Back pain: a solution?

Is back pain inevitable? No !

Doctor Trotta’s natural and effective way to get rid of back pain.

Back pain, the disease of the century” was the saying in the 20th century.

This article concerns chronic low-back pain and non-surgical sciatica (90% of sciatica) and will not deal with acute lumbago, which is a mechanical accident. It also covers chronic cervicalgia, dorsalgia and lumbar stiffness.

This does not apply to spinal pain caused by tumors or metastases, which account for less than 5% of back pain.

In just a few words, I’m going to tell you how to get rid of back pain using a natural, effective method that I’ve tried out myself and which has proved its effectiveness in my clientele over the last 10 years.

Doctor Pascal Trotta’s natural advice for a permanent cure for back pain


Colon and Colonne have the same etymological root.

There’s a causal link between the balance of your colon and that of your spine.

There can be no long-term balance of your spine if your colon is not healthy.

This is to explain the importance of diet in reducing and eliminating most of your back pain.

Two mechanisms are involved in this nutritionally-induced back pain: acidosis and inflammation.
Acidosis is caused by an excess of meat, dairy products, cereals, canned goods and sweets. If you eat too many of these foods, it’s as if you’re depositing microbes in your spinal discs and ligaments every day, which of course causes pain. To reduce these acids in your spine and thus the pain, you need to reduce these foods and increase anti-acidifying (or alkalinizing) foods such as vegetables, which you should eat every day, fruit and lemon instead of vinegar.

Inflammation: this is caused by an imbalance of fats, with an excess of pro-inflammatory saturated fats such as red meats, dairy products, refined oils, palm and sunflower oils and fried foods. To combat this inflammation, which is at the root of your lower back pain, we need to reduce these bad fats in our diet and increase the good fats such as walnuts, sardines, mackerel, herring, first cold-pressed extra-virgin rapeseed, walnut or linseed oil (which should be eaten raw, never cooked).

This little shortcut symbolizes the second cause of your back pain.
As we get older, from the age of 30 onwards, our abdominal muscles become slacker, whereas our lumbar muscles remain very toned and hardly slacken at all.
In fact, your spine is like a ship’s mast: to stay balanced, it has to be held in place by the props at the front (abdominal muscles) and the shrouds at the back (lumbar muscles on either side of the spine).
If you don’t exercise your abdominal muscles regularly, they will inevitably become slack (in women, this slackening is accentuated by pregnancy) and the spine will lean back a little further (known as hyperlordosis), putting pressure on the posterior joints and causing most back pain. If this excessive arching continues, and is not corrected, it leads to posterior joint osteoarthritis, which can become disabling from the age of 60 onwards, especially if you are overweight with a protruding abdomen that will increase the imbalance on your spine.

This popular expression aptly expresses the reality experienced in consultation.

Many patients come to me with chronic back pain.

Often, it’s only after the second or third consultation that the complex reality of the person’s life can be identified, and all the worries that have accumulated and led to an excessive moral burden that is often passed on to the back.
Everyone has their own alarm bell and weak point that manifests itself during psychological suffering.

Symptoms are the true language of the body when speech is blocked or emotions too strong to be expressed properly.

Consulting a doctor is a very effective way of freeing your emotions, transferring them to him or her so that he or she can console you and help you.

Homeopathy is an excellent way of reducing anxiety and helping to balance the psyche, thus avoiding as far as possible the use of the chemical drugs that far too many French people take.


The spinal column is a symbolic ladder that you must climb throughout your life.
Up to the age of 40, we focus on the lower part of the spinal column, corresponding to our growth state: first we walk on all fours, then we stand up thanks to an extension of the lumbosacral hinge, then we build our body and our professional and family life. In this way, we gradually climb the ladder from the sacral to the lumbar spine, which corresponds to the state of matter. At the age of 40, which corresponds roughly to the halfway point in life, we have to pass through the diaphragm, known as the “men’s gate”, to continue climbing up the thoracic and then cervical spine.
If we don’t take this crucial step, we risk getting stuck below the belt and continuing to suffer from lumbar spine pain.

For some people, 40 is the “mid-life crisis”, a strong symbolic crisis that allows people to pause and reflect on the meaning of their lives.
Up to that point, we’ve spent a colossal amount of energy building our bodies, our intelligence, our studies, our professional and family lives. Then we reach the age of 40, and some of us feel a sense of unease, despair, questions and doubts: It’s important not to stifle these feelings with a chemical straitjacket, but to let them express themselves, and to be accompanied by someone who knows what they’re feeling, so as to be able to carry their meaning and sublimate this phase, allowing us to definitively pass through the “gateway to mankind” and continue to climb the ladder of life that is our spinal column.

This human suffering, often passing through the spinal column, enables man, if he becomes aware of it, to follow his vocation, which is an essentially spiritual one. Thus, many back pains are signs to be listened to, leading to spiritual growth.
For further information: “La parole au cœur du corps”, “Symbolisme du corps humain” by Annick de Souzenelle.

From the age of 18 to 39, I suffered almost continuously from chronic lower back pain. I remember that, as a medical student, I often held my lower back with both hands because it hurt so much, and that I had to wear a whalebone corset when I went on motorcycle trips to avoid the pain.

L’alimentation, la première médecine, book by Docteur pascaltrotta
At the age of 39, I decided to change my diet (which I explain well in my book), also because of recurring sinusitis and rhinitis. For three months, I suffered almost every night from back burns, to the point where I dreamed of an axe to cut my back vertebrae and thus leave this pain behind. I’m surprised, because when I changed my diet, I thought I’d get better right away. But I didn’t know that it would take a minimum of three months to deeply balance my intestine and purify my body of all the toxins accumulated over the years.
Well, after that difficult three-month period, and having held firm in correcting my bad eating habits, I saw rhinitis, sinusitis and back pain disappear.
As a result, at 52 now, I have 10 times less back pain than when I was 18!
All this is the fruit of a new awareness and a change of lifestyle that has led to real healing.
What mistakes did I make and how did I correct them to achieve such results?
I’ve always had a sweet tooth, and in my youth I ate mainly sugars, milk, yoghurts, custards, chocolate creams, jams, white bread, BN chocolates, madeleines, Kellogs cereals and Weetabix. I hated vegetables, sardines and ate little fruit, except on summer vacations.
At the age of 39, I did away with all this and started eating vegetables every day, at lunchtime and in the evening. I did away with my breakfast of industrial cereals and milk, and instead ate my famous fruit-based breakfast in the morning. This considerably reduced the acidosis and inflammation of my spinal discs and ligaments, and gradually eased all the pain that had plagued me until then.
Why don’t you give it a try?


A/ Diet, the first MEDICINE A healthy colon will reduce spinal pain (by reducing acidosis and inflammation).

Regular use ofOMEDOCTA will reduce inflammation (taken for at least 3 months to stop chronic inflammation)
PRODOCTA will balance your colon if you have signs of abdominal pain, colopathy, constipation and poor digestion.
SILIDOCTA will help maintain the elasticity of your spine from the age of 40-50: silica deficiency is the cause of much stiffness, and its correction helps keep ligaments and lumbar discs supple for longer.
ANTIDOLTA is the doctor’s powerful, natural pain-relieving gel that enables you to massage your back and lumbar region, effectively reducing localized tension, stiffness, contarction and pain.

This pain pack is specially designed for back sufferers who want the 3 most essential supplements to start their natural back pain treatment: ANTIDOLTA, SILIDOCTA, OMEDOCTA. It is designed to last one month. If that’s not enough, you’ll need to recommend more to complete the effect.

Exercise regularly: strengthen your abdominal muscles, stretch your hamstrings, and promote flexibility and balance in your spine. Aqua-gym is excellent for this.

B/ Homeopathy:

This beautiful 21st-century electro-magnetic medicine will regulate your stress, modulate your emotions and, little by little, make you more serene, thus helping to relieve psychic tension in your back.

Homeopathy prescribed by doctor pascal trotta

C/ Auricular acupuncture
It’s the best pain-relieving therapy I know, and most of the new patients who come to my practice come for this very reason.
It’s 100 times more effective than anti-inflammatory drugs, without the side effects, and treats inflammation, contractures, spinal pain and stress/anxiety at the same time.

As you can see in the drawing opposite, all the vertebrae in your spine are represented in your 2 ears, so we can determine which vertebral segment or disc is the cause of your pain (diagnosis) and treat it at the same time.

The statistical results are as follows: 80% improvement in 80% of cases after three sessions spaced one month apart. Who can beat that?

D/ Listening and compassion
When you come to see your doctor, you can put down your bag of worries, cry into it, and if your doctor loves his job and humanity, he’ll console you, which will bring you faster relief.
Listening is a very important part of my job and my consultations: I put myself in my patients’ shoes, and I try as best I can to relieve them so that they leave with a better morale, and with less moral and physical pain.
You know when the body suffers it’s often the soul that cries.

Faced with this natural, humane and effective medicine, the hospital-academic medicine taught to us in the Faculty of MEDICINE proposes above all a technical and rational approach that I don’t reject, because it enables us to make very good diagnoses, thanks in particular to the immense progress in medical imaging in which I’ve been involved.

The only problem is that therapeutic responses are often incomplete and have side effects.

Anti-inflammatory drugs only treat acute inflammation, and certainly not the chronic micro-inflammation at the root of most low back pain. What’s more, I consider them to be dangerous drugs, as they considerably disrupt your intestinal micro-system, which is the basis of your health. They also have harmful effects on your kidneys.

The infiltrations I’ve carried out as a radiologist (under X-ray and CT scan control) are often very effective, but their effect doesn’t last very long and unfortunately they’re cortisone-based, which can have side-effects, especially if they’re repeated: water retention, edema, diabetic imbalance and risk of infection.

Surgery is reserved only for patients resistant to well-managed medical treatment, and is not without complications: how many patients have I seen totally unbalanced by poorly indicated arthrodesis (blocking a lumbar segment with metal rods)? I’m not talking here about the surgical cure of herniated discs in cases of paralysis or unbearable pain (the real indications for herniated disc surgery).
Operating on a patient with chronic low back pain without taking their suffering into account is often the cause of failure and disability.

In conclusion, having practised this first hospital-academic medicine, and since then practising another, more natural medicine that is more respectful of the real causes of low back pain, I now only exceptionally use anti-inflammatory drugs (I hardly ever prescribe them, as auricular acupuncture allows me to do without them).

And the combination of effective nutritional supplements to rebalance the colon and therefore the spine, homeopathy to modulate stress and anxiety, auricular acupuncture to reduce pain and stress, and attentive listening, can significantly improve situations that previously seemed inextricable or incurable, naturally, humanely and without side effects.

And to enable people with back problems to continue on their way as “Men” or “Women” on their feet!

Testimonial from 09/11/2018

“I was suffering from sciatica in a standing position, due to a narrowing of the lumbar canal caused by osteoarthritis. Your treatment (3 sessions of auricular acupuncture and taking the supplements Silidocta, omedocta and regular massages with Antidolta pain-relieving gel) has given me great relief’ and I can now stand without pain. Many thanks, Dr Trotta”. Patrice . September 2018.

“Hello, I have finished the treatment you gave me for my back. No more pain, and I wanted to know what you would advise me to do now. Best regards ” Patrice .

For more personalized advice, you can consult Dr. Trotta personally.

– or remotely via telemedicine

– or on site at the Institut de Médecine Naturelle in San Sebastian, Basque Country

Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country

Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta
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Order Dr Trotta’s natural supplements:

– or by calling 05 54 54 44 43

– or on the online site: Dr Trotta’s laboratory

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