Our advice

Gingivitis, an effective and environmentally-friendly treatment

Fast, natural and effective treatment for gingivitis

The Doctor's gluten-free breakfast

The Doctor's energizing gluten-free breakfast

Let's stay united and free of GMO vaccines.

1/ Should we run out and get vaccinated? 2/ How can we stand united against this tyranny that never says its name?

Dr Trotta's tips for treating influenza, covid and febrile viruses

Advice from an experienced field doctor on how to treat all these viral diseases without doliprane and without complications, to avoid bacterial superinfections, complications and hospitalization.

How to sleep better naturally?

A good night's sleep without sleeping pills or chemical drugs, thanks to the advice of Dr. Pascal Trotta.

Helicobacter pilori: a solution without antibiotics?

Parkinson's: a natural treatment

Here are some tips for treating your Parkinson's disease more naturally, reducing the need for medication and making it effective for longer.

Diabetes: the real natural treatment

Doctor TROTTA's advice for preventing diabetes and balancing it naturally.

Shoulder tendonitis

Here's Dr. Trotta's advice if you want to get rid of shoulder pain and can't stand medication, infiltrations or the after-effects of surgery.

Natural skin

Beautiful skin is natural skin. Too many cosmetics are derived from petroleum products. It's not enough to add 5% natural ingredients to call a product natural; it has to be over 90% natural. Aware of this major public health problem, Dr. Trotta has developed a range of natural cosmetics at the request of his patients. Here you'll find all the information you need on BELLADOCTA cream for facial wrinkles and skin spots on the hands, HYDRADOCTA body lotion for after-sun, psoriasis or eczema.

Testimonial from a patient who lost weight with the slimming pack

I've continued taking Drenadocta every day and I'm feeling really good about it. I've lost 2.5 kg. I definitely feel lighter and can pull my stomach in.

"Living food, a fully-fledged preventive and curative medicine" by dr trotta. 1st edition . Ch1 and 2 online

"L'alimentation , une médecine à part entière préventive et curative", first edition of the book by dr pascal trotta, published in 2009 by Fr X de Guibert and now out of print. The first 2 chapters are now online.