What is a vitamin?
The term vitamin comes from the Latin“vita“: life, and“amine“: an organic compound. Vitamins are biological substances essential to life, which the body cannot synthesize. It must therefore be supplied to the body externally.
There are 13 types of vitamin that play an essential role in our bodies: the B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, B12), vitamin C, and vitamins A, D, E and K.
What is vitamin D used for?
Vitamin D is mainly used to :
What foods are rich in vitamin D?
Vitamin D is found mainly in fish: sardines, mackerel, cod liver oil, trout, swordfish, salmon.
It is also found in eggs, dark chocolate and mushrooms.
Why are we vitamin D deficient?
Without realizing it, a considerable number of people are vitamin D deficient, since most foods are low in vitamin D, and few people eat foods containing it on a daily basis (sardines, mackerel, cod liver oil, etc.).
Vitamin D is also synthesized by the action of sunlight captured by our skin. However, we are only exposed to these rays for 2 to 3 months a year, which explains why we are often vitamin D deficient during the autumn and winter seasons.
According to the French Academy of Medicine, 80% of French people are vitamin D deficient. Since 2012, it has therefore been recommending a daily intake of 800 to 1000 international units (IU).
The most vitamin D-deficient people are :
Vitamin D supplementation, particularly in autumn and winter, can be particularly beneficial. Laboratoire Nutritional Dr Trotta offers you a dietary supplement for everyday use: D3-DOCTA, easily assimilated and bioavailable vitamin D.
One 10 mg capsule of D3-DOCTA provides 1000 IU of Vitamin D, which is the reasonably recommended daily dose (500% of RDA). This dose is a fair balance between the official RDA of 200 IU and the massive single-dose quarterly ampoule of 200,000 IU, which is excessive. In other words, it’s better to take a sufficient daily dose (1000 IU/d).
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