Here are some tips to help you delay taking levodopa, as this effective drug for treating the troublesome symptoms of Parkinson’s diminishes in effectiveness over time. So it’s best not to take it too soon, so as to preserve its effectiveness for as long as possible, when natural methods are no longer sufficiently effective.
Parkinson’s is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s disease.
It’s a degeneration of the neurons in the locus niger (which secrete dopamine), the brain center that partly controls movement.
It manifests as the triad tremor-rigidity-akinesia. It begins between the ages of 50 and 70. Patients first experience distal hand tremors (strawberry sugar!), then rigidity (with the famous cogwheel on clinical examination when bending and unfolding the elbow), and finally a loss of mobility (akinesia) which slows down all movements and gives the face an inexpressive character. Walking begins slowly, then accelerates with tiny steps that cause the patient to fall (destination). Many sufferers finally lapse into a kind of dementia, which is the culmination of the disease, when it has progressed or medication no longer works.
Because these drugs (L-Dopa) only relieve the consequences of the disease: dopamine deficiency among others. But they do not treat the cause(s).
And what are the causes for you, Dr Trotta?
The causes of Parkinson’s are multi-factorial: genetic tropism, chronic oxidative stress, micro-nutritional deficiencies (omega 3), excesses of pesticides (neuro-toxic), heavy metals (aluminum from vaccines, mercury from dental amalgams…) all combine to cause Parkinson’s disease:
– direct damage to neurons in the brain
– but also lesions in the intestine, micro-holes in the mucous membrane, which then allow elements that shouldn’t be there to pass into the bloodstream: fragments of intestinal bacteria, which could mean that Parkinson’s is a chronic infectious disease of intestinal origin. But also fragments of undigested gluten (neurotoxic), heavy metals… All this aggravates the oxidative stress and inflammation which gradually destroy the neurons in the locus niger.
Ignorance of these causes means not giving Parkinson’s sufferers the best possible chance. Because knowledge of these causes leads to more natural and effective treatments: micro-nutrition to correct deficiencies and endobiotherapy to treat the causes and heal the affected neurons locally in the brain (see treatments).
Personally, if Dr. Trotta had Parkinson’s disease, he would fast for at least 10 days, and if possible 30 days, to give his body a complete detox from the toxins that are often at the root of this disease.
If you are convinced that this therapy could help you, or if you would like to find out more about it, or if you would like to know how to put it into practice, the Doctor advises you to read the following article, which will give you all the necessary and concrete information, as it is about his one-week fasting diary from autumn 2016.
If you can’t fast, because it’s not easy to organize, the Doctor recommends evening micro-fasting which he explains well in his blog for people who want to lose weight.
To provide your body with the supplements it needs to function more efficiently and thus reduce the symptoms and progression of the disease:
Dr. Trotta therefore recommends the following cure:
PRODOCTA 1-0-0 one capsule before breakfast
OMEDOCTA 2-0-0 2 capsules before breakfast
These 2 natural supplements developed by the Doctor will deeply balance your intestine and your brain, working in symbiosis to reduce the imbalance at the root of your illness. 3-month gut pack (which offers a 15% discount) has been designed to make it easier for you to take these supplements on a regular daily basis, which will go a long way towards treating the cause of your illness, which lies mainly in your intestine.
These three capsules should be taken every morning before breakfast for at least six months.
To this you will add a Detox drainage treatment DRENADOCTA :
Take 50 ml, or a full capful, in 1 l of water with low mineral content, either Mont Roucous or Volvic.
You can either drink it during the day, or in place of dinner, to kick-start the metabolic process of fasting and burn off toxins during the night.
2 melatonin-based supplements: because, according to the work and discoveries of Prof. Jean Bernard Fourtillan, melatonin is not the sleep hormone (that’s valentonin) but the hormone that repairs neurons at night. Melatonin is a neuroregenerative hormone: it regenerates neurons. What’s more, melatonin is the anti-oxidant par excellence of the nervous system.
So it’s easy to see why it’s important to take melatonin supplements when suffering from a neurological disease: to reduce the oxidative attack of free radicals on our neurons, and then to regenerate these neurons damaged by oxidation.
2 melatonin-based supplements have been developed by Dr Trotta for Parkinson’s sufferers. They should be taken at bedtime, as they work throughout the night.
– If your mood is low and the stress or emotional factor is predominant, with insomnia, anxiety, mood swings, depression, then take ZENADOCTA one or two capsules at bedtime. This supplement not only contains 1mg melatonin, but also St. John’s Wort to boost mood, and other stress adaptogens and soothing plants. This avoids the need for habit-forming, addictive chemical sleeping pills. The melatonin contained in ZENADOCTA is not the sleep hormone (which is Valentonin), but a molecule that repairs nerve damage at night – the famous damage to the central gray nuclei which produce your dopamine. Good, restorative sleep is therefore essential for the treatment of Parkinson’s and all other neurological diseases.
– if your mood and sleep are good, opt for MELADOCTADr Trotta’s new melatonin-based supplement, which contains 2mg of melatonin. These 2mg of melatonin will, overnight, fight the free radicals (oxidation) that attack your neurons and, at the same time, allow them to regenerate and be able to secrete dopamine again in sufficient quantity.
– and if your Parkinson’s is advanced and your spirits are low, take both: 1 capsule of ZENADOCTA and 1 capsule of MELADOCTA at bedtime will provide you with the 3mg of melatonin generally recommended in this indication.
These 2 supplements help you sleep better, tranquilize and soothe, thus reducing tremors.
Take C-DOCTA, Vitamin C every day at a dose of between 3 and 6g will reduce the oxidation that rusts your brain and gray nuclei (the locus niger) and thus reduce the symptoms associated with this oxidation, which is the cause of most degenerative neurological diseases, including Parkinson’s disease.
You’ll also need to make far-reaching nutritional changes to ensure that your diet is as lively and effective as possible in slowing the progression of the disease.
To better lubricate and exercise your brain, which is 70% fat, you’ll need to eat three to five nuts every day, and sardines, mackerel or herring three times a day (tuna often contains too much mercury, and farmed salmon contains far less omega 3).
Avoid all foods containing pesticides: non-organic fruit and vegetables, milk, yoghurt and cow’s milk products, which contain too many pesticides (since the massive industrialization of the dairy industry and the widespread use of corn silage for cow feed, corn too rich in Monsanto pesticides). I would remind you that pesticides are neurotoxicants and that, according to Dr Trotta (a radiologist who has diagnosed numerous cases of lymphoma and Parkinson’s disease among farmers in rural areas), Parkinson’s, lymphoma and leukemia are occupational diseases of conventional farmers who use too many of these neurotoxic products.
Avoid devitalized and refined foods such as white bread, white sugar, white flour, bleached and heated oils such as sunflower and palm oil, fried foods and peanuts.
A good breakfast with a boiled egg or a bit of ham.
Lunch with organic vegetables, sardines, quinoa, lentils or brown rice and try fasting for dinner with DRENADOCTA.
Red wine in small quantities, dark chocolate, green tea and, of course, aromatic spices are all fantastic antioxidants.
The cocoa in dark chocolate is known to increase the secretion of dopamine (which is lacking in Parkinson’s) and make you happy. So why deprive yourself? Dark chocolate in small quantities is not fattening, and I even use it and recommend it for slimming.
Avoid the overdose of TV that softens the brain!
The best slogan for this is: “Turn off your TV, turn on your brain!”
Have an intellectual activity, interests, read, do crosswords, sudoku, mental arithmetic, memory exercises, walk regularly and have a sporting activity to oxygenate your brain.
You should also know that auricular acupuncture auricular acupuncture, which is a true neuro acupuncture that acts on your brain, helps reduce symptoms and stress, thus limiting the need for medication, reducing tremors and promoting better cerebral harmony.
For those who order the products developed by Doctor TROTTA, he will then provide more personalized homeopathic advice.
For further information, write to:
Digital endotherapy or INFODOCTA, a method developed by Dr. Geffard to treat inflammation, chronic infection (very common in facial neuralgia) and oxidation, can be proposed as an effective long-term method for treating the causes of your neuralgia, with no side effects. As this is an innovative and personalized treatment, you should seek Dr. Trotta’s advice during a TeleMedicine consultation or on site in San Sebastian. This would enable you to further reduce the dose of your intoxicating chemical medication.
For more information, call 05 54 54 44 43
Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country
Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta
– on site.
– online.
Order Dr Trotta’s natural supplements:
– Tel: OO34 942 060 242
– Le laboratoire du Dr Trotta
– or click on the image below for the desired supplement or pack
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