no real cause found, which ignores the vast amount of research carried out over the last 20 years.

Official medical treatments aim to counteract the inflammatory and immune response: intravenous boluses of cortisone to limit inflammation during relapses, and essentially immunosuppressive drugs for disease-modifying treatment. But these treatments have numerous side-effects that limit their use: risk of serious infections and cancer (because by slowing down the immune system, they weaken the body’s own defenses).

There is another, more complete therapeutic approach, called EndoBioTherapynot to be confused with the biotherapies of official medicine, which, contrary to their name, are not at all organic: indeed, the biotherapies of official medicine essentially correspond to vaccines, hormones such as insulin, and monoclonal antibodies aimed at combating TNF alpha, the inflammation factor involved in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases such as MS.

EndoBioTherapy, developed by Doctor Geffard’s team between 1980 and 2000, aims to :

– firstly, to diagnose the risk factors and factors involved in multiple sclerosis: intestinal hyper-permeability, infection, inflammation.

– secondly, to develop biological medicines based on natural substances that we all have in our bodies and which, when combined in a particular way, produce a therapeutic effect.

These treatments are all based on Poly-Lysine, a combination of a natural amino acid that can be considered the ideal carrier since it is hydrophilic, passes the blood-brain barrier and is non-toxic.

The transporter’s small wagons are fitted with :

neuromediators, which have a “neurotrophic” effect on nerves, aimed at repairing them
polyunsaturated fatty acids, providing better fatty acid nutrition for nerves and cell membranes, improving their functioning
Certain short-chain fatty acids associated with Poly-Lysine have an anti-infectious, anti-bacterial and anti-viral effect, of great interest in correcting chronic micro-infection produced by intestinal hyper-permeability
Anti-oxidants correct oxidation and oxidative stress induced by inflammation and infection

The aim of this therapy is to correct the main disorders at the root of the disease. It has been used for over 20 years. The results of endobiotherapy for MS are far superior to those of conventional medicine, and have all been published in international scientific journals. The non-development of this therapy is due to financial blocking (by BigPharma, which limits any innovative research or competitive therapy that could jeopardize the tens of thousands of euros per patient generated by the aggressive and often ineffective therapies used in multiple sclerosis by these drug multinationals) and medical conservatism, considerably limiting the spread of new and innovative therapies to the general public.

Against all odds, Dr. Geffard and his team have developed a revolutionary diagnosis and therapy for the treatment of neurogenerative diseases. A non-toxic, environmentally-friendly therapy with no side effects. They were up against a wall of money and a medical dictatorship that does not speak its name, which used every means to prevent this research from being made available to the general public. This doctor, who should have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his research, was struck off the medical register five years ago! Which leads me to say that“striking off the medical register (created under Vichy) becomes the Legion of Honor of Natural Medicine”!

on September 20, 2019, 30 gendarmes barged into the home of Dr. Geffard and his wife and took them away manu-militari, handcuffed like criminals, to put them in police custody for five days, sealed the doctor’s laboratory and prevented doctors and patients from coming into contact with this eminent researcher. This is a frontal attack unworthy of our democracy put in place by Emmanuel Macron and his then Minister of Health Agnès Buzin*, who work more for the vaccine industry and drug multinationals than for the health of the French people. *(Agnès Buzyn, or Agnès “vaccin” as she might be called, is the minister who has made 11 vaccines mandatory for newborns since 2018, and who will have to answer to the French people for the epidemic of autism caused by intoxication with the neurotoxic aluminum adjuvant in vaccines that will soon be appearing).

Dr. Geffard’s laboratory, which organized immunoassay diagnosis and the manufacture of PolyLysine poly-complexes for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, was brutally, authoritatively and abusively closed without notice, leaving patients without treatment overnight. Judge Anne Catherine Idiart, who ordered this Moscow trial, as well as Agnès Buzin and Emmanuel Macron, will have to answer to the French people for endangering the lives of others.

We’re among those doctors who don’t give up, who fight like David against Goliath, because “the truth is like water, it always passes”. Generations will know what happened in France in 2019: an eminent researcher is prevented from pursuing his research and treatments, which are 10 times more effective in treating multiple sclerosis than the €60,000-a-cure drugs that cause too many side effects and drive multiple sclerosis patients into despair and wheelchairs.

Our vocation as doctors and our Hippocratic oath invite us to treat according to the latest research in force; all Dr. Geffard’s research is published and should be known by every doctor treating MS. We are among those doctors whose vocation it is to care for their fellow man, and we remain free from threats, pressures and limitations of all kinds: social security, the French Medical Association, and various intimidations from authorities who are nothing more than bodies subservient to the pharmaceutical lobby.

We’re continuing, not with research, as that’s not our charism, but with Dr. Geffard’s work, by continuing to follow his patients and offering them a different but still innovative therapy. We can no longer perform blood tests or prescribe tablets. Nevertheless, in line with the work of Nobel Prize winner Professor Luc Montagnier, we can work on the medicine of tomorrow, which is informational medicine, i.e. informing water through the audio signatures of the various polyLysine poly-complex molecules we have recorded.

We all communicate via wi-fi, GSM, audio, radio, TV and other waves. Our twisted DNAs are veritable transmitting and receiving antennae at the heart of the nuclei of all our cells, so they communicate with each other.

We can thus transmit therapeutic information to all our cells via water, which is the ideal vehicle for transmitting information, as demonstrated by Jacques Benvéniste and confirmed by the work of Professor Luc Montagnier.

Our role as free doctors is to make this known, so that many patients can find alternative ways of treating themselves.

To be able to treat you better, we need to listen to you, hear you or see you, before offering you the most personalized treatment possible that matches your personality, your past, your symptoms, your illness, your feelings and your emotions.

Call 00 34 943 059 203 to request an appointment, either by telemedicine or on site. Only then can the Doctor follow you up and offer you this effective therapy.

A new, more natural and effective way of treating multiple sclerosis:

1/ healthy nutrition

Doctors Catherine Kousmine and Jean Seignalet have shown that multiple sclerosis can be cured by modifying one’s diet. That’s what this natural health blog is all about, written by a down-to-earth doctor who consults and treats his patients through healthy nutrition. You need to limit pro-inflammatory foods such as cow’s milk and fried foods, and limit the use of gluten, which is often neurotoxic.

The following food supplements should be taken to treat intestinal hyper-permeability:

PRODOCTA 1-0-0. One capsule before breakfast

OMEDOCTA 2-0-0. Two capsules before breakfast

PRODOCTA is a complex of four probiotics that balance the intestinal flora. To reduce and balance autoimmunity, the intestinal flora needs to be balanced by ferments which are a source of life. This is the purpose of the PRODOCTA complex.

OMEDOCTA provides polyunsaturated fatty acids that nourish the intestinal mucosa, the enterocytes, to improve its functioning.

PRODOCTA and OMEDOCTA work in symbiosis, potentiating their effects when taken together. It takes a minimum of three months to balance the intestine and thus limit the passage, little by little, of foreign elements into the bloodstream, which will maintain multiple sclerosis. In this way, the origin of the disease is reduced at source.

The 3-month intestine packhas been developed for this purpose.

2 melatonin-based supplements: because, according to the work and discoveries of Prof. Jean Bernard Fourtillan, melatonin is not the sleep hormone (that’s valentonin) but the hormone that repairs neurons at night. Melatonin is a neuroregenerative hormone: it regenerates neurons. What’s more, melatonin is the anti-oxidant par excellence of the nervous system.

So it’s easy to see why it’s important to take melatonin supplements when suffering from a neurological disease: to reduce the oxidative attack of free radicals on our neurons, and then to regenerate these neurons damaged by oxidation.

2 melatonin-based supplements have been developed by Dr Trotta for MS sufferers. They should be taken at bedtime, as they work throughout the night.

– If your mood is low and the stress or emotional factor is predominant, with insomnia, anxiety, mood swings, depression, then take ZENADOCTA one or two capsules at bedtime. This supplement not only contains 1mg melatonin, but also St. John’s Wort to boost mood and other stress adaptogen and soothing herbs. This avoids the use of chemical sleeping pills, which are habit-forming and addictive. The melatonin contained in ZENADOCTA is not the sleep hormone (which is Valentonin), but a molecule that repairs damage to the nerves at night, the famous myelin sheath lesions. Good, restorative sleep is therefore essential for better treatment of MS and all other neurological diseases.

– if your mood and sleep are good, opt for MELADOCTADr Trotta’s new melatonin-based supplement, which contains 2mg of melatonin. During the night, these 2mg of melatonin will combat the free radicals (oxidation) that attack your neurons, while at the same time helping to regenerate them.

– and if your MS is advanced (EDSS score above 6.0) and your morale is low, take both: 1 capsule of ZENADOCTA and 1 capsule of MELADOCTA at bedtime will provide you with the 3mg of melatonin generally recommended in this indication.

Indispensable Vitamin C, C-DOCTA will give you several g of vitamin C every day (1g alone is not enough) to fight more effectively against the oxidation that causes your illness. What’s more, it’s an excellent preventative against infection and aging.

If you have a loaded, white or brown tongue, which is a sign of intestinal overload and liver overload, you need to do a Detox drainage, which is a real cleansing of the inside of the body and then helps natural treatments to work better.

In this case, take DRENADOCTA one 50 ML cap dose in half a liter of spring water or water with low mineral content, such as Volvic or Mont-Roucous. If you’re overweight, take this as a base instead of dinner – what Dr Trotta calls the evening micro youth a highly effective, natural and economical method for losing weight without dieting and without too much effort. Simply replace dinner five nights a week with this drainer and you’ll achieve both detox and weight loss, with a real release of energy since the 25% of energy devoted to digestion will be conserved for your health.

For those who want to take charge of their health and better understand the importance of nutrition in preventing and curing disease, the book “L’alimentation vivante, la première Médecine” by Dr. Trotta is a useful and valuable guide. book.

2/ Immunoassay

This analysis is no longer possible since “Herr Macron” decided to suspend Dr. Geffard’s laboratory on Sept 23, 2019. It’s up to us to make these analyses possible again (abroad) or in France by letting those around us know what’s happening in France: it’s forbidden to heal on pain of trial. Just like the Moscow trials. The Covid scam is of the same ilk: too many French people are waking up, and need to be muzzled by imprisonment at home (confinement), the deliberate break-up of the national economy for the benefit of transnationals, compulsory masks for all, generalized submission to a small caste that is far too rich and powerful, and that no longer takes the gloves off to hide its sanitary and dictatorial New World Order designs. The Doctor replaces this analysis with other analyses: either by TeleMedicine or in consultation on site to assess the degree of infection, inflammation or oxidation, and then using in the treatment the combination of polycomplexes judiciously chosen according to your disease.

You can support Dr Geffard on this site

3/ Digital Endo-Bio-Therapy

This is a prescription from Doctor Trotta of Info-Endo-médicaments or INFODOCTA developed by Dr. Geffard, and digitized in a special 50 or 200ml bottle, a prescription for one month’s treatment at the outset, to be renewed every month for 3 months to find the right dosage and formula best suited to your illness and symptoms. Each INFODOCTA is individually and uniquely formulated by the Doctor.

For a better understanding, the book “Pour mieux soigner les maladies chroniques, L’endobiothérapie” by Dr. Trotta is available at book .

4/ Scalar waves

Finally, if you lack vital energy, are tired, have too much pain, need to naturally boost your defenses and your own self-healing capacities, take regular sessions ofscalar waves which will give all your cells and DNA the free energy they need to heal and maintain your health.

Testimony of 05/03/2020

Hello, Doctor,
I’ve come to give you a brief report on the treatments you’ve given me. After four scalar wave sessions and taking your supplements every day, I’ve noticed an increase in energy, which in turn has enabled me to become more active. I don’t know to which type of treatment this positivism can be attributed, but perhaps it’s the combination of all the above. My MS is still active, and although I can’t hope to run a 110 m hurdle, I’ve got enough energy to force myself to walk, however modestly. I only have a few days of treatment left, so I’m looking forward to continuing my care with you.
Yours sincerely

Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country

Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta

Tel: 05 54 54 44 43
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Order Dr Trotta’s natural supplements:

– Tel: 05 54 54 44 43
Le laboratoire du Dr Trotta
– or click on the image below for the desired supplement or pack

*Scientific publications on MS and Endotherapy that confirm that this is Evidence Based Medicine, to reassure skeptics and those who think that natural medicine is not scientifically based:

Document available:BIOMEDICAL REPORTS 2017
Follow-up of multiple sclerosis patients treated with Endotherapia (GEMSP) MICHEL GEFFARD1, ARTURO MANGAS and RAFAEL COVEÑAS

MANETA-PEYRET L., DAVERAT P., GEFFARD M., CASSAGNE C. and ORGOGOZO J.M. Natural seric anti-fatty acid antibodies in multiple sclerosis. Neurosc Letters, (1987), 80, 235-239.

DAVERAT P., GEFFARD M. and ORGOGOZO J.M. Identification and characterization of anti- conjugated azelaic acid antibodies in multiple sclerosis. J. of Neuroimmunology, (1989), 22, 129- 134.

CHAGNAUD J.L., GOSSET I., BROCHET B., AUDHUY S. and GEFFARD M. Monoclonal anti- conjugated azelaic acid antibody production: application to multiple sclerosis. NeuroReport, (1990), 1, 141-144.

BROCHET B., FAIDERBE S., AUDHUY S., GOSSET I., GEFFARD M. and ORGOGOZO J.M. Antibodies against phosphatidylinositol in multiple sclerosis. Current Concepts in Multiple Sclerosis – Proceedings of the 6th congress of the ECTRIMS. (Wiethölter M., Dichgans J.), MERTIN J., Eds Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam , (1991), 97-102.

GEFFARD M., BOULLERNE A. and BROCHET B. Seric immune complexes in multiple sclerosis do not contain MBP epitopes. Brain Res. Bull, (1993), 30, 365-368.

BOULLERNE A., PETRY K.G., MEYNARD M. and GEFFARD M. Indirect evidence for NO involvement in multiple sclerosis by characterization of circulating antibodies directed against conjugated S-nitrosocysteine. J. of Neuroimmunol, (1995), 60, 117-124.

BOULLERNE A. I., PETRY K.G. and GEFFARD M. Circulating antibodies directed against conjugated fatty acids in sera of patients with Mutiple Sclerosis. J. of Neuroimmunol, (1996), 65, 75-81.

GEFFARD M., BODET D., CLAUDEPIERRE P., METZGER J.M. and SIBILIA J., Circulating serum antibodies directed against NO-modified antigens in neurological and rheumatic diseases. Immunoanal. Biol. (1998), 13, 209-217.

GEFFARD M., BODET D., MARTINET Y. and DABADIE M.P., Intérêt de l’évaluation d’IgM et d’IgA spécifiques circulant dans le sérum de malades atteints de sclérose en plaques (SEP). Immunoanal. Biol. Spéc (2002) 17(5), 302-310.

ANANE R., GEFFARD M., TAXILE M., BODET D., BILLAUDEL B., DULOU P.E. and VEYRET B. Effects of GSM-900 microwaves on an experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) rat model. Bioelectromagnetics (2003) 24, 211-213.

MNAIMNEH S., DAMAJ M., BARHOUMI R., MOUNEIMNE Y., GEFFARD M., VEYRET B. and VINCENDEAU P. Evidence for nitric oxide involvement in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and adjuvant-induced arthritis in Lewis rat. The pain clinic (2004) 16(3), 229-243.

BODET D., GLAIZE G., DABADIE M.P. and GEFFARD M. Immunobiological follow-up of patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Immunoanal. Biol. Spéc. (2004) 19, 138-147.

GEFFARD M., TRANCHANT C., FLEURY M.C., WIERTLEWSKI S., GUENNOC A.M. and DABADIE M.P. GEMSEP1 : a new drug candidate for secondary progressive form of Multiple Sclerosis. 21th Congress ECTRIMS. 28 September – 01 October 2005, Thessaloniki (Greece).
MANGAS A., COVENAS R., BODET D., DABADIE MP. and GEFFARD M. Evaluation of the effects of a new drug on brain leukocyte infiltration in an experimental model of autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Letters in Drug Design & Discovery (2006) 3(3), 138-148.

DULEU S., VAN DER VELDEN C., POULLETIER DE GANNES F., TRANCHANT M.C. and GEFFARD M., Circulating antibodies to NO- and ONOO-modified antigens in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis. Immunoanalysis and Specialized Biology (2007) 22, 273-281.

MANGAS A., COVENAS R., BODET D., DULEU S., DABADIE M.P., MERCHAN M. and GEFFARD M., GEMSP : A new drug candidate for multiple sclerosis. in : Recent Reasearch Developments in Neurosciences, Research Signpost, Trivandrum-Kerala, India (2007) 2, 93-100.

DULEU S., MANGAS A., POULLETIER DE GANNES F., TRANCHANT M.C., and M.GEFFARD, Circulating antibodies to conjugated tryptophan derivatives of IDO pathway in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis patients. Immunoanalysis and Specialized Biology (2008) 23, 27-34.

MANGAS A., COVENAS R., BODET D., DE LEON M., DULEU S., and GEFFARD M., Evaluation of the effects of a new drug candidate (GEMSP) in a chronic EAE model. Int. J. of Biological Sciences (2008) 4(3), 150-160.

MANGAS A., COVENAS R., BODET D., DULEU S. and GEFFARD M., A new drug candidate (GEMSP) for multiple sclerosis. Current Medicinal Chemistry (2009) 16, 3203-3214.

MANGAS A., COVENAS R. and GEFFARD M., New drug therapies for Multiple Sclerosis. Current Opinion in Neurology (2010) 23, 287-292.


Endotherapia. Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy agents in Medicinal Chemistry, Special Issue, BETHAM (ed.) Michigan (2010) 9, N°3. 197-211(15).

COVENAS R., MANGAS A., DE CASTRO F., MERCHAN M. GEFFARD M., Immunopathology and immunomodulation in experimental auto immune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis. In Multiple sclerosis. A new paradigm. Editor : GEFFARD M., Nova Science Publishers, (2011) pp 69-131.

BODET D., MANGAS A., COVENAS R., DABADIE M.P., GEFFARD M., Indirect visualization of specific antigenic modifications induced by nitric oxide in an experimental model of allergic encephalomyelitis. In Multiple sclerosis. A new paradigm. Editor : GEFFARD M., Nova Science Publishers, (2011) pp 133-152.

GEFFARD M., DULEU S., BESSEDE A., COVENAS R., MANGAS A., A new paradigm for multiple sclerosis. In Multiple sclerosis. A new paradigm. Editor : GEFFARD M., Nova Science Publishers, (2011) pp 153-184.

MANGAS A., VECINO E., RODRIGUEZ F.D., GEFFARD M. and COVENAS R., GEMSP Exerts a myelin-protecting role in the rat optic nerve. Neurological Research (2013) 35, 903-911.

COVENAS R., MANGAS A., JAULAIN C. and GEFFARD M., Multiple Sclerosis. In: Molecular and clinical neurosciences. Sugaya K., Samsam M. (eds.), McNeil, Michigan (2016) in press.

GEFFARD M., MANGAS A., COVENAS R., Follow up of Multiple Sclerosis patients treated with Endotherapia (GEMSP), Biomedical Reports, (2017) p 307-313 DOI : 10.3892/br.2017.857.

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