Red skin syndrome

A serious skin disease caused by cortisone.

Neglected in France. It is recognized in English-speaking countries.

Patients struggle to find solutions to this hellish situation caused by cortisone overdose.

Here are some explanations from Doctor TROTTA, a specialist in desperate patients and serious illnesses, who is looking for solutions other than chemicals, the ravages of which we’ll see here when taken for far too long.

What is Doctor TROTTA’s red skin syndrome?

Dr Pascal Trotta explains red skin syndrome

Redskin syndrome is an often generalized disease of the skin.

Patients’ skin is red, inflamed, thickened and “cardboard-like”. The skin has lost its silky, supple character and feels like cardboard to the touch. It’s very thick, rough, dry and extremely itchy, which is the worst symptom for sufferers.

Their skin has many cracks, often bleeding at the bottom.

It’s a bit like having a gigantic full-body eczema with all the symptoms, but to the power of 10.

What is the cause of this syndrome, Doctor TROTTA?

This skin disease is caused by long-term use of cortisone.

Patients often take cortisone creams to treat eczema. The problem is that this cortisone, which has a very rapid effect on the disappearance of eczema symptoms, does not treat the causes, but only the consequences. See Doctor TROTTA’s article on eczema for other solutions.

Officially, eczema is treated with cortisone creams prescribed by GPs and dermatologists.

Parents therefore apply cortisone creams to their babies’ or children’s skin to treat these unsightly, itchy eczema patches.

The effect of cortisone is immediate, and this is the reason for its success.

But, like antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, cortisone creams are too powerful, too fast-acting in the short term, and thus prevent the real cause of the disease from being treated.

And as soon as you stop applying these creams, the eczema starts up again, and so it’s a vicious circle of eczema-cortisone-eczema-cortisone, etc. etc.

Exactly like the vicious circle, ENT infection-antibiotics-infection, urinary tract infection-antibiotics-urinary tract infection.

Hence the importance of this natural health blog by Doctor TROTTA, written by a field doctor who wants to alert and raise awareness of the dangers of taking chemical drugs over the long term, particularly cortisone, statins, anti-inflammatories and psychotropic drugs.

Because if we treat the real cause of illness with natural, effective medicine, we don’t see the terrible side-effects for sufferers, who end up handicapped for life in a terrible, vicious circle from which official medicine can scarcely extricate them, since official medicine’s weapons are mainly chemical drugs, which are responsible for all too many iatrogenic illnesses (illnesses caused by drugs).

Can you tell us a little about how this disease develops?

The most frequently observed pattern is as follows: in adulthood, after 10 to 20 years of taking cortisone creams, the patient realizes that this is not the solution and decides to stop the cortisone, at which point symptoms explode, with the appearance of eczema multiplied by 10, explaining the disease’s name of red skin syndrome.

Most doctors are not trained to diagnose this disease, which is somewhat of a taboo because it would mean acknowledging the failure of the treatments prescribed for eczema. So they treat it as eczema and re-prescribe cortisone creams, and the vicious circle starts all over again.

The bravest and most willing patients finally decide to go cortisone-free, but they don’t know which saint to turn to, because they’re living a veritable martyrdom.

Can you give us a specific example, Doctor TROTTA?

Yes, I can, because a patient came to me with this syndrome, which I didn’t know much about before. You know, it’s often your patients who inform you best. You have to listen to them, because they’re the ones who know what they’re going through in their flesh and blood.

The patient is 54 years old. She had been suffering from atopic dermatitis – which is the other name for eczema – since birth. She had been taking cortisone creams since birth to treat this eczema.

Until the age of 50, she used cortisone creams on her skin. At the age of 50, she decided to wean herself off cortisone creams and went through hell.

She refuses to take cortisone, since she has realized that this is what has made her sick. The doctors suggested giving her an immunosuppressant to reduce her symptoms, although this drug has serious side-effects, since it can promote serious viral infections and concerts. This medication didn’t work. So she decided to turn to natural medicine.

When she came to see me, she said “Doctor TROTTA, you are my last hope”.

I often hear this in my consultations, since it’s often desperate patients who consult me as a last resort.

Attached are photos of this patient’s wrists, showing red, cracked, dry cardboard skin.

What treatment have you undertaken, Doctor TROTTA?

1/ Correcting the main nutritional errors by eliminating sweets and cow’s milk products

2/ Treat the intestine, the linchpin of health, by prescribing the following nutritional supplements: first, treat the cause of her eczema, which is the cause of all her problems, since she’s had eczema since birth. Eczema is most likely an inflammatory disease of intestinal origin.

The intestinal flora must therefore be strengthened by taking :

PRODOCTADoctor TROTTA’s probiotic complex, to balance intestinal flora, the source of balanced immunity.

OMEDOCTA Doctor TROTTA’s omega3 complex to nourish the intestinal mucosa, making it impervious to the passage of toxins, bacteria and gluten fragments that are sometimes sources of eczema. These polyunsaturated fatty acids then deeply moisturize the skin, making it more supple.

D3-DOCTA Natural vitamin D from Doctor TROTTA to boost immunity and strengthen the intestinal mucosa.

1 capsule of each, i.e. 3 capsules every morning before breakfast for 3 months initially, to be repeated every 3 months for at least 1 year. It’s not a disease that can be cured in one fell swoop. A chronic disease requires regular management and treatment over several months to achieve satisfactory results, as in the case of this severe psoriasis treated by Dr Trotta.

What you need to understand is that treating the intestine, and doing so for a very long time, is the best way of curing this disease and avoiding the use of toxic chemical drugs, all of which aggravate the intestine.

3/ Dealing with stress and negative emotions

For the skin is nothing more than an unwound brain. It has the same embryological origin as the central nervous system, the ectoderm.

All doctors and patients know that emotional shocks affect the skin in the same way as psoriasis.

The prescription of ZENADOCTA1 capsule every evening at bedtime considerably calmed this patient’s stress levels, thanks to the presence of melatonin and valerian, gradually boosted her spirits thanks to the presence of St John’s Wort, and healed her damaged neurons (at night) thanks to the melatonin it contains.

Because by acting from below on the emotional and immune brain that is the intestine, and acting from above by taking this ZENADOCTA supplement from Doctor TROTTA, we prevent the negative effects of stress and emotions from getting under our skin.

4/ Drainage- Detox

This is the phase that is totally forgotten by modern medicine, which only intoxicates and forgets to properly cleanse the organs that eliminate, the so-called emunctories: the liver, intestine, lungs, kidneys and skin.

For this, prescription of DRENADOCTADoctor TROTTA’s Detox drainer. With 23 plants, it stimulates the organs and helps eliminate toxins through the kidneys and liver.

It is essential to drain and detoxify the organ of all the cortisone drugs and creams taken over many, many years.

One capful in half a liter of water (3/4 of a liter of water in summer).

5/ If you’re overweight and suffer from cortisone-induced oedema, try Doctor TROTTA’s micro-young detox-minceur: take this capful of DRENADOCTA in 1/3 liter of water, in the evening instead of dinner, five nights a week, more information in this article. Water retention disappears and weight loss is guaranteed.

6/ Absolutely treat oxidation, which is the accelerated ageing of the skin caused by taking these medications.

Every day, take C-DOCTAone teaspoonful, equivalent to about 6 g of vitamin C a day. You have two choices of vitamin C, either the classic, C-DOCTA L-ascorbic acid, or the alkaline, C-DOCTA sodium ascorbateif your stomach is sensitive to acidity.


1 month after the 1st on-site consultation and the 1st auricular acupuncture session: stress and negative emotions have disappeared, and sleep and morale have improved. No noticeable effects on the skin yet, which is normal as it takes a minimum of 3 months to balance the intestine and feel the effects on the skin.

3 months later: high spirits, less dry, much less itchy skin and disappearance of some bloody cracks. Loss of 4 kg and return to peak condition thanks to micro-jeun. Intestinal transit back to normal.

9 months later: relapse of symptoms due to summer nutritional errors: overeating of fried foods and sweets

1 year later: more serious resumption of supplements and correction of nutritional errors: signs of redskin syndrome disappeared on the skin of the stomach and back, there was a clear improvement on the legs and wrists, and the skin on the face returned to normal.

7/ and finally, for serious cases requiring more comprehensive, personalized and proactive care. There are three solutions available to you.

8/ Come to San Sebastian and consult Dr. TROTTA for a better diagnosis, with iridology, ear and tongue analysis, examination of various laboratory tests, etc. etc.

and session of auricular neuro acupuncture to treat stress, skin, intestine, liver and emotions.

In his 20 years’ experience of practicing this French acupuncture, recognized by the WHO as the French medical acupuncture, Dr. TROTTA insists on regularity and on treating the seven layers of the skin with 7 auricular acupuncture sessions.

9/ Customized prescription of INFODOCTA, containing Doctor Geffard’s digital endotherapy signals. Drugs developed by this doctor to treat rare, serious and desperate diseases.

10/ Use scalar waves, the waves that heal to increase your vital self-healing forces.

For these last three points, of course, a consultation with Dr. Trotta is essential, either on site if you are able to travel, or via telemedicine if you are unable to travel.

Dr. Pascal Trotta
Specialist physician, Former intern at Paris Hospitals
Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine

Make an appointment at the practice or online with Dr.: Tel 05 54 54 44 43

Order Tel: 05 54 54 44 43

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Also read

Eczema, treating it naturally, without cortisone

How to treat eczema without cortisone or side effects.


Example of a recent psoriasis treatment at Dr Trotta's Institute of Natural Medicine