Short explanatory video by the Doctor

What is burn-out? How can it be prevented and treated without chemical drugs?

Pascal IDE’s book “Le burnout, une maladie du don” explains why not everyone suffers from burnout.

Burnout means that the body’s boiler is no longer capable of producing energy.

Anyone who has experienced burnout or been close to it knows what it’s like.

One day you can’t get up to go to work and it takes several months to recover.

Before the widespread use of this Anglo-Saxon term, people used to say “I’ve cracked”, “I can’t take it anymore”, “I’m out of order”…..

In medical terms, burnout is adrenal exhaustion. The adrenals are the glands that secrete the stress hormones cortisol and adrenalin.

In automotive terms, burnout is running out of fuel.
You take your car on a trip, and in the end, you’re forced or you impose on yourself a journey that’s much longer than planned. And you don’t have time to refuel en route, so in the end you don’t arrive at your destination – you’ve run out of fuel: you’ve stopped or can’t go any further: that’s burnout.

But before you reach burnout, your body has been sending you signals that you haven’t been able to listen to: sensations of permanent stress, weariness, discouragement, anxiety, or bodily signals such as lower back pain, knee pain, eczema, digestive problems, migraines, or even the flu, which forces you to go to bed to finally get some rest. And this rest that you won’t take, because you’ll be taking anti-inflammatories and antibiotics because you don’t have time to rest, will eventually be forced upon you by burnout, which means that one day you won’t be able to get up to go to work or take care of your many activities.

Pascal IDE clearly demonstrates that this illness affects specific professions, namely the gift and service professions. The professions most affected by burnout are teachers, doctors, social workers and the clergy. From my own experience as a doctor in the field, I would also add mothers who work at home and increasingly outside the home (see my article on this subject: Exhausted mothers).

These are professions in which you give a great deal of yourself to teach, to discipline, to heal, to console, to cure illnesses of the soul and to lead back to a spiritual path people who are often lost in this world of people running around.

Most people suffering from burnout know how to give, but they don’t know how to receive. In the end, they don’t know that they don’t know how to give well. Because to give well, you need to know how to receive.
Because giving without receiving is like tilting a hose containing water, tilting it slightly. Eventually, the hose empties drop by drop until it’s completely dry. That’s giving without receiving. And when it’s dry, you’ve run out of gas and burnout.
Whereas giving while receiving means building a reservoir like a basin in the middle of the hose, which will contain a reserve of water. This means that when the hose is filled, some of the water will fill the basin at the bottom of the hose, and when the hose is tilted, a small trickle of water will always flow through it, never running out.

People who give a lot of themselves, their time, their energy and their compassion, need to learn to recharge.
To be able to give well, you need to be able to recuperate and recharge your own batteries.

Our energy reserves are depleted during the day and throughout the year when we give so much of ourselves.
We must therefore learn to receive, and receiving means taking time for ourselves to recharge our batteries. It’s not about being selfish, it’s about recognizing the natural law.
“He who wishes to go far, spares his mount”, and in the end, he or she who falls into burnout has not spared his or her mount sufficiently.

How can burnout be prevented?

This means regular rest periods.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Regular meal and bedtimes.
During the day, a short 20-minute nap after a meal is beneficial for concentration and digestion, and 20 minutes is enough time to recover.
During the week, you should relax at least on Sundays, and if not, on weekends or two days a week for those who work weekends.

Ideally, if you have an “overworked” job, you should stop for a week every two months. Some people will say it’s impossible, but it’s all possible – it’s a question of willpower and organization. One day, when I was pre-burnout in my job as a radiologist and had already seen 50 patient files in the morning, a patient, who was waiting for me in ultrasound and to whom I was apologizing for being late because of the work overload (and to whom I had confided, “I can’t take these hellish rhythms any more), had this word of wisdom: “But Doctor, you are the master of your own destiny”!

You need to feed your body and brain properly. That’s the aim of my health blog and my book “living food the first medicine”.
You need to give your brain the fats it needs to resist stress and function better: nuts, sardines, mackerel, anchovies.

If you feel tired, take the following supplement VITADOCTA which provides vitamins and natural vitalizing agents to help you through the day….. Until you get the rest you deserve.
If you have trouble falling asleep or waking up at night, take ZENADOCTA to treat insomnia much more naturally than anxiolytics and sleeping pills. Because all artificial psychotropic drugs are drugs that are very difficult to give up afterwards, and are highly addictive and habit-forming.
What’s more, they have deleterious effects on the brain, leading to cerebral slowing and can jeopardize your health if you fall asleep at the wheel or fall over.

How can burnout be treated naturally once it has set in?

To cope, you may be prescribed antidepressants or anxiolytics, as well as an extremely long rest cure.

Drawing on his experience in treating acute and chronic illnesses using natural, effective methods, Doctor Trotta advises you to:
1/ rest for as long as you need to recharge your batteries
2/ take this for six months: OMEDOCTA 3 capsules a day for 3 months to provide your brain with all the fats it needs to recover and function properly in the future, and to improve its resistance to stress.
3 / VITADOCTA : a concentrate of natural products that I’ve developed to provide your body with all the elements it needs to replenish your depleted energy reserves
4/ ZENADOCTA : the supplement that helps you rediscover your “Zen attitude”, sleep better and recover better.

Taking the treatment for three months will allow you to rebuild your strength.

But don’t ever go “sabre-rattling” without a rest like you used to, and put your feet up from time to time and know how to rest.

5/ Auricular acupuncture

Recognized by the WHO as “The French medical acupuncture”, this internationally renowned branch of French medicine balances the BRAIN and INTESTIN (our emotional brain).

A minimum of three sessions spaced one month apart is generally required to complete the action of dietary supplements in the treatment of burn-out, the time needed to balance our gut and restore our body’s energy.

6/Scalar waves Scalar waves: revolutionary new wave therapy to boost your body– your body is your best doctor.

These natural waves, in the form of your DNA, will resonate with your cells, harmonizing them and “carrying” to them the information contained in the natural treatments that Dr. Trotta will have prescribed for you on a personalized basis.

In this way, it is possible to immediately inform all the cells in your body with a single session at the end of the consultation. A session that will not only soothe and relax you, but also stimulate all your cells and neurons with the healing frequencies of vitamins, sprouted seeds… etc…

The first session is offered by Dr. Trotta at the end of the consultation.

Micronutrition, auricular acupuncture and scalar waves help to overcome most burn-outs, in an environmentally-friendly and sustainable way, without side-effects, for the benefit of the patient, his family and his environment.

Recent article warning about the lack of understanding of burn-out: “Doctors urged to take burn-out more seriously”: http: //

For our natural medicine center, this has long been a priority. Our patients’ well-being is our priority.

Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country

Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta: Tel 05 54 54 44 43
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