Doctor Pascal TROTTA’s advice for anyone feeling tired or worn out
“I’m tired all the time…” “I’ve lost my vitality…” “I don’t move forward anymore….”
This is what Dr Trotta regularly hears in consultation from those who come to see him or her because they’ve reached the end of their tether.
Psychological fatigue is essentially due to a little-known deficiency in good omega-3 fatty acids, caused by an imbalance between dietary fats (too much omega-6, such as dairy products, and not enough omega-3, such as sardines and walnuts).
The modern diet is too rich in saturated fatty acids (cooked meats, cow’s milk, fried foods, potato chips, peanuts, palm oil) and deficient in Omega3 (sardines, linseed and walnut oils).
Our brains need good fats. To oil your brain, which is a fantastic engine, you need Formula 1 oil. And that oil is OMEDOCTA, which contains the famous DHA your brain needs to function properly. DHA is cervonic acid, the fatty acid your brain vitally needs. You need to supply it every day. Frequent deficiencies of this essential fatty acid can lead to mental fatigue, learning difficulties, memory loss, melancholy, apathy, sadness and feelings that can lead to depression if the deficiency is prolonged.
Fatigue and exhaustion are only the consequences of this deficiency. You’ll need to replenish your reserves and take the following for six months:
OMEDOCTA 1 capsule daily (before breakfast or dinner).
Nuts: 5/ day
Fresh or canned sardines or mackerel: 3x/ week
First cold-pressed rapeseed oil, mix with olive oil for all salads.
This Omega 3 deficiency is something Dr trotta sees regularly in his consultations, and is a genuine public health problem that is poorly understood and poorly treated.
Taking 1 capsule ofOMEDOCTA every day for at least six months will gradually eliminate fatigue.
Add a soft-boiled egg or a bit of ham or sheep’s cheese
to your breakfast, which needs to be higher in protein to prevent you from feeling tired at 11am or getting the munchies in the afternoon.
when you lack vitality, when everything requires a superhuman effort, when you risk burn-out, then take VITADOCTA which contains a complex of Ginseng, Royal Jelly, Guarana, Magnesium and Vitamin B6.
The ideal complement to boost your energy:
– before exams for students, the
– on working days during the week for overworked professionals.
– in the depths of winter when you’re tired
– during convalescence from infection or hospitalization
– when treatments such as chemo or others make you tired.
Finally, take vitamin C regularly: Dr Trotta recommends 2 types of vitamin C
– L ascorbic acid C-DOCTA L ascorbic acid for those with a normal stomach not sensitive to acidity.
– For those with sensitive stomachs, Dr Trotta recommends Sodium C-DOCTA Ascorbate a non-acidic, alkaline formula of Vitamin C.
For each of these 2 powdered forms, take one teaspoon (in a glass of water) every morning or evening to prevent fatigue (contrary to popular belief, taking vitamin C in pure powder form, i.e. without excipients, does not excite, and provides excellent restorative sleep.
If you’re tired: take 1 heaped dessert spoon a day.
If you are exhausted, in burn-out take 2 to 3 teaspoons a day (i.e. up to 2Og of Vit C/day) without any danger to yourself, on the contrary. And if your stools become loose or you have mild diarrhoea, it’s a sign that you’ve taken the necessary dose of Vit C and that you need to stop taking this vitamin for one or 2 days and then take a lower dose.
The last deficiency to explain fatigue is iron deficiency, especially in women with heavy periods.
Every month, a woman loses blood and must therefore replenish her iron reserves to avoid anaemia, a major source of fatigue.
Look at the color of the conjunctivae of your lower eyelids: if they are not clearly red or pink,
and are rather pale, you are probably iron deficient. And iron deficiency can make you depressed! (a little-known cause of depression).
If you suffer from hair loss, brittle nails or rheumatism, take a silicon-rich supplement to regain your vitality.
In this case, take for three months:
SILIDOCTA two capfuls a day (before breakfast and dinner)
This natural plant complex contains everything you need to effectively treat
your micro-deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, iron and silica.
Taking 1 capful a day will restore your vitality and drive.
Eat black pudding at least once a week (for those who like it), drink red wine regularly (you can prevent iron deficiency by drinking small quantities of red wine) and eat lentils, which are rich in iron. In the morning or evening, make ricorée infusions, which facilitate iron absorption and contain no caffeine.
Dr Pascal Trotta,
Former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, Specialist Physician, Radiologist, Homeopath, Founder of the San Sebastian Institute of Natural Medicine
Paseo de los Fueros 3, 20005 San Sebastián, Basque Country
Request an appointment for a consultation with Dr Trotta Tel: 05 54 54 44 43
– on site.
– online.
Order Dr Trotta’s natural supplements:
– Tel: 05 54 54 44 43
– Dr Trotta’s laboratory
– or click below on the image of the desired supplement or pack
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